Monday, October 10, 2016

In correcting the fallible bureaucrats Kyle Smith also gets the homeownership rate wrong: It's as low as in 1965

And 80 percent of [bureaucrats] guessed that the rate of home ownership is lower than it is: 67 percent. With all of this underestimating going on, it’s not surprising that Washington is constantly pushing urgent, potentially disastrous fixes (such as re-inflating the housing bubble by encouraging more and more Americans with sketchy credit ratings to buy homes) for imaginary ills. Renting your home is a perfectly acceptable way to live, and Fannie Mae shouldn’t be in the business of enticing renters of modest income to commit to large amounts of debt by obtaining mortgages.

John Hinderaker heard a different debate than I heard

Happily, immigration figured prominently. Shockingly, in the first debate the moderator never mentioned the topic. Tonight, it was discussed extensively. That is a big plus for Trump. The exchanges on foreign policy were inconclusive, of course, but in general I think Trump did better. And there was even talk about Obamacare, which is great for Trump and Republicans.

Debate Two: Trump promises special prosecutor to investigate Hillary's e-mail scandal

If I win, I'm going to instruct the attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there's never been so many lies, so much deception.

Never been anything like it and we're going to have a special prosecutor. When I speak, I go out and speak, the people of this country are furious. In my opinion, the people that have been long-term workers at the FBI are furious. There has never been anything like this, where e-mails and you get a subpoena and after getting the subpoena, you delete 33,000 e-mails and then acid wash them or bleach them. A very expensive process, so we're going to get a special prosecutor because people have been, their lives have been destroyed for doing one fifth of what you've done. And it's a disgrace and honestly, you ought to be ashamed.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Trump wins Debate Two hands down but may still lose the race

The establishment isn't just going to lie down and die. Expect more dirt.

Once again illegal immigration got short shrift because it's Trump's signature issue. The establishment isn't going to ask him questions about it, except insofar as it thinks it makes him look like a racist. Trump has to make it about illegal immigration and keep it about illegal immigration, and tonight he did so here and there but not enough.

Obamacare, however, did make an appearance. And Trump scores big on this with ordinary middle class Americans who have to pay more for less for themselves in order for poor people to get Medicaid.

But when is Donald Trump going to tell Medicaid recipients' families that it isn't free? The state will come after whatever was spent on their care from their estates. That means no inheritance from your dead mom or dad until the government is reimbursed for what it spent.

Hillary enjoying Pussy Riot in 2014 . . . and tweeting about it

A photo has emerged of Trump grabbing a pussy

The Republicans' condom senator, Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire, joins the Alinskyites, can no longer support Donald Trump

Reported here:

Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire was the first Republican senator facing a competitive re-election to say she would no longer back Mr. Trump, announcing in a statement that she would write in Mr. Pence for president instead. “I’m a mom and an American first, and I cannot and will not support a candidate for president who brags about degrading and assaulting women,” she wrote on Twitter. ... Mr. Trump, after monitoring television coverage, realized he was becoming isolated by his party.

New UK Prime Minister Theresa May excoriates elites like Obama: "If you believe you are a citizen of the world, you are a citizen of nowhere"

From the text of her speech to the Tories, reproduced here, in which you will hear echoes of American politics:

... [I]n June people voted for change. And a change is going to come. 

Change has got to come because as we leave the European Union and take control of our own destiny, the task of tackling some of Britain’s long-standing challenges - like how to train enough people to do the jobs of the future - becomes ever more urgent. But change has got to come too because of the quiet revolution that took place in our country just three months ago – a revolution in which millions of our fellow citizens stood up and said they were not prepared to be ignored anymore. Because this is a turning point for our country. A once-in-a-generation chance to change the direction of our nation for good. To step back and ask ourselves what kind of country we want to be.

... [T]he referendum was not just a vote to withdraw from the EU. It was about something broader – something that the European Union had come to represent. It was about a sense – deep, profound and let’s face it often justified – that many people have today that the world works well for a privileged few, but not for them. It was a vote not just to change Britain’s relationship with the European Union, but to call for a change in the way our country works – and the people for whom it works – forever. Knock on almost any door in almost any part of the country, and you will find the roots of the revolution laid bare. Our society should work for everyone, but if you can’t afford to get onto the property ladder, or your child is stuck in a bad school, it doesn’t feel like it’s working for you. Our economy should work for everyone, but if your pay has stagnated for several years in a row and fixed items of spending keep going up, it doesn’t feel like it’s working for you. Our democracy should work for everyone, but if you’ve been trying to say things need to change for years and your complaints fall on deaf ears, it doesn’t feel like it’s working for you. And the roots of the revolution run deep. Because it wasn’t the wealthy who made the biggest sacrifices after the financial crash, but ordinary, working class families.

