Friday, September 23, 2016

Middle class self-identification has plummeted under Obama says Gallup's CEO: The lives of 25 million adults have "crashed"

The average of those identifying as middle class under eight years of George Bush was 61%.

In 2015 that's fallen to 51%.

Story here.

Globalist elitist Matthew Continetti thinks "a homogenous world", "universal principles" and "hybrid identity" are noble ideas

He differs not from Obama in holding to them.

Not a conservative, of course. But The Grauniad of all places provided some needed reactionary commentary on this in August here.

Democrat Marissa Mayer of Yahoo mishandles your email but makes Hillary look like a piker

She's just as good at the stonewalling, though. The hack of 500 million accounts was way back in 2014.

Story here and everywhere.

NY Times' story about police shooting in Tulsa never tells you the perp had PCP in the car

Here, even though that information was available a day earlier here.

The perp was blocking traffic, mumbling to himself outside of the car in the roadway, and not responding to the officers' orders.

The first degree manslaughter charge is ridiculous.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Publius Decius Mus imagines there is a transcendence which is outside of religion

Yes, there is. They used to call it "idolatry".

In any event, this excerpt shows that Decius simply fails to take the Protestantism of the American Founding seriously. One could blame the Founders for being too particular in this regard, but that's a different topic altogether.

The Old Right was, in my view, too particular in that it tried to base everything on tradition, on kith and kin, blood and soil and so on. It rejected any transcendence (beyond the religious) as “universalist” and liberal. This is my ultimate problem with Kirk, Bradford and the like.  They want to say that certain things are good while rejecting any fundamental, permanent ground for the good.  The New Right swung way to the other direction and insists on universals and sees all particulars—at least when asserted by Americans and Europeans—as insular and racist. The truth is that both are true in their sphere and both are necessary. Restoring a proper relationship between the universal and the particular is in my view the paramount theoretical challenge for whatever it is that follows conservatism.

William Voegeli doesn't know that Oliver Goldsmith's perhaps most famous axiom was written by Samuel Johnson

Are we therefore wrong to look to an Oliver Goldsmith, and then to a Donald Trump, "to lead and inspire"?

Stipulating all that for the sake of the argument does nothing to clarify how a Trump presidency remedies the afflictions catalogued in this sprawling diagnosis. Indeed, since many items on the list are social trends or crackpot ideas, it’s not clear how any president can reverse the damage being done. “How small, of all that human hearts endure,” wrote Oliver Goldsmith, “that part which laws or kings can cause or cure.” Conservatives invoke this axiom to rebuke liberal social planners, but it also calls into question whether political activity can effect moral and social regeneration. And to whatever extent Americans still look to presidents to lead and inspire through word and deed, Trump’s capacity to advance such causes as virtue, morality, religious faith, and stability is exceptionally doubtful.

What's wrong with America, epitomized by Glenn Harlan Reynolds

He thinks gay libertarian Peter Thiel would be an excellent nominee to the US Supreme Court.

The libertarian vote is like 1% of the population. LGBTQLSMFT is less than 4% of the population, but there isn't one Protestant on the Supreme Court even though 50% of the country is.  

Down by four two weeks ago, Rasmussen now has Trump +5 over Clinton

The fickle turn on the pneumonia dime.

Story here.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

To keep the peace, prepare for war

Hillary has nothing on the schedule until the debate on the 26th

Surrogates handle the schedule until she appears five days hence with Trump.

I predict she'll hold her own at the debate, as long as they give her what they gave her on 9/11 to recover so quickly from the health incident at Ground Zero.

And I'll betcha she was on the same cocktail during her Benghazi hearing before the Congress.

Hillary gets the best she can from Janet Yellen: Economy still too weak for the Fed to further normalize interest rates

Actually, the Fed is too weak morally to normalize interest rates, and won't move until after the election. A December hike if Trump is elected may well send the markets tumbling down, which you know will be blamed on his election, not on the Fed.

