Thursday, June 30, 2016

Why do Bush Republicans support Hillary Clinton when even the Manchester Union Leader calls her a lying liar?

Birds of a feather flock together maybe?

From the editorial today, here:

Hillary Clinton lied. ... Hillary Clinton lying is not breaking news. ... For weeks, the administration framed the [Benghazi] attack as a response to a YouTube video, lying to the American people. Hillary Clinton personally peddled that lie to the victims’ relatives. ... She’s counting on the tribalism rife in modern American politics to shield her from responsibility for her blunders and lies. The Obama administration lied about what happened in Benghazi to win the 2012 presidential election. The Clinton campaign is hoping that history repeats itself.

Bushie Brent Scowcroft also endorses Hillary Clinton: Who's next, Jeb?

Story here.

Traitors to the Republican Party: Bushie Bailout King Hank Paulson joins Bushie Dick Armitage endorsing Hillary Clinton

Story here.

Lois Lerner committed a crime, sending 1.25 million pages of taxpayer returns to Obama's Justice Department

The crime occurred in October 2010, but Obama's Justice Department, which participated in the crime, decided in 2015 not to prosecute Lerner.

It is the most corrupt regime in the history of the republic.

The whole damn lot of them should be in jail, not in office.

Details here.

Rasmussen has Trump +4 over Clinton: 43-39

The tables have turned in this week’s White House Watch. After trailing Hillary Clinton by five points for the prior two weeks, Donald Trump has now taken a four-point lead.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

George Will leaves Republican Party over Trump: You know, the guy who predicted Mitt Romney to win in a landslide

Look up "tin ear for politics" and you will find George Will's picture: 321 Romney to 217 Obama, reported here November 4, 2012.

He's also a Cubs fan and an atheist, which somehow makes perfect sense: George Will believes in lost causes.

Trump is gonna eat her for Brexit

Seen here in the comments.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

No surprise: National Health Interview Survey finds just 2.4% of respondents, WHO WERE MUCH SICKER ON AVERAGE, were lesbian, gay and bi

Except the story never does the math to show how small a minority is LGBT, and never once mentions rampant sexually transmitted diseases among perverts because of their promiscuity, just "distress" from "discrimination" leading to increased alcohol and tobacco abuse.

Overall, 67,150 survey respondents were heterosexual, 525 lesbian, 624 gay and 515 bisexual. The average age was about 47.

She came, she saw, she effed it up

Monday, June 27, 2016

Smartest president ever says "forebearers" when he meant "forebears"

Once again, the smartest president ever hatchets the English language, but he'll continue to be portrayed as an intellectual giant in comparison to boobs like Sarah Palin. But "corpseman" lives, along with "intercontinental railroad" and other such gems. The press office transcript spells the word correctly, but of course Obama didn't pronounce it correctly.

As far as I can tell, only The Hill here accurately quoted Obama's mistake (which is on video here at about the 10:50 mark):

"We're going to have to make a decision about whether we are a people who tolerate the hypocrisy of a system where the workers who pick our fruit or make our beds never have the chance to get right with the law, or whether we're going to give them a chance, just like our forbearers had a chance, to take responsibility and give their kids a better future," he said.

Meanwhile The Hill leaves out the "e" and without a proper [sic] demonstrates it probably doesn't know it's a mistake.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Just call us WHUPS, as in whup your ass

For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of the Brits' country

Like her husband, Hillary Clinton did not tell the truth under oath

From the story here:

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Former Secretary Hillary Clinton failed to turn over a copy of a key message involving problems caused by her use of a private homebrew email server, the State Department confirmed Thursday. The disclosure makes it unclear what other work-related emails may have been deleted by the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee. ...

Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said the November 2010 email cited in the inspector general audit was one of several work-related emails that his group identified that Clinton sent or received but later failed to turn over the State Department.

"Contrary to her statement under oath suggesting otherwise, Mrs. Clinton did not return all her government emails to the State Department," Fitton said. "Our goal is to find out what other emails Mrs. Clinton and the State Department are hiding."

Friday, June 24, 2016

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Today was the first day Trump ever asked me for a campaign contribution

That's a year without a request, until now.