Sunday, June 3, 2012

Crude Is Down Nearly 25 Percent In 3 Months, Gasoline Is Falling

On February 25th I reported that gasoline prices had spiked in Grand Rapids, Michigan, from $3.13 to $3.48 in about one week's time, an 11 percent jump.

On June 1 I filled at $3.55 the gallon. Today the cheapest price is already $3.38 the gallon, a 5 percent fall.

The top price I paid this season was $3.89 the gallon, so we've fallen only 13 percent overall . . . so far.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Obama Blames High US Unemployment On . . . Europe!

Betcha thought he blamed Bush again, right?

The story is here:

Obama, speaking at a Chicago fundraiser on June 1 as he bids for re-election in November, said that a report showing the slowest month of U.S. employment growth in a year was in large part “attributable to Europe and the cloud that’s coming over from the Atlantic.” The “whole world economy has been weakened by it,” he said.

With this guy the buck always stops somewhere else.

Vehicles Sales At 14.4 Million Units Annualized Through March 2012

The chart is here and the data here.

Total auto loans outstanding in Q1 2012 came to approximately $686 billion, or 6 percent of the $11.44 trillion total household debt, according to the May 2012 report of The New York Federal Reserve.

Friday, June 1, 2012

The Shiller p/e Will Have To Get Much Lower Than This Before We Can Talk Of Capitulation

Capitulation means a multiple between 5 and 10, and assumes a complete lack of interest in stock investing. Tonight's multiple is still quite elevated above 20:

(This post replaces a previous one containing erroneous information about the Shiller p/e and has been deleted).

Misspelled Words Have Become Routinized At The Atlantic

As seen here, where the writer evidently thinks "routenized" is built off of "route", or something:

Gold To Oil Ratio Vaults To 19.5

Gold surged on US economic weakness and euro fears to $1,622 the ounce today, while oil has tumbled to $83 the barrel, elevating the gold to oil ratio 30 percent off the 15 level.

Average Unemployment: Pick A Year . . . Any Year

2001 4.7 percent
2002 5.8 percent
2003 6.0 percent
2004 5.5 percent
2005 5.1 percent
2006 4.6 percent
2007 4.6 percent
2008 5.8 percent
2009 9.3 percent
2010 9.6 percent
2011 9.0 percent
2012 8.2 percent (five months to date).

As soon as Obama takes credit for a year, you'll know it's no longer George Bush's fault.

Moral Hazard In Pictures

US Federal Reserve
European Central Bank

Bank of England

People's Bank of China
German Bundesbank

Bank of Japan
Banque de France
Swiss National Bank

The British Knee Is On The March!

“It’s quite impossible that the man who had invented Sir Roderick Spode in 1938 was prey to any covert sympathy for fascism.”

-- Christopher Hitchens on P.G. Wodehouse, quoted here

Deposit Insurance In Spain Is Meaningless

If you want to know why 100 billion euros have fled Spain in the first quarter of this year, here's why:

In Spain there are about 800 billion euros of insured deposits, but the deposit insurance fund has assets of just 7.9 billion euros, and 5.3 billion has already been committed to troubled savings bank Caja de Ahorros del Mediterraneo (CAM), Barclays analysts estimated.

Unemployment Rate Climbs To 8.2 Percent Despite Weasel Words From Bureau Of Lies And Statistics

Obama's Laser-Like Focus On Jobs
The report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics may be found here. PDF here.

Notice the attempt to weasel out of the fact that the rate actually increased 0.1 from last month by stating the rate was "essentially unchanged":

Nonfarm payroll employment changed little in May (+69,000), and the unemployment rate was essentially unchanged at 8.2 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Employment increased in health care, transportation and warehousing, and wholesale trade but declined in construction. Employment was little changed in most other major industries.

The Obama regime is presiding over an employment catastrophe above 8 percent for his entire presidency: 3 years and 4 months.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

GDP Revised Down For Q1 2012 From 2.2 Percent To 1.9 Percent

You talkin' to me?
Way to go, Brownie!

Here's the story from the horse's mouth:

Real gross domestic product -- the output of goods and services produced by labor and property located in the United States -- increased at an annual rate of 1.9 percent in the first quarter of 2012 (that is, from the fourth quarter to the first quarter), according to the "second" estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. In the fourth quarter of 2011, real GDP increased 3.0 percent.

The GDP estimate released today is based on more complete source data than were available for the "advance" estimate issued last month. In the advance estimate, the increase in real GDP was 2.2 percent (see "Revisions" on page 3).

The increase in real GDP in the first quarter primarily reflected positive contributions from personal consumption expenditures (PCE), exports, residential fixed investment, private inventory investment, and nonresidential fixed investment that were partly offset by negative contributions from federal government spending and state and local government spending. Imports, which are a subtraction in the calculation of GDP, increased.

The deceleration in real GDP in the first quarter primarily reflected a deceleration in private inventory investment, an acceleration in imports, and a deceleration in nonresidential fixed investment that were partly offset by accelerations in exports and in PCE.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Michelle Obama Lies About When And Why Obama Gave Up Pot

Neither one can tell the truth
Here's what Michelle Obama has just claimed, as quoted here, in response to a question about her husband's prolific pot-smoking habits:

'When he lost his father, that was one of those click-in moments. And he really buckled down, he transferred schools, went to Columbia, and thought about how to use his life to the fullest.'

