Monday, November 25, 2019

Kamala Harris is US Senator from California, but Californians don't want her for president: Biden leads her by 16 points, Warren by 15, Sanders by 9

Libertarian kook John Tamny of Real Clear Markets twists himself into a pretzel about Katie Hill, writes a convoluted mess about it, as usual

Rep. Katie Hill recently resigned her congressional seat after, among other things, a romantic relationship with a junior male staffer was revealed. ... [C]onservatives should stand their ground by defending Hill.

See here.

Never mentions the throuple. Never mentions the abuse of power by one in authority over younger subordinates, both male and female. Never mentions she broke her marriage vows to her husband in the process. Never mentions she and her husband used Congressional staff as a hunting field for their personal kinky sexual predation. Never mentions some of it must have occurred at taxpayer expense, etc., etc., etc.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Pocahonky lied when she said she got fired from teaching for being pregnant, and now she's lied to a black woman saying her kids went to public school

Her son went to private school after 5th grade.

Private school is ok for me, but not for thee, black woman.

OF COURSE Rod Dreher would agree with Peggy Noonan: He's a globe trotting connoisseur of fine hotels, food and drink, grifting off Christians who buy his snake oil for a religion now as materialistic as he is

Rick Perry's Dept. of Energy infested with Chinese spies on US and China payrolls, stealing sensitive military information

Energy’s Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence had trouble investigating because of the “language barrier” and “insular nature” of the group of Chinese nationals working on six sensitive projects paid for by the U.S. government.

More here.

Black protesters for charter schools interrupt Pocahonky, she says to Pressley: What do we do with this?

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:

Madame President, China has launched nuclear cruise missiles at our entire pacific fleet and we have lost contact with all forces.

President Pocahonky:

What do we do with this?

Democrats' impeachment show has increased opposition to it among independents

Emerson national overall: 45% against 43% for right now vs. 44% against 48% for in October.
Emerson Independents: 49% against 34% for right now vs. 39% against 48% for in October.

Marquette Wisconsin: 53% against 40% for right now vs. 51% against 44% for in October. 
Marquette Independents: only 36% for impeachment.

Reported here.

It's Trump statements like this on Hong Kong and Xi Jinping which keep me from supporting his re-election

"We have to stand with Hong Kong, but I'm also standing with President Xi," Trump said. "He's a friend of mine. He's an incredible guy. We have to stand, but I'd like to see them work it out."

Why stand with these brutal oppressors of freedom? Just so that we can trade with them?

Peggy Noonan thinks the purpose of conservatism is merely the preservation of the free market system, yet she supports Trump's impeachment.

She and Trump have more in common with each other than either of them does with real conservatism.

They are both thimble deep and symptomatic of the poverty of America's two party system.

More here.

It must be costing Hunter Biden a fortune to get Pocahonky to divide the Bernie wing of the party

Joe Biden was a key advocate for the financial bailout, which was approved under the Bush administration and expanded under President Barack Obama. He delayed his Senate resignation in January 2009 to cast his final vote to increase funding for the Troubled Asset Relief Program before taking office as vice president.

“These guys are not the most likable guys in the world,” Biden said about the banks and hedge funds aided by the government intervention. "But here are the facts ... Had we not bailed out the largest bank institutions in the world, there would have been a flat-out depression.”

One of the firms that benefited was Rosemont Capital, a company led by Hunter Biden’s business partners, Chris Heinz and Devon Archer. The firm received the loans at a crucial time for Hunter Biden. The younger Biden had stepped down from his lobbying business in late 2008, reportedly due to pressure on his father’s vice presidential campaign.

More here.

The Deep State? It exists, and it's a good thing, too, says Nobel Prize Winner and NYT columnist

Charter schools help blacks in Atlanta, but Pocahonky is against them because she needs $ from teacher unions: Ayanna Pressley had to step in to stop the shouting match between Warren's whities and them

Democrats rammed Obamacare down our throats on a party line vote, and now ABC News has the effrontery to report it's crushing the middle class

Democrat solution? Crush everyone, with Medicare for All.