And if you’re one of those people who lost their job, who stayed in work but on reduced hours, took a pay cut as household bills rocketed, or - and I know a lot of people don’t like to admit this - someone who finds themselves out of work or on lower wages because of low-skilled immigration, life simply doesn’t seem fair. It feels like your dreams have been sacrificed in the service of others. So change has got to come. Because if we don’t respond – if we don’t take this opportunity to deliver the change people want – resentments will grow. Divisions will become entrenched. And that would be a disaster for Britain. Because the lesson of Britain is that we are a country built on the bonds of family, community, citizenship. Of strong institutions and a strong society. The country of my parents who instilled in me a sense of public service and of public servants everywhere who want to give something back. The parent who works hard all week but takes time out to coach the kids football team at the weekend. The local family business in my constituency that’s been serving the community for more than 50 years. The servicemen and women I met last week who wear their uniform proudly at home and serve our nation with honour abroad. A country of decency, fairness and quiet resolve. And a successful country - small in size but large in stature - that with less than 1% of the world’s population boasts more Nobel Laureates than any country outside the United States… with three more added again just yesterday – two of whom worked here in this great city. A country that boasts three of the top ten universities in the world. The world’s leading financial capital. And institutions like the NHS and BBC whose reputations echo in some of the farthest corners of the globe. All possible because we are one United Kingdom – England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland – and I will always fight to preserve our proud, historic Union and will never let divisive nationalists drive us apart. Yet within our society today, we see division and unfairness all around. Between a more prosperous older generation and a struggling younger generation. Between the wealth of London and the rest of the country. But perhaps most of all, between the rich, the successful and the powerful - and their fellow citizens.

Now don’t get me wrong. We applaud success. We want people to get on. But we also value something else: the spirit of citizenship.

That spirit that means you respect the bonds and obligations that make our society work. That means a commitment to the men and women who live around you, who work for you, who buy the goods and services you sell. That spirit that means recognising the social contract that says you train up local young people before you take on cheap labour from overseas. That spirit that means you do as others do, and pay your fair share of tax.

But today, too many people in positions of power behave as though they have more in common with international elites than with the people down the road, the people they employ, the people they pass in the street. But if you believe you’re a citizen of the world, you’re a citizen of nowhere. You don’t understand what the very word ‘citizenship’ means. So if you’re a boss who earns a fortune but doesn’t look after your staff… An international company that treats tax laws as an optional extra… A household name that refuses to work with the authorities even to fight terrorism… A director who takes out massive dividends while knowing that the company pension is about to go bust… I’m putting you on warning. This can’t go on anymore. A change has got to come. And this party – the Conservative Party – is going to make that change.

Trump audio: Democrats follow Alinsky rules to neutralize Trump

Rule 4: The Democrats are trying to make the Republican enemy live up to its own book of rules, which state that Trump's sexual immorality will not play well in Peoria. 

Rule 6: It's a good tactic because Democrats especially enjoy embarrassing Republicans as hypocrites to their religion, which is Democrats' real enemy.

Rule 10: If enough Republicans can be turned to denounce Trump the target will have been effectively personalized, frozen and polarized, ensuring a Democrat victory.

Americans didn't want Boy Scout Mitt Romney in 2012, but may well end up with a gay Brownie in 2016

Adriana Cohen stops just short of going there in The Boston Herald, here:

Donald Trump is not a Boy Scout. If that’s what Americans were looking for they could have elected Mitt Romney in 2012. But they didn’t, proving these latest attacks are nothing more than slimy political theater.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Joe Pags thinks "not in the labor force" does not include the retired, but it does

It's shocking how many people still think, wrongly, that "not in the labor force" includes huge numbers of people who could be or should be working but aren't.

Today on his show Joe Pags said the number not in the labor force, currently over 94 million, does not include retired people, when, for example in 2014 the retired constituted 44% of those "not in the labor force". The truth is the retired always constitute the single largest proportion of those "not in the labor force".

The sick and disabled in 2014 accounted for almost 19%, and people going to school made up another 18% of the total "not in the labor force". Tell me there are some claiming disability who don't have one who should be working, but don't tell me the damn kids should be working. 15.5% were homemakers while 3.5% had other reasons. There's probably many people in these categories who might want a job but can't find one, or ought to be working but aren't, but nothing even remotely close to the almost 39 million retired at the time.

Joe Pags joins a long list of idiots who are quite outspoken in their ignorance about this, including Zero Hedge, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Donald Trump, et alia. Thinking there might be vast numbers of hidden unemployed in "not in the labor force" is just plain lazy stupid.

None of these apparently have had the slightest interest in checking this out on Al Gore's amazing internet using the google machine, which takes you to this page at the Bureau of Labor Statistics with one of the better explanations out there.

I can only conclude the ignorance in the case of Joe Pags is willful because Joe Pags is smarter than that. But then again, he thinks Ted Cruz is a natural born citizen.

His bad.

Well now, the Trump audio, as embarrassing as it is, actually helps make the choice in this election easier than before

There's transgressing normal, and then there's transgressing not so normal.

Clinton to Brazilian bank in 2013: "My dream is a hemispheric common market with open trade and open borders"

Hacked comment revealed here (private position), which is consistent with her pro-TPP stance while Secretary of State, but inconsistent with her opposition to it now that she is the Democrat nominee for president (public position):

The speech transcripts, a major subject of contention during the Democratic primary, include quotes from Clinton about her distance from middle-class life (“I’m kind of far removed”); her vision of strategic governing (“you need both a public and a private position”); and her views on trade, health care, and Wall Street (“even if it may not be 100 percent true, if the perception is that somehow the game is rigged.”) ... "My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders,” Clinton is quoted as telling a Brazilian bank in 2013. “We have to resist, protectionism, other kinds of barriers to market access and to trade.”

Friday, October 7, 2016

Steve Sailer says it took Trump 1 hour and 1 minute to get to the immigration issue in Debate One because he's winging it

It never occurs to him it's the libertarians running ruining his campaign telling him to downplay the issue.

