Thursday, June 8, 2017

To Democrats the only valid election is the one where the Republican gets next to no votes


Comey joined the resistance: Never had a habit of writing memos before Trump was elected

Which is quite the admission given all the crap Obama & Co. perpetrated over the years, to which he was privy.

Comey is a NeverTrumper and the personification of the deep state.

From the story here:

Mr. Comey said he began taking notes on his meetings with the president because, from his first interaction with him, during the transition period, he thought Mr. Trump might lie about what was said.

He testified that he documented all of his meetings with Mr. Trump because it was so unusual for him to be discussing ongoing investigations, alone, with a sitting president. Mr. Comey had served in senior law enforcement positions under three presidents.

“The combination of factors just wasn’t present with either President Bush or President Obama,” he said.

In addition to being a NeverTrumper, James Comey is basically that rat from grade school everyone hated

Was "Reality Winner" named after a horse?

Muslim clit cutters

But I repeat myself.

Rod Dreher is a boob, calls Homer's Odyssey "a novel"

Let's hope no one puts him in charge of someone's classical Christian education somewhere.

Detroit Free Press says Michigan is ground zero for the Muslim clit cutters, girls from MN brought in for secret "operation"

Unfortunately, Ronald Reagan's crazy libertarian Judge Bernard Friedman is presiding over the case. You remember Friedman. He was the judge who overturned Michigan's 2004 Marriage Act in 2014.

From the story here:

[T[he [federal] government estimates that as many as 100 girls may have had their genitals cut at the hands of a local doctor and her cohorts.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Sara Woodward disclosed the information while trying to convince a judge to keep a doctor and his wife locked up in the historic case. It involves allegations that two Minnesota girls had their genitals cut at a Livonia clinic in February as part of a religious rite of passage and were told to keep what happened a secret. ...

Against Woodward's wishes, U.S. District Judge Bernard Friedman granted bond to two other defendants in the case: Dr. Fakhruddin Attar, 53, of Farmington Hills, who is accused of letting Nagarwala use his clinic to perform genital cutting procedures on minor girls; and his wife, Farida Attar, 50, who is accused of holding the girls' hands during the procedure to keep them from squirming and to calm them. ...

The government believes the three defendants, all members of a local Indian-Muslim sect, subjected numerous girls to genital cutting procedures over a 12-year period. ...  [Dr. Attar allegedly admitted] to authorities that he let Nagarwala use his clinic up to six times a year to treat children for genital rashes. ...

The defense has argued that the Attars did not engage in any criminal  act and that the procedure at issue is a protected religious rite-of-passage that involves no cutting, but rather a scraping of genital membrane.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Trump presidential approval at this point 39%, better than Bill Clinton's at 38%, according to FiveThirtyEight

Reported here:

Different polling outfits put Trump at varying levels of approval, but the RealClearPolitics average had him at 39.8 percent Tuesday, while the weighted average from FiveThirtyEight had him at exactly 39 percent. Not great numbers, but still better than Clinton. On Day 138 of his presidency, just 37.8 percent of Americans approved of the job he was doing, according to FiveThirtyEight.

Real Clear Energy editor is upset about a greater supply and demand for political speech

From the ninny's op-ed here:

Over time, these market forces lengthened the campaign season by almost a year, boosting the need to raise money to pay for media exposure, which in turn created both a greater supply and a greater demand for political speech. This reached its apogee during Trump’s circus-like, taboo-shattering transgressive candidacy, which created a feedback loop that generated billions of dollars in free airtime.

Muslims upset for some reason over Indiana billboard which never mentions Muhammad or Islam

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Why Google sucks

Google's search page often highlights an important holiday, birthday, or whatever.

For example, just a few days ago it commemorated the birthdate of the gay "inventor" of the rainbow flag.

Today is the anniversary of the Normandy invasion, when 18-year old American boys died for your stupid libertarian gay "freedoms", many mowed down in their landing boats before they even got to the beaches.

But what does show today?


Promiscuous homosexuals

The conclusion of The Intercept's story on the leaked NSA report about election hacking is total crap

From the conclusion here:

The NSA conclusion “demonstrates that countries are looking at specific tactics for election manipulation, and we need to be vigilant in defense,” said [Harvard University's Bruce] Schneier. “Elections do two things: one choose the winner, and two, they convince the loser. To the extent the elections are vulnerable to hacking, we risk the legitimacy of the voting process, even if there is no actual hacking at the time.”

Throughout history, the transfer of power has been the moment of greatest weakness for societies, leading to untold bloodshed. The peaceful transfer of power is one of the greatest innovations of democracy.

“It’s not just that [an election] has to be fair, it has to be demonstrably fair, so that the loser says, ‘Yep, I lost fair and square.’ If you can’t do that, you’re screwed,” said Schneier. “They’ll tear themselves apart if they’re convinced it’s not accurate.”


Nixon never said that about JFK's theft of the election of 1960, because he was a patriot.

Every US state certified its election results in 2016. Every one. Because where there were problems, there were back up systems including paper ballots. Because the system is decentralized, multifarious and controlled by local officials it is robust. All the faults of the current chaos of voting in the United States are its strengths, protecting the integrity of the results.

All of this is admitted in the story, because even its authors know it to be the truth.

Sunday, June 4, 2017