Sacha Baron Phony

Pocahonky is still in third behind Sanders and Biden because she's a full-blown nut

Peggy Noonan must be joking: It was Sondland's third try at truthful sworn testimony and it was completely believable

Gee, just forget then that he perjured himself on the first two attempts?

But NOW you believe him?

What a joke Peggy is. She fits right in.

It was kind of the ballgame.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Looks like the whistleblower was pretty chummy with Obama

Rudy Giuliani says that at this very moment our own foreign policy swamp creatures at the US Embassy in Ukraine won't issue visas to Ukrainians who want to come here with their evidence of Democrat wrongdoing in Election 2016

Two months before Trump was elected the Financial Times reported Ukraine's wider political leadership was working to elect Hillary

This is five months before the Politico story in January 2017 which Ukraine NATO boosters like Fiona Hill pretend doesn't exist.

Ukraine's own court disagrees with Fiona Hill, ruled the obvious late last year, that Ukraine interferred in US Election 2016

This isn't hard.

Fiona Hill enabled Obama's appeasement of Russia in 2015

The same people so up in arms over Trump's phone call were silent while Obama let Russia get away with murder

Politico 1/11/17: Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire: Kiev scrambling to make amends after working to boost Hillary

Democrats colluded with Ukraine to get Paul Manafort and damage Trump and have tried to deflect this ever since by charging Trump colluded with Russia, which is exactly what you would expect to hear from people colluding with Ukraine.

You'll hear more deflection today from British-born Fiona Hill.

Hunter Biden's early campaign work on behalf of his father Joe Biden is already bearing fruit in Arkansas

Sondland claims in testimony yesterday rejected by the Vice President, Energy Secretary and Secretary of State

Trump writes new Ramones hit


Vindman says FU to America making himself conspicuous at the White House as he goes back to work but not in uniform

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Not too bright Dem. representative Jackie Speier (CA-14) outs whistleblower as CIA employee

NYT Nov 5, 2019: Sondland text message in early September to Taylor said president was clear there was no quid pro quo

A crucial witness in the impeachment inquiry reversed himself this week ...

That admission, included in a four-page sworn statement released on Tuesday, directly contradicted his testimony to investigators last month, when he said he “never” thought there was any precondition on the aid. ...

Mr. Sondland had said in a text message exchange in early September with William B. Taylor Jr., the top American diplomat in Ukraine, that the president had been clear there was no quid pro quo between the aid and investigations of the Bidens. But Mr. Sondland testified last month that he was only repeating what Mr. Trump had told him, leaving open the question of whether he believed the president. ...

“I presumed that the aid suspension had become linked to the proposed anticorruption statement,” Mr. Sondland said.

In his closed-door interview last month, Mr. Sondland portrayed himself as a well-meaning and at times unwitting player who was trying to conduct American foreign policy with Ukraine with the full backing of the State Department while Rudolph W. Giuliani, Mr. Trump’s lawyer, repeatedly inserted himself at the behest of the president. He also said repeatedly that he could not remember things, including details about the Sept. 1 meeting, according to the 375-page transcript of his testimony.

“And you had never thought there was a precondition to the aid?” one of the Republican investigators asked Mr. Sondland. “Is that correct?”

“Never,” Mr. Sondland said, adding that he “was dismayed when it was held up, but I didn’t know why.”

More here.

Politico article details big-time dark money helping Democrats win in 2018

Story here.

Marie Yovanovitch, Obama's US Ambassador to Ukraine, blocked visas for Ukrainian law enforcement in 2018 before Trump fired her in 2019

Ukrainian law enforcement officials believe they have evidence of wrongdoing by American Democrats and their allies in Kiev, ranging from 2016 election interference to obstructing criminal probes. But, they say, they’ve been thwarted in trying to get the Trump Justice Department to act.

Kostiantyn Kulyk, deputy head of the Prosecutor General’s International Legal Cooperation Department, told me he and other senior law enforcement officials tried unsuccessfully since last year to get visas from the U.S. Embassy in Kiev to deliver their evidence to Washington.