"Conservatism" is exhausted, Rod Dreher calls for "new ideas"

I guess that subscription of his to The New Yorker isn't paying off.

And no matter what anyone says, he's not an utopian, he's not (a little obsolete usage there just for all you lovers of the modern out there).

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Our enemy, the administrative state: Only Trump will reduce it

Gut 'em.

Obama hates the middle class: Caller after caller today to Chris Plante reported 200%+ increases to their health insurance premiums because of Obamacare

Impoverishing the middle class has been Obama's goal all along. Obamacare redistributes the incomes of ordinary middle class people to the poor, just as higher taxes on the rich do. Here's how.

Chris Plante himself reports that his household used to pay $551 a month before Obamacare, but now pays $1731, an increase of 214%.

My household in 2010 paid just $2552 a year for coverage with $2500 individual calendar year deductibles. Six years later for the same plan we pay $4252, an increase of 67%, but the individual calendar year deductibles have skyrocketed to $10,000 each, a 300% increase.

In other words, for the privilege of having coverage, we could end up on the hook for as much as $30,000 in any given year before the plan pays anything in a health emergency. You get some discount on services as in a preferred provider network, but you still have to pay.

I know because I had one in 2014 which drove my out of pocket medical expenses for the year well over $10,000. They're normally half that.

Obamacare is nothing more than a tax increase on the middle class, to subsidize "coverage", that is Medicaid, for the poor.

Contemptible WaPo says anti-intellectual parents endanger their own kids by withholding vaccines, ignores flood of disease pouring in with illegals

And we tried to stop the 911 terrorists from hitting Washington why? These assholes deliberately settle these illegal aliens not in DC but in the hinterlands of middle America, out of spite.

Americans have a long and ignoble tradition of denigrating expertise. Today, nearly 40 percent of adults think there isn’t evidence for global warming. Skeptical parents won't vaccinate their children, endangering their communities with breakouts of preventable diseases like measles. So maybe we can make a deal. If we want experts to listen to our opinions, we might also do them the courtesy of sometimes listening to their opinions, too.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Another Obama lie from 2013: We aren't rifling through ordinary emails of American citizens . . . right now

The Guardian had the quote here:

He added: "This is not a situation in which we are rifling through the ordinary emails of German citizens or American citizens or French citizens or anybody else. This is not a situation where we simply go into the internet and start searching any way that we want. This is a circumscribed, narrow system, directed at us being able to protect our people and all of it is done with the oversight of the courts."

But by 2015 they were, at Yahoo.

I guess they wanted in on the action, since 500 email accounts had been hacked the year before. 

Publius Decius Mus eviscerates libertarian James Pethokoukis as a mere leftist materialist, calls him a traitor

I love the smell of napalm in the morning.

Here are some excerpts, but read the whole thing:

'In the leftist-Hegelian hive mind of which Pethokoukis is but one drone, the benefits of mass immigration and open trade are true simply; therefore popular objections are illegitimate. ... Pethokoukis ... has absorbed the core premises of the Left. “That’s racist!” This points to one of the deepest problems with “conservative intellectualism.” It accepts, out of conviction or fear or both, every restriction the Left places on it. The left rules out-of-bounds any discussion of the cultural or political effects of immigration as “racist,” and the conservatives go along. Hence they can only talk about immigration in economic terms, as if human beings were widgets.

'In fact, this particular intellectual rot defines almost all of “conservatism.” It’s allowed the Left to bully the Right out of talking or thinking about so many subjects that all conservatives can rouse themselves to address any more is the economy. They rationalize such a narrow focus by insisting economics trumps all. But the root is fear. Or was. Fear may have caused the initial retreat, but younger “conservatives” raised in the faith actually believe every line of the Leftist creed. Except the parts about redistribution, because Hayek. Also, the donors don’t like it. ,,,

'Like all self-castrated “conservatives,” Pethokoukis goes right along. Whether out of fear or conviction doesn’t even matter anymore.

'Either way, he—and all the others like him—are obstacles to the near- and long-term project of saving what’s left of American and Western civilization. To climb out of the hole we’re in, we don’t need liberals, we don’t need cowards, and we don’t need traitors.'

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Hillary "Can't we just drone this guy?" Clinton: You could be next

With 35 days to go to the election, Hillary steals a march on Trump in the last week: Electoral College forecast is now Hillary 321, Trump 217

With 35 days to go to the election, Hillary steals a march on Trump in the last week: Electoral College forecast is now Hillary 321, Trump 217.

Last week it was Clinton 292, Trump 246.

Things have deteriorated for Trump in the last week by 12%.

Nevada, Colorado and North Carolina have shifted as Toss-Ups back to Clinton, and New Hampshire and Virginia have moved out of Toss-Up into the Clinton column totaling 205.

The Real Clear Politics Electoral College Map has Clinton with 205, Trump 165 and 168 in "Toss-Up".

Based only on the polls in the Toss-Ups as of this morning, Clinton is winning 116 of those, and Trump 51.

Clinton is ahead in:

NV +0.2
CO +3.3
MN +4.3
WI +5.0
MI +5.0
PA +3.5
NC +0.2
FL +2.8
ME-1 +17

Trump is ahead in:

AZ +2.2
IA +5.0
OH +3.8
GA +4.8
ME-2 +8.7

Based only on these polls, Trump's top objectives should be winning Nevada, Colorado, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Florida, and keeping Arizona and Ohio.

