Monday, February 27, 2017

My hometown is a small town: Libertarians chafe at staying in the same place

Tyler Cowen, here:

Americans traditionally have thought of themselves as the great movers, and indeed that was true in the nineteenth century and even through most of the twentieth. But since the 1980s, Americans have become much less restless in movements across the country, and more people are looking to simply settle down and entrench themselves.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Why does the Trump Admin. communicate with its supporters with an Obama Archive button on the page?

Repeal the income tax of 1913: It facilitates the massive growth of our enemy the administrative state

After the passage of the income tax in 1913, outlays doubled from $2.9 billion in 1911 to $5.7 billion by 1917, and they keep doubling and doubling and doubling . . ..

In 2016 over 36% of GDP is diverted from the free market and misspent, poorly spent or destroyed. Almost $6.7 trillion . . . phhhhhht.

To kill the beast, stop feeding it.

Breitbart is an LLC owned by Larry Solov, the Mercer family, and Andrew Breitbart's widow Susie

Reported here.

Laugh of the Day: Over 100 days after death Politico still expects dead person to conduct her own autopsy

"In the absence of a definitive 2016 autopsy report from the Clinton campaign . . .."

I see dead people walking.

Witches around the world cast a spell on Trump and his supporters

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Tom Perez, supported by Obama and Biden, beats Ellison, supported by Sanders, 235-200 to head DNC

But WaPo, in sympathy with the defeated far left Ellison, can't bring itself to report it that way here, making you do the math:

The race was close enough that it required a second round of balloting, with Perez winning 235 of 435 votes cast. With tensions still high as the result was announced, nine Ellison supporters chanted “Party for the people, not big money!” and stormed out of the room.

Liberal insanity in Texas: Girl taking testosterone to become a boy permitted to compete and win girls' state wrestling title

They call her a transgender boy to confuse you.

She advanced through the competitions due to forfeitures by girls who refused to wrestle a girl who gained an unfair advantage from taking drugs.

But the story here doesn't tell you that.

The Chicago Tribune here has the true story which the Fort Worth, Texas Star-Telegram didn't want to tell you:

Mack Beggs, a junior at Euless Trinity High School in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, won a regional championship after two opposing wrestlers forfeited, apparently over concerns that Beggs has an unfair advantage because of testosterone treatments that are part of the transition.

Beggs, who has a 52-0 record, has a first-round match in the state tournament Friday in suburban Houston. 

Obama hollowed out the military and SECDEF Mattis wants to keep those responsible in place at DOD

Kimberley Strassel delivers the bad news here:

President Trump promised to rebuild our hollowed-out military, a cause as urgent as any domestic priority. Years of Obama budget cuts and neglect slashed force sizes and provoked a readiness crisis. Over half the Navy’s aircraft are grounded. Of 58 Army brigade combat teams, only three are ready to immediately join a fight. The Air Force is short pilots and aircraft maintenance workers. ...

[Mattis] wanted, for instance, former Obama undersecretary Michèle Flournoy for a top post. He’s looked to recruit from Ms. Flournoy’s liberal-hawk think tank, the Center for New American Security. And he’s pushed for some names who hail from Never Trump backgrounds, including Mary Beth Long, an official in George W. Bush’s Pentagon.

Perhaps only to make a point, Mr. Mattis is blocking some rock-star conservative talent. One is Mira Ricardel, a former Boeing executive and Bush Pentagon alum who helped with the Trump transition. Mr. Mattis continues to nix a long list of names offered by the White House team. ...

The Pentagon today remains in the hands of Obama holdovers who have spent years thwarting congressional requests, minimizing readiness problems, and generally covering for Obama failures. Those holdovers include Deputy Secretary Robert Work, an opponent of reform, and Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs Stephen Hedger.

Mr. Hedger helped write an infamous 2016 Pentagon memo outlining how the Obama administration could use a presidential veto of greater defense spending as a “weapon” to get other Obama priorities. Civil servants are also place-warming other key positions. As well-intentioned as many are, it’s unrealistic to expect this crew to march in a new direction after eight years under President Obama.

Mattis isn't a Mad Dog. He's just mad, as in crazy.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Nearly half of Trump's cabinet still not confirmed, a record, because of Congress

Nearly half of Trump's cabinet still not confirmed, a record, because of Congress

There's no urgency felt by the Congress, which has been in recess all week, but you wouldn't know that from the CNBC story, reported here:

More than a month in, nearly half of Trump's Cabinet nominees have yet to be confirmed by the Senate, the longest run for any modern president.

"It's just delay, delay, delay - it's really sad," Trump told a cheering crowd at a Conservative Political Action Committee meeting Friday. "I love setting records. But I hate having a Cabinet meeting and I see all these empty seats. I said, 'Democrats, please, approve our cabinet.'"

Hey Ann Coulter, stop covering for CPAC: They're unenthusiastic for Trump because they're libertarians, not conservatives

Trump to CPAC: Basically, all I've done is keep my promise

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

With its new motto "Democracy Dies in Darkness" maybe WaPo should switch all its publishing to Confide

That way its stories would evanesce into the ether and no one would ever be able to blame it again for its partisanship and lying.

What happens to investments when capital is misallocated to a foreign war and a war on poverty

Supreme Court ruling in 2011 requiring releases from Calif. prisons to ease overcrowding results in officer slaying on Monday

The story is here.

Justice Antonin Scalia, who dissented here, called it "perhaps the most radical injunction issued by a court in our Nation's history": 

Today the Court affirms what is perhaps the most radical injunction issued by a court in our Nation's history: an order requiring California to release the staggering number of 46,000 convicted criminals.

What? Roe v. Wade, which resulted in the deaths of millions of innocents, was less radical? Overturning millennia of marriage law and the statutes of 30 states was less radical? Obliging people to engage in health insurance commerce was not a repudiation of centuries of contract law? 

Antonin Scalia was right to dissent in this one, but come on, Solomon he was not.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

WNBA 98% lesbian, average attendance at a game is 7,655, NBA averages just shy of 18,000

So says WNBA star Candice Wiggins, here, who was

"harassed for being straight". . . “I would say 98 percent of the women in the WNBA are gay women. It was a conformist type of place. There was a whole different set of rules they [the other players] could apply.”

And you thought guys liked watching lesbians.

This woman is far more disgusting than Milo because she's paid by the state to sexually abuse children