Showing posts with label Jeb!. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jeb!. Show all posts

Monday, February 8, 2016

Jeb Bush is a total hypocrite about eminent domain, taking an old man's home from him in 2005 when he was Florida Governor

As Governor of Florida, Jeb Bush in 2005 used eminent domain to take 70 year old Jesse James Hardy's house and 160 acres he built and owned since 1976.

From the stories here and here:

It was harsh, unlovely land, miles from anything, with rocky ground, slash pines, swamp cabbage and sand gnat swarms so thick he had to hold his breath. No electricity or sewer or water. Hardy built a shed, then a house. Dug a well. For 30 years, nobody bothered him. Now they won't leave him alone. ... 

Hardy spits fire when he talks about having to move next month to his new $750,000 house that has just a few more amenities than the rustic cabin he built in the Everglades with his own sweat more than a quarter-century ago.

Here's Bush in last night's New Hampshire debate:

But what Donald Trump did was use eminent domain to try to take the property of an elderly woman on the strip in Atlantic City. That is not public purpose, that is down right wrong. And here's the problem with that. The problem was, it was to tear down -- it was to tear down -- it was to tear down the house...

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Republican Iowa Caucus polling was off on average by 23%

Republican Iowa Caucus actual final results v Real Clear Politics poll averages on the day of the election:

Trump: 24.3 v 28.6, overestimated by 17.7%
Cruz:    27.6 v 23.9, underestimated by 13.4%
Rubio:  23.1 v 16.9, underestimated by 36.7%
Carson:  9.3 v   7.7, underestimated by 17.2%
Paul:      4.5 v   4.1, underestimated by 8.9%
Bush:     2.8 v   4.1, overestimated by 46.4%

Average miss for the top six: 23.4%
Average miss for the top three: 22.6% 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Crack-smoking Jeb Bush supporters in the US House float Paul Ryan for president at a brokered convention

Well, at least you know they think Jeb! is already dead.

But then you also know what kind of Republican they think Paul Ryan is.


The Hill reports here:

'A small chorus of voices even floated new Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) as a possible nominee if no-one captures the majority of the 2,470 delegates by the time the convention kicks off. ... “I have broad disagreement with Donald Trump. If he is our nominee, I think he loses, I think Republicans lose the Senate, he puts the House at risk and sends the party into the wilderness for the next decade,” said Rep. David Jolly (R-Fla.), a Jeb Bush backer who this week called for Trump to quit the race. “If there is a mechanism to make sure somebody other than Donald Trump wins the nomination, I think that is a good thing for Republicans.” Fellow Florida Republican and Bush supporter, Rep. Carlos Curbelo, agreed: “I wouldn’t support Donald Trump for president if he were our nominee. I would support any reasonable idea to find a better nominee.” ... “I’m thinking about running to be a delegate because I think we may well be in a brokered convention,” [Rep. Luke] Messer [IN-6], another Bush supporter, said in an interview. “In that scenario, who knows? You may have Paul Ryan end up being president.” ... “I really think the Speaker is setting himself up to be considered for the nominee in the case there is a brokered convention,” said [an unnamed] GOP lawmaker, who already has endorsed in the primary.'

These assholes made a big deal of Trump taking the pledge when it's they who should be taking it. The Republican Party. Full of liberal projection syndrome.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The thing about the Bush clan

Four years of George Herbert Walker Bush gave us 8 years of Bill Clinton.

Eight years of George W. Bush gave us 8 years of Barack Obama (in progress).

And you people seriously want us to consider !Jeb?

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Jeb Bush the snake: omitted plan to cap itemized deductions in Wall Street Journal tax op-ed

Reported here:

"But the full plan includes one very significant change not mentioned in the Wall Street Journal op-ed where Bush announced his plan—one that would likely raise more than a trillion dollars in revenue over a decade, and secretly accomplish a policy goal sought by everyone from President Obama to Paul Ryan. The change: Bush wants to limit itemized deductions sharply, capping them at 2 percent of aggregate gross income, and eliminate the deduction for state and local taxes entirely. (The exception would be the deduction for charitable giving, which is politically toxic to attack, and would still be unlimited.) ...