Oops, Libertarian VP candidate William Weld says Trump's use of loss carryforward "not that uncommon"

After recently saying Hillary is the most qualified to be president and Gary Johnson himself admitting to not knowing what Aleppo is, the honesty from this libertarian pair is getting to be almost too much.

As in, "We're not serious! We're just running for fun! Look! I'm on TV again!"

Weld on CNN with Chris Cuomo, here, yesterday:

WELD: I say that the net operating loss carryforward is a well-known provision of the tax code. I hate to defend Donald Trump -- believe me when I tell you -- but it's not that uncommon.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Rush Limbaugh understands nothing about the tax returns of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump: Comparing them is comparing apples and oranges

The two tax returns couldn't be more different.

Trump in 1995 reported cumulative losses from his many pass-through entities on page 1 of his personal tax return as Net Operating Losses from businesses, which can be carried forward 15 years to offset net gains in those years and 3 years in arrears. All perfectly legal, but that's why he gets audited like hell, year after year.

Hillary reported a long term capital loss of almost $700,000 in 2015 for something on page 17, which would be interesting to know more about, but which she can't carry forward, and most of which she just had to eat because she's not organized to use pass-through entities like Trump is. If Rush had simply read page 18 of Hillary's return he'd have seen that Hillary did just that, eat it, like all taxpayers in the same situation, being entitled to only $3000 in long term capital losses in the reporting year. That's all she got. And none of the rest can carry forward because the loss was in that year. She ate it. People do it all the time, and quite unhappily.

That's what makes Trump smarter than Hillary, and smarter than most taxpayers. His affairs are arranged in a complicated fashion in order to maximize the tax consequences in his favor. Hillary isn't a fool for missing her tax-saving opportunities from such an arrangement, but Trump is very wise. It also probably costs him a tidy sum every year to keep it all straight.

Here is where Rush gets it all wrong:

RUSH:  We've got Hillary's tax returns from 2015, last year, the one that she just released her tax returns on, and it shows something strange, something awkward on page 17.  Line 14, long-term capital loss carryover.  Enter the amount, if any, from line 13 of your capital loss.  And the amount is $699,540.  Now, that's not on the scale of Trump's $915 million, but, in a nutshell, Hillary Clinton took a capital loss of $699,000 in 2015, as was reported on her tax return.
Where is the outrage?  Nobody even cares to report it.  That capital loss, she's allowed to carry that forward and it will affect how much income tax she owes in future years.  Same thing that we're dealing here with Trump.

Gay Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook doubles down, says "a lot of the people that stand by Donald Trump are deplorable"

Well, he ought to know.

Hillary's version of Obama's "clinging to their guns and religion": Sanders' supporters are the "children of the Great Recession, living in their parents' basement"

The Intercept has a transcript of a portion of the leaked Hillary audio here:

CLINTON: Some are new to politics completely. They’re children of the Great Recession. And they are living in their parents’ basement. They feel they got their education and the jobs that are available to them are not at all what they envisioned for themselves. And they don’t see much of a future. I met with a group of young black millennials today and you know one of the young women said, “You know, none of us feel that we have the job that we should have gotten out of college. And we don’t believe the job market is going to give us much of a chance.” So that is a mindset that is really affecting their politics. And so if you’re feeling like you’re consigned to, you know, being a barista, or you know, some other job that doesn’t pay a lot, and doesn’t have some other ladder of opportunity attached to it, then the idea that maybe, just maybe, you could be part of a political revolution is pretty appealing. So I think we should all be really understanding of that and should try to do the best we can not to be, you know, a wet blanket on idealism. We want people to be idealistic. We want them to set big goals. But to take what we can achieve now and try to present them as bigger goals.

The Donald has been politically correct long enough

Hey Donald! We paid to see you burn down the house, to fight for America's forgotten citizens, but ever since August 17th when you brought in your little libertarian clique you've been trying to be too "presidential".

Go for Hillary's jugular. No holds barred. Everything's fair game. Scorch the earth. Dismantle the establishment. Fight until Washington is leveled and you're the last man standing.

You have nothing left to lose, so fight to the death. It's either us or them.

Yellen is political, talk of a future put in the form of the Fed buying stocks last week was intended to backstop the market this month

And a buoyant market in October 2016 will only help Clinton.

Yellen should be impeached immediately.

Reuters reported here last Thursday, but no one is touching this story with a ten foot pole because they all want Hillary elected:

"It could be useful to be able to intervene directly in assets where the prices have a more direct link to spending decisions," she said, adding that buying equities and corporate bonds could have costs and benefits.

It doesn't occur to Scott Sumner that "libertarian country" is an oxymoron

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Paying zero taxes is almost the equivalent of dumping the tea in the harbor if you're Donald Trump . . .

. . . but not if you're The New York Times.

MS-13 is killing teenagers in Brentwood, Long Island, NY, and the authorities do nothing to stop it, but Trump might

Reported here:

The recent murders have exacerbated disputes in the town over immigration policy, which Donald J. Trump, the Republican candidate for president, fueled during last week’s debate by saying that the gangs roaming the streets were made up of illegal immigrants.

