WaPo implies more than 20 million are enrolled in a story out today
White House press secretary Josh Earnest said that Obama told Democrats that they are well positioned to defend the law, which has extended insurance to more than 20 million Americans.
Extended. As in offered. Here's the reality.
The Motley Fool
said in November it checked in June and the number actually enrolled and paying was 10.4 million:
The fourth open enrollment period of Obamacare, Officially known as the Affordable Care Act, kicked off this past Tuesday, Nov. 1, and it's slated to run through the end of January. At last check in June 2016, 10.4 million people were enrolled through the various marketplace exchanges, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The Congressional Budget Office has stuck by its forecast that roughly 10 million people will be enrolled and paying by Dec. 31, 2016.
A month
earlier the number was 11.1 million, meaning some people who enrolled early in the year subsequently stopped paying and fell out:
As a reminder, 11.1 million people remained enrolled and paying customers as of March 31, 2016 per the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services . . ..
Since last October it has been widely reported that the Obama Regime, soon to be history, has been predicting just 13.8 million sign-ups by the end of January 2017, which means Josh Earnest is nothing but a Stalinist stooge for the Regime, nothing but a salesman, and WaPo its willing accomplice in continuing to report the highly fanciful figure of 20 million.
Fake news, you see.
Obamacare has failed utterly and will be lucky to hit the 10 million mark this time around before President Trump ends the farce that it is.