“We were supposed to share this information during a working trip to the United States,” Kulyk told me in a wide-ranging interview. “However, the [U.S.] ambassador blocked us from obtaining a visa. She didn’t explicitly deny our visa, but also didn’t give it to us.”

One focus of Ukrainian investigators, Kulyk said, has been money spirited unlawfully out of Ukraine and moved to the United States by businessmen friendly to the prior, pro-Russia regime of Viktor Yanukovych.

Ukrainian businessmen “authorized payments for lobbying efforts directed at the U.S. government,” he told me. “In addition, these payments were made from funds that were acquired during the money-laundering operation. We have information that a U.S. company was involved in these payments.” 

That company is tied to one or more prominent Democrats, Ukrainian officials insist.

In another instance, he said, Ukrainian authorities gathered evidence that money paid to an American Democrat allegedly was hidden by Ukraine’s National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU) during the 2016 election under pressure from U.S. officials. “In the course of this investigation, we found that there was a situation during which influence was exerted on the NABU, so that the name of [the American] would not be mentioned,” he said.

More here.

Sondland didn't introduce anything in evidence except speculation: "I presumed it" he said

And AP Obama deletes its lying tweet about Sondland and Trump, after all the damage is done

Sondland opens with quid pro quo today but keeps putting daylight between quid pro quo and Trump

AP Obama tweets bald-faced lie about what Sondland testified Trump told him

Ukraine Foreign Minister denied a week ago that Sondland linked aid to opening an investigation of Biden

“Ambassador Sondland did not tell us, and certainly did not tell me, about a connection between the assistance and the investigations. You should ask him,” Prystaiko said about Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union. ... “I have never seen a direct relationship between investigations and security assistance,” Prystaiko was quoted as saying by Interfax. “Yes, the investigations were mentioned, you know, in the conversation of the presidents. But there was no clear connection between these events.” 

More here.

Has Sondland been drinking this morning, too?

You sharpe is ever to, Miller

Don't drink and tweet. It's not even noon yet for crying out loud.

Still my favorite illustration of quid pro quo comes from Ann Coulter's observation about Hillary

Hillary's main claim to fame is that she was married to the horny hick, and then stood by him when he was impeached for the most embarrassing sex scandal in history. By feminist logic, that meant Hillary was owed the presidency. Quid pro 'ho. 

April 22, 2015, here.

Scandal: Obama wore a tan suit to visit illegal immigrant kids he kept in cages in 2015

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Queen of Bribery: Donors to Clinton Foundation got special, expedited access

Still selling the Lincoln bedroom:

Crown Prince Salman of Bahrain requested a meeting with Secretary of State Clinton, he was forced to go through the Clinton Foundation for an appointment. Abedin advised Band that when she went through “normal channels” at State, Clinton declined to meet. After Band intervened, however, the meeting was set up within forty-eight hours. 

More here.

Anal cancer cases and deaths explode in USA 16 years after Supreme Court overturns anti-sodomy laws in Lawrence v. Texas

The United States is experiencing a “dramatic and concerning” rise in the rate of new anal cancer cases and deaths from the disease . . . The incidence of squamous cell carcinoma of the anus — the most common type of anal cancer — rose 2.7 percent PER YEAR over a recent 15-year period, while anal cancer mortality rates increased 3.1 percent PER YEAR during that time [emphasis added]. At this rate, the disease can be considered as one of the fastest accelerating causes of cancer incidence and mortality in the U.S. ... “It’s really hard to understand what might be causing the rise in incidence and mortality,” [the study’s lead author Ashish Deshmukh] added.

Political correctness kills, as does Nemesis. They might actually be the same thing.

More here.

LGBT activist pissed off Census Bureau finds same sex households are only 1 percent of total in USA

“It’s significant progress and we are excited about it, but we’re really missing quite a lot of community data,” said Meghan Maury, policy director for the National LGBTQ Task Force. ... [C]ensus officials raised concerns that mistakes stemming from people who did correctly identify their gender may have inflated the number of same-sex couples in the country.

More here.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019