Clinton Defense Secretary wants to scrap ICBMs and nuclear cruise missiles, unilaterally


Hillary supporters vandalize Trump Hotel in DC

Self-hating Hillarycon Rod Dreher repeatedly posts comments to his own article which call him hysterical and compare him to Andrew Sullivan

Here, in the magazine which pioneered the Obamacons.

Also I much liked the commenter who put him at the heart of Conservatism Inc. during the Bush presidency. Yep, he posted that one too.

Fined $14 billion by the US, Deutsche Bank paid the Clintons nearly $1 million for four speeches 2012-2014

The Houston Chronicle reports here, but does its job for Hillary by making it a story about the GOP, not about the Clinton Family Crime Foundation:

Officials from the German bank, which U.S. regulators slapped with a $14 billion fine this month, paid $955,000 to the Clintons between 2012 and 2014 for a total of four speeches, according to financial disclosure records.

September 2016 climate summary for Grand Rapids, Michigan: 10th warmest since 1892 by average temperature

September 2016 climate summary for Grand Rapids, Michigan

Average temperature was 66.4 degrees F. Normal is 62.7. The month ranked 10th warmest September since 1892. The hottest September by average temperature was in 1931 at 69.0. September 2016 was 3.8% cooler than that.

The normal 9-month average temperature is 51.0. Year to date the average temperature is 54.1, about 6.1% warmer than normal due to the El Nino, which ended this summer. The warmest full year on record by average temperature was 2012, at 52.8. The 9-month year to date average temperature in 2012 was 56.4, about 4.25% warmer than in 2016.

Here is 2016 average temperature 9-months year to date in perspective:

1921: 56.44
2012: 56.40
2010: 54.55
1998: 54.47 (VS El Nino year)
1894: 54.36
1931: 54.18 (El Nino year)
2016: 54.11 (VS El Nino year).

September 2016 was drier than normal with 2.4 inches of rain. Normal is 3.57. Year to date 33.94 inches of rain have fallen. Normal year to date is 26.31. Still cuttin' grass.

Cooling degree days totaled 95 in September, 28% above the normal 74. The warmest September by CDD occurred also in 1931 with 185 CDD. September 2016 was 49% lower than that.

Year to date CDD totals 926, 35% higher than the normal 686 for the year to date. The record for highest annual CDD was set in 1921 at 1200, for lowest annual CDD in 1992 at 316. Normal annual CDD is 694. Year to date CDD is 33% above the normal annual level, but still 23% below the record annual level set in 1921.

Drive by media focus on Clinton's comments on Sanders supporters in leaked audio when the real news is she says she's against modernizing the US nuclear deterrent

And then there's Hispanic Mattress Girl.

An adolescent, unserious country, and Hillary's playing right along as long as it gets her elected.

Hillary Clinton's fantasy definition of middle class includes 98.8% of the country

Here, where she says it's anyone making less than $250,000:

Clinton has pledged not to raise taxes on the middle class and reiterated her statement to the reporter, which she defined as any American making less than $250,000.

In 2014 98.8% of individual wage earners made less than $250,000.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

NYT: Trump admits microphone malfunction distracted him during Debate One

He complained that the changing volume had distracted him and alleged again that someone had created the problem deliberately.

“They had somebody modulating the microphone, so when I was speaking, the mike would go up and down,” Mr. Trump said. “I spent 50 percent of my thought process working the mike.” He had wanted to pause the debate to address the problem, Mr. Trump said, but felt he could not. “How can I stop the show if I had 100 million people watching?” he said.

Libertarian spoiler Gary Johnson is helping Hillary defeat Trump in eight states and win the presidency, suggesting Trump needs to talk more free market economics

Current polling in "Toss-Up" states shows Libertarian Gary Johnson spoiling it for Trump in FL, ME, MI, MN, NH, PA, VA and WI, handing Hillary 104 Electoral College votes to her base number of 188 for a total of 292, 22 more than she needs to become president. 

Clinton's average win in these eight states right now is by 4.1, with Johnson siphoning off an average of 8.5 from Trump. Clinton is winning in these states despite an average siphon from her totals of 2.4 by Stein.

In FL, it's Clinton winning +1.2 (Johnson 5.8/Stein 1.3).
In ME, it's Clinton +3.8 (Johnson 11.0/Stein 3.8).
In MI, it's Clinton +5.0 (Johnson 8.8/Stein 2.3).
In MN, it's Clinton +4.3 (Johnson 5.3/Stein 2.0).
In NH, it's Clinton +5.7 (Johnson 13.0/Stein 3.0).
In PA, it's Clinton +1.8 (Johnson 5.8/Stein 2.6).
In VA, it's Clinton +6.0 (Johnson 8.7/Stein 1.5).
In WI, it's Clinton +5.0 (Johnson 9.7/Stein 2.3).

In the other "Toss-Ups" Trump is ahead right now, but not by much, by just 2.2 on average. He is vulnerable to shifts toward the other candidates in these seven states. Johnson's average siphon from Trump in these states is already 8.2, while Stein might be contributing to Trump on average only 2.2 taken from Hillary in four, namely AZ, CO, IA and OH. 

In AZ, it's Trump winning +2.2 (Johnson 9.2/Stein 2.2).
In CO, it's Trump +0.5 (Johnson 9.0/Stein 3.3).
In GA, it's Trump +4.5 (Johnson 7.7).
In IA, it's Trump  +5.0 (Johnson 8.8/Stein 1.5).
In NV, it's Trump +0.6 (Johnson 8.4).
In NC, it's Trump +0.8 (Johnson 7.3).
In OH, it's Trump +2.0 (Johnson 6.8/Stein 1.8).