"But it’s the politics of the cap that make it really interesting. If you look at who would actually be affected, it appears that the cap is a very benign-sounding way to do something politically difficult: limit the mortgage-interest deduction. Of the $54 billion a year the cap would raise according to the Feldstein estimate, $46 billion comes out of the mortgage interest deduction."

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Is Trump great or what: Jeb says his brother W spent too much

'“He should have brought the hammer down on the Republicans when they were spending way too much, because our brand is limited government,” Jeb said. “He didn’t veto things, he didn’t bring order and fiscal restraint.”'

Donald Trump is having an amazing impact on the election campaign: we're talking about illegal immigration and rising crime, sanctuary cities and defiance of federal law, stupid treaties and the stoops who write them, and Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush are so desperate that she is apologizing (not sure for what) and he is violating the family loyalty oath.

Now that's progressive Republicanism.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Trump firmly in first in latest Real Clear Politics poll average with 26.5% , 17 points ahead of Bush who's now calling Trump a jerk

That's what Trump gets for calling Jeb "low energy". Sounds fair to me, for a loser.  Story here.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Jeb Bush has a big expensive campaign, and you know what that means

He'll have a big, expensive government.

Seen here:

But Bush’s fundraising pace has slowed in the late summer months. Still, he’s likely to remain the GOP campaign’s top fundraiser, but Bush is also spending more than other candidates because he has a mammoth operation.

“Jeb has a big army, and that army needs to be fed,” said one campaign consultant familiar with the campaign’s internal numbers. “Jeb might not have a fundraiser problem. He might have a spending problem.”

Monday, August 10, 2015

John Kasich supports amnesty for illegals just like Jeb Bush, and Rubio and Walker formerly did but triangulated after being chastened

Reported here in The Wall Street Journal in 

"Kasich Backs Path to Legal Status for Undocumented Immigrants: Republican presidential candidate also calls for a guest worker program".

Notice the redefinition of terms we've seen before from countless others. Illegal immigrants are now just undocumented. The idea that we should let "law abiding" people cut in line ignores the fact that they cut in line, that they are already not law abiding people.

Meanwhile a guest worker program supplants millions of already unemployed American citizens and drives down wages for Americans.

Kasich. Going. Nowhere. Fast.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Republican politicians Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio are attacking the truth about illegal immigrants

So says Matthew Boyle for Breitbart, here:

What’s odd about this situation is that objective evidence proves that Trump is correct, and there seems to be a politically correct machine pushing all these politicians to attack the truth. For instance, in May, 27-year-old Ramiro Ajualip, an illegal alien, “was charged with first-degree rape and first-degree sodomy, which are both Class A felonies in Alabama,” according to the Daily Caller.

Just a month ago, according to the Dallas Morning News, El Salvadoran illegal immigrant Mauricio Hernandez was sentenced to 50 years in prison after raping a 13-year-old. ...

Then there is Bernabe Flores, an illegal alien from Mexico, who admitted earlier this year in a New York court that he raped a 12-year-old girl. ...

[Ann] Coulter’s new book, Adios America, cites several examples as well of illegal aliens enaging in rapes and murders.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Libertarian disunity on display in massive field aspiring to 2016 GOP nomination

14 GOP aspirants to date
Liberals have one serious candidate and a few other aspirants defining their side, but Republicans have twice as many with no clear front runner. This is because Republicanism is now overcome by a libertarianism which by definition is unable to agree about much of anything. It is a shrill and brittle ideology of "freedom from" instead of a more modest philosophical meditation about "freedom for". The latter recognizes that freedom is not an absolute, and is what conservatism is all about, but today you'll be hard-pressed to find anyone talking about that in the Republican Party, much less anywhere else.
7 Democrat aspirants to date