Meanwhile banks continue to get rich while impoverishing savers $100 billion quarterly since the end of 2008. That's $3.2 trillion they'll have robbed from the American people by the end of 2016.

Government of the banks, by the banks, and for the banks.

Politico reports here:

The Fed’s target rate is now just 0.25 percent to 0.50 percent, a remarkably low figure this late in an economic recovery that gives the central bank little room to maneuver should a new crisis or recession arise. So the Fed’s move avoids a market meltdown but offers fresh rhetorical evidence for Trump and other Republicans who argue that the economy is extraordinarily weak. ... Trump has also said that as president he would replace Yellen, whose term runs until February 2018. And he has ripped the Fed for creating what he has called a “false economy” with high stock prices but only modest wage gains and a very low labor-force participation rate.

Polling schmolling: In September to date it's been from Clinton +8 to Trump +5

Like I'm supposed to believe these polls are doing anything but suppressing the vote, not measuring it.

NBC News and The Wall Street Journal hate Donald Trump, so when they come out tonight with Clinton +7 through 9/19 am I going to believe that when the LA Times/USC poll which cants slightly Republican has Trump +5 through the same date?

Of course not.

The Real Clear Politics average has Clinton +1.9, from polls generally hostile to the threat posed by Donald J. Trump. We're doing OK.

Liberal blogger admits Hillary campaign in 2008 pushed birther issue through Sidney Blumenthal who fed over 60 stories on various subjects

I guess Martha Raddatz is right. The birther issue isn't over . . . for Hillary.

Liberal blogger admits he was Sid Blumenthal conduit to advance Mark Penn strategy against Obama

The tyranny of modernity: Obama says it has tolerance for all (except for fundamentalists, racists and ethnic supremacists)

But he repeats himself.

Quoted here and here:

“We must reject any form of fundamentalism, or racism or a belief in ethnic superiority that makes our traditional identities irreconcilable with modernity,” Obama said before the U.N. “It’s a truism that globalism has led to a collision of cultures.”

"Instead we need to embrace the tolerance that results from respect of all human beings," he said.

I'll go along with this analysis when the Amish mafia takes over the country and makes it so violent and undesirable that the foreign hoards suddenly stop trying to come here.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The recently ended El Nino shifted the declining 21st Century temperature trend UP by over 75%, but it's still declining!

Before the El Nino:

After the El Nino (which was already over by the May-June-July measuring period):

Why you should like Donald Trump: None of these men do

Today's Electoral College snapshot from Real Clear Politics has Clinton winning 293-245

Real Clear Politics shows Trump with 164 in the Electoral College, Clinton with 200, and 174 too close to call.

Based only on polling in the toss-up states with 174 as of this morning, Trump wins AZ, IA, OH, ME-2, GA and FL, bringing him to 245, 25 shy of the 270 he needs to win.

Clinton wins NV, CO, WI, MI, PA, NH, VA and NC, bringing her to 293, 23 more than she needs to win.

If Clinton lost NC and NV where the polls are razor thin, she would still prevail with 272. Lose in addition either CO or VA where her lead is under +4 and she's a goner.

Trump is currently under +2 in AZ, OH and FL.

49 days to election day 2016.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Pal of WaPo's Jennifer Rubin blames defeat of Romney on the mistaken idea of the decline of White Christian America

This is pure voter suppression on Jennifer Rubin's part.

White America isn't in decline. It's just that no one appeals to their interests anymore because it has been politically incorrect to do so.

The fact is that Romney received less than 59% of the white vote in 21 states and lost the white vote outright in 8, losing all 21 states to Obama in the process. But even as bad as that was, with just an 8% better performance among whites in only four states in the east Romney would still have defeated Obama.

Robert P. Jones, here, whose numbers are not granular, which is what is required for sound political analysis but not at WaPo (because it's a Democrat typing pool):

In the last presidential election, for example, about eight in ten of Mitt Romney’s supporters were white Christians, compared to only about one third of Barack Obama’s supporters.

Under Obama minorities have been hired to full-time jobs at the expense of whites