Trump is up against a free-trade, open borders ideology not just in Hillary Clinton, but within his own Republican Party, on which Gary Johnson is capitalizing under the rubric of "freedom". Trump ought to be pointing out to his patriotic followers that the libertarians are not on their side but on the side of the elites running the establishment, which means they are on Hillary's side, and keep emphasizing that he has the back of those who are Americans and love Americans.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Sean Hannity at 10 pm takes first place in September for first time over all rivals at FOX

Good news for Hannity, good sign for Trump.

Story here.

Publius Decius Mus rightly mocks Mark Levin's convention of the states

Not in so many words, but he does nevertheless, here:

"[I]n the federally consolidated super-state, what good do state legislatures do anyway? Does Voegeli or doesn’t he agree with me that federal and administrative state control will become more consolidated rather than less in Clinton II? We could have every statehouse in the nation, and everything we try to do (which, once again, is: not much) would just be overridden by judges and bureaucrats."

It was amusing to hear Mark Levin play an Antonin Scalia audio this evening, in which Scalia ridiculed the parchment barrier of The Bill of Rights, which Levin's grand scheme is to increase the length of with his manifold "liberty amendments". Does Levin even listen to Scalia, or just grovel at his feet?

Scalia clearly expressed in the audio that the separation of powers was key to our liberties, not the Bill of Rights.

Yet, yet, neither Scalia, nor Levin, nor Publius Decius Mus for that matter recognize that it was Abraham Lincoln, their hero!, who destroyed the separation of powers and arrogated all the power to the executive, the very heart and soul of the once and future "federal and administrative state".

That Lincoln did so over slavery was simply the pretext.

Hello Barack Obama. Hello Black Lives Matter. Hello . . . communism.

If I had a Wall Street Journal subscription, I would end it

Paul Ryan proves again he's the wrong man for Speaker: Gridlock is the constitutional SOLUTION, and he's tired of it

Fire the bum.

Here he is:

“I’m tired of divided government. It doesn’t work very well,” Ryan said. “We’re just at loggerheads. We’ve gotten some good things done. But the big things — poverty, the debt crisis, the economy, health care — these things are stuck in divided government, and that’s why we think a unified Republican government’s the way to go.”

Chris Matthews of PMSNBC sounds like he wants to be for Trump

"[Trump] knows that the average guy out there, the average joe, the regular guy and woman, is very angry about the way this country -- and Hillary is the symbol of the establishment. She is the symbol of the way things are headed... and they don't like that. They are trying to ring the bell and say, 'No!' And Trump is the only way to ring it... If Trump is even smart enough to know this, it would be really dangerous." 

Much more here.

FOX News poll goes from Trump +1 on 9/14 to Hillary +5 on 9/29

More evidence Trump's performance at Debate One is hurting him.

In the news at the top of the hour, the Presidential Debate Commission admits there were problems with Donald Trump's microphone

Friday night news dump, when no one is paying attention.

Trump moves from +1.4 on 9/23 in the LA Times/USC poll to +5.6 on 9/30

That suggests, unlike the Rasmussen poll, that Debate One helped Trump.

Go figure.

Trump's big lead in Rasmussen poll reverses after Debate One

Clinton took a statistically insignificant 42% to 41% lead over Trump in yesterday’s survey, but she had been trailing by five points a week earlier.

Obama economic growth to date lags Bush by 35%

Obama economic growth to date has expanded by 26.8%.

Under Bush similarly measured it expanded by 41.5%.

Leaked audio shows Hillary is against WMD modernization

From the story here:

“The last thing we need,” she told the audience, “are sophisticated cruise missiles that are nuclear armed.”

Good news: Manual labor must be on the way out ... because the idiot who runs Obama's Navy says "yeoman" isn't gender neutral

And there goes The Man of La Mancha.

Quoted here:

“Lastly, as we achieve full integration of the force … this is an opportunity to update the position titles and descriptions themselves to demonstrate through this language that women are included in these positions," [Navy Secretary Ray] Mabus wrote, according to sources who quoted directly from the letter. “Ensure they are gender-integrated as well, removing “man” from their titles, and provide a report to me as soon as is practicable and no later than April 1, 2016.” 

h/t Chris Plante

Small manufacturer turns his roof into the world's biggest Trump sign ever

Video here. Looks like he used a GoPro camera affixed to a drone.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

The answer: CHUMPS

Hillary, here.

Trump has captured the real American spirit, the spirit of the true born sons of liberty who dumped the cheaper taxed tea into Boston harbor.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Hillary drops 20% in PPP poll

She was +5 in the poll a month ago, and tonight is +4.

Heh, heh.

Drudge remains illiterate

New York Times: "Remarkable rebuke to the president"

WASHINGTON — Congress on Wednesday voted overwhelmingly to override a veto by President Obama for the first time, passing into law a bill that would allow the families of those killed in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks to sue Saudi Arabia for any role in the plot.

Democrats in large numbers joined with Republicans to deliver a remarkable rebuke to the president. The 97-to-1 vote in the Senate and the 348-to-77 vote in the House displayed the enduring power of the Sept. 11 families in Washington and the diminishing influence here of the Saudi government. ...