This is nothing but the same sort of fictionalization we've come to expect from Obama himself, say, about his girlfriends, experiences with whom are conflated in his book in composite characters, not real ones.

Michelle is lying about the chronology of events which supposedly led to Barack becoming a serious person, pinning it all of the death of Barack Obama Sr. But Obama's father died late in 1982 when Barack was already at Columbia for a year. Barack transferred to Columbia in the fall of 1981. See for example, here.

The death of Obama's father had nothing to do with transferring to Columbia. In fact, the death post dates the move from Occidental to Columbia by two years.

The truth is we don't know when Obama quit smoking weed. But we do know Michelle Obama isn't telling the truth about it.

President Pothead Strikes Again, Angering Poland

This time the president has referred to Nazi concentration camps in Poland as Polish concentration camps.

Just one more reason why the president's past (?) drug use makes him unfit for office in the present. Kind of like how Biden's 1988 brain aneurysms have something to do with his now very full repertoire of offensive gaffes which disqualify him.

The story is here.

But look on the bright side. At least Obama didn't call Jan Karski a corpseman.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Middle Class Implies Far More Than Being Able To Buy A House

Robert Weissberg details here the older definition of what it meant to be middle class, you know, the one which is now politically incorrect to talk about, let alone be:

The core of being middle class was a strong work ethic, self-discipline, a willingness to defer gratification, an aversion for flashy consumption,  and an embrace of what might be called “respectability,” (i.e., sobriety), a morality that stressed honesty, a solid family life, being law-abiding, and valuing education (though not necessarily being “intellectual”).

Inner dispositions were associated with speaking clear, grammatical English, exhibiting decent table manners, never using profanity in public (and almost none in private, too), being “clean cut”  in appearances and always acting politely. Middle class members also abhorred the thought of taking government handouts. ...

These “square” traits were associated with material well-being but were really a result of middle class values, not its defining elements. Nobody believed that the causal flow was reversible—home ownership could inculcate middle-class values. In principle, it was possible to be lower class despite owning middle-class doodads. A well-paid entertainer may live well but could still be considered white trash if he dressed in tattered clothing, beat his wife, openly philandered, cursed and spit in public and spent a dime for every nickel earned.

Case Shiller Home Price Index Falls To 128.13 Through 12/31/11

And everyone's happy for some reason.

When you consider that the mean for the whole history of the index is 123 and the median 120, which include the irrational exuberance of recent history, today's new low of 128 after this massive, outlier, bubble merely looks like more progress in the direction of regression toward the mean, not a "bottom" as many are saying. Indeed, the historical mean implies we have a fair way DOWN to go in price, to say nothing of the very real possibility of overshooting that to the downside.

The quarterly index, adjusted for inflation, has now hit today's level eight times in the post-war period:

Dec. 31, 2011 128.13
Mar. 31, 1999 128.40
Dec. 31, 1990 128.27
Dec. 31, 1979 128.78
Sep. 30, 1978 128.22
Dec. 31, 1955 128.21
Mar. 31, 1955 128.15
Dec. 31, 1954 128.30.

There's enough history between 110 and 130 to suggest that "normal" is still somewhere south of 128.

Take two aspirin every morning and call me in ten years.

Go here for the chart.

Banking Since 1913 In A Nutshell

From Daniel Oliver at Myrmikan Capital, here

Like any Ponzi scheme, the fractional reserve system must periodically collapse because wealth creation cannot stem from an eternal expansion of credit. Betrayed and confused, the little people march into the halls of power and hang the perpetrators from the nearest lamp posts. ...

When the next crisis comes, as it must, the central banks of the world will face the same choice as in 2008, only on a larger scale. They will have to decide whether to allow the major banks to fail, wiping out trillions of dollars of paper wealth and plunging the globe into a 1931-style bond market failure depression, or to print money on an even larger scale.

That crisis may be here now, which, perhaps, is what the gold markets have been telegraphing for months. ... 

Monday, May 28, 2012

In 1944, Christian Men Made The Best Soldiers

Dear Friend:

Pvt. V. L. Meyer was with us in our Field Service last Sunday afternoon. The men of his Battalion and attached units are on maneuvers in the Wichita Mountains near Fort Sill for two weeks. Since the men cannot come to the Chapel on Sunday, we take the service out to them.

We take our Field Organ and small books with familiar hymns in them. The men are usually brought by truck to a place set for the service. It is entirely up to the men whether they attend.

We meet them at the appointed place and have an informal outdoor service. The men choose the hymns and we have a short message, scripture readings and prayers.

The outstanding leaders of our armed forces are convinced that Christian men make the best soldiers, sailors and marines. With their fine cooperation, we do our best to help the men be real Christians.

Sincerely yours, 

Lawrence C. Upton
Chaplain (Capt.)

Jan. 3, 1944

They Didn't Die . . .

. . . for this

Sunday, May 27, 2012

TSA VIPR Unit Patrolling Beneath Elevated Trains For Detroit Electronic Music Fest

As reported here by an attendee:

“[I]f you don’t like it,” the solution is clear: don’t leave your house. Or, you know, you could make your disapproval of TSA antics known now, before the TSA can expand in this absurd fashion and say, “Well you let us do it in the airports, so why can’t we do it in train stations?” “…at bus stops?” “…as you’re driving down the street?” “…whenever we want to.” If we don’t demand the Fourth Amendment in airports now, can you really, truly believe that I’m just talking hyperbole about what will happen next?