Only one senator, Harry Reid, Democrat of Nevada, sided with the president. 

Eighteen House Republicans couldn't find it in themselves to override the president's veto (roll call here):

King (IA)
Young (AK)

Chris Plante tells Limey interviewer: If Trump becomes president maybe we'll buy England!

Audio here.

Excellent tongue-lashing, Chris!

Commerce Secretary in April 2016 can't understand Hillary's flip-flop on TPP

PENNY PRITZKER: I don't understand that conclusion. Because frankly, having looked at this agreement, studied this agreement, it is the Gold Standard. It is the toughest trade agreement out there in the world.

Hillary's lyin' again: "This TPP sets the gold standard in free trade agreements"

In 2012, here.


You called it the gold standard. You call it the gold standard of trade deals.
You know what --
You said it’s the finest deal you’ve ever seen.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Mark Levin makes a fair point: Trump would have been prepared to respond to Clinton had he been a conservative

And he says the most memorable line from Debate One will be "Hannity", which is very funny.

Today's Electoral College snapshot from Real Clear Politics has Clinton winning 292-246

Today's Electoral College snapshot from Real Clear Politics has Clinton winning 292-246

Real Clear Politics shows Trump up 1 in the Electoral College with 165, Clinton down 12 with 188, and 185 too close to call, up 11 from last week Tuesday.

Based only on the polling as of this morning in the toss-up states with 185 Electoral College votes at stake, Trump wins in NV, AZ, CO, IA, OH, NC, and GA, bringing him to 246, 24 shy of the 270 he needs to win.

Clinton wins in MN, WI, MI, NH, ME, PA, VA and FL, bringing her to 292, 22 more than she needs to win.

Trump has picked up NV, CO and NC in the last week in this analysis, but lost FL to Clinton by a hair.

Clinton is polling under +4 in ME, under +2 in PA and under +1 in FL this week.

Trump is much more vulnerable, polling under +3 in NV, AZ and OH this week. He is polling under +1 in CO and NC. In GA he's ahead +4.5, in IA +5.

ME-2 has moved out of the toss-ups in the last week, and ME and MN have moved in.

42 days to election day 2016.

Monday, September 26, 2016

It's funny Hillary mentioned Miss Piggy tonight

Listen up, Sister!

Who you callin' Sister?

After tonight's nothin' burger debate, Hillary has events scheduled each day through the end of September, but . . .

It appears October 1-4 is blocked out for rest, and on the 5th she has an event close to home in DC.

Hillary's own Platte River Networks called her email delete instructions the "Hillary Coverup Operation"

Jake Tapper here:

JAKE TAPPER, CNN: There was a document dump on Friday where we learned from the FBI that an I.T. contractor managing Hillary Clinton's private e-mail server made reference to the "Hillary coverup operation" in a work ticket. 

Just another day working for the Clinton Family Crime Foundation.

Fifty Bushies endorse Trump on eve of Debate One with Hillary

Story here.

Rent seekers.

Clinton surrogates in the media this weekend portray Trump as a liar because that's HILLARY'S problem

So says Gallup, here, where "lie" never comes up in the Trump list of top words used about him (in fact no negative words come up in the list at all), but comes up in the Hillary list six straight weeks along with "scandal" during three weeks:   

Hillary dives 80% in Quinnipiac poll since 9/13

She's +1 in the poll through 9/25, but had been +5 through 9/13.

Meanwhile Bloomberg shows Trump and Hillary tied after not polling since early August when it was Hillary +6.

She's got a real PR problem for calling Trump supporters "deplorable" on 9/10, and for trying to cover up her health problems which were exposed the very next day, on 9/11.

You might say pride cometh before a fall.

Which would be why she's not 50 points ahead.

CIA has been affirmative action employer for communists, like Obama's John Brennan

Brennan, who thinks drone strikes are legal, ethical and wise, quoted here:

"So if back in 1980, John Brennan was allowed to say, 'I voted for the Communist Party with Gus Hall' [in 1976]... and still got through, rest assured that your rights and your expressions and your freedom of speech as Americans is something that's not going to be disqualifying of you as you pursue a career in government."

Maybe the FBI should give Brad Pitt immunity

That way they can find out what really happened.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Clinton drops 75% in ABC News / WaPo poll after 9/11 health debacle

From +8 on 9/8 to +2 on 9/22.

That's gotta hurt.

There she goes . . . just bob bob bobbin' along!

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Today's Real Clear Politics' "No Toss Up States" Map has the worst woman since Jezebel winning in the Electoral College by two

Hillary's Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills' MO since the 1990s has been to lose, withhold, suppress and destroy evidence, and FBI director James Comey let her do it all again

From Paul Sperry, here:
  • During the Whitewater investigation a burglar conveniently stole her notes, obstructing justice
  • In a subsequent scandal the House referred her to the Justice Department on charges of obstruction and perjury for withholding documents and lying under oath
  • In 2000 she suborned obstruction according to the testimony of a Commerce Dept. official she pressured to withhold evidence
  • At the same time she went on to claim that 1.8 million subpoenaed emails involving the Lewinsky Affair were lost due to a technical glitch with White House computers
  • In 2012 it was Mills who decided which emails about Benghazi were passed along to investigators, or not
  • A deputy US ambassador testified Mills pressured him not to cooperate with investigators
  • Mills moved Hillary's emails off the private server onto laptops and then decided which were public and which were private, and in the end had those laptops bleached clean
  • Mills ordered the Denver technician to delete Hillary's email archive after the House ordered it preserved

Friday, September 23, 2016

Bret Stephens of The Wall Street Journal is Jewish, and so is Steve Wynn?

Who knew?

Story here.

Outrageous: FBI gave immunity to Clinton Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills, Clinton executive assistant Heather Samuelson and John Bentel of the State Department

That's how badly James Comey doesn't want Donald Trump elected president.

From the Friday-afternoon-when-no-one-is-paying-attention-news-dump, here:

"No wonder they couldn't prosecute a case," said Chaffetz, R-Utah. "They were handing out immunity deals like candy." ...

The latest revelation brings the total number of people who were granted immunity as part of the FBI's investigation to at least five.

It had previously been reported immunity had been granted to Bryan Pagliano, a tech expert who set up Clinton's email server, as well as Paul Combetta, a computer specialist for a private firm that later maintained Clinton's email setup.

Ted Cruz says he'll vote for Donald Trump as promised, urges you to join him, and says Hillary is wholly unacceptable

Here on Facebook, citing primarily Supreme Court appointments and the fate of the Bill of Rights, then the costs of ObamaCare for millions of Americans, the Democrat war on coal, oil and gas, the lawless executive illegal immigrant amnesty, threats to National Security from Muslim immigration, and Obama's giving up of US control of the internet.

That should also help him get reelected down in Texas.

Smart move. Really late, but a smart move.

Informed Electorate PAC is a scam: It polls your opinion on one question per call, until they ask you for money on the third

They are at:

ServiceHostNet says there's no SSL certificate on the website, which is bad for your privacy.

First call: Did you vote in the last election?

Second call: Should the federal government decide stuff or the states?

On the third call they tell you it costs money to collect your opinion, so how about coughing up $20 to help.

Looks like a phishing expedition to me.

ServiceHostNet also has these details:

Domain ID: D187341325-LROR
WHOIS Server:
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Tech Name: Registration Private
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Tech Street: 14747 N Northsight Blvd Suite 111, PMB 309
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DNSSEC: unsigned

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Middle class self-identification has plummeted under Obama says Gallup's CEO: The lives of 25 million adults have "crashed"

The average of those identifying as middle class under eight years of George Bush was 61%.

In 2015 that's fallen to 51%.

Story here.

Globalist elitist Matthew Continetti thinks "a homogenous world", "universal principles" and "hybrid identity" are noble ideas

He differs not from Obama in holding to them.

Not a conservative, of course. But The Grauniad of all places provided some needed reactionary commentary on this in August here.

Democrat Marissa Mayer of Yahoo mishandles your email but makes Hillary look like a piker

She's just as good at the stonewalling, though. The hack of 500 million accounts was way back in 2014.

Story here and everywhere.

NY Times' story about police shooting in Tulsa never tells you the perp had PCP in the car

Here, even though that information was available a day earlier here.

The perp was blocking traffic, mumbling to himself outside of the car in the roadway, and not responding to the officers' orders.

The first degree manslaughter charge is ridiculous.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Publius Decius Mus imagines there is a transcendence which is outside of religion

Yes, there is. They used to call it "idolatry".

In any event, this excerpt shows that Decius simply fails to take the Protestantism of the American Founding seriously. One could blame the Founders for being too particular in this regard, but that's a different topic altogether.

The Old Right was, in my view, too particular in that it tried to base everything on tradition, on kith and kin, blood and soil and so on. It rejected any transcendence (beyond the religious) as “universalist” and liberal. This is my ultimate problem with Kirk, Bradford and the like.  They want to say that certain things are good while rejecting any fundamental, permanent ground for the good.  The New Right swung way to the other direction and insists on universals and sees all particulars—at least when asserted by Americans and Europeans—as insular and racist. The truth is that both are true in their sphere and both are necessary. Restoring a proper relationship between the universal and the particular is in my view the paramount theoretical challenge for whatever it is that follows conservatism.

William Voegeli doesn't know that Oliver Goldsmith's perhaps most famous axiom was written by Samuel Johnson

Are we therefore wrong to look to an Oliver Goldsmith, and then to a Donald Trump, "to lead and inspire"?

Stipulating all that for the sake of the argument does nothing to clarify how a Trump presidency remedies the afflictions catalogued in this sprawling diagnosis. Indeed, since many items on the list are social trends or crackpot ideas, it’s not clear how any president can reverse the damage being done. “How small, of all that human hearts endure,” wrote Oliver Goldsmith, “that part which laws or kings can cause or cure.” Conservatives invoke this axiom to rebuke liberal social planners, but it also calls into question whether political activity can effect moral and social regeneration. And to whatever extent Americans still look to presidents to lead and inspire through word and deed, Trump’s capacity to advance such causes as virtue, morality, religious faith, and stability is exceptionally doubtful.

What's wrong with America, epitomized by Glenn Harlan Reynolds

He thinks gay libertarian Peter Thiel would be an excellent nominee to the US Supreme Court.

The libertarian vote is like 1% of the population. LGBTQLSMFT is less than 4% of the population, but there isn't one Protestant on the Supreme Court even though 50% of the country is.  

Down by four two weeks ago, Rasmussen now has Trump +5 over Clinton

The fickle turn on the pneumonia dime.

Story here.