Thursday, March 20, 2025

Numbskull Jesse Watters' masculinity prohibits eating soup in public, crossing your legs, drinking with a straw, milkshakes, waving with both hands, self-awareness, intelligence informed by history . . .

... “I have rules for men,” Watters began on Wednesday’s [Fox News] The Five. “They’re just funny, they’re not that serious. Like, you don't eat soup in public. You don't cross your legs. And you don't drink from a straw. And one of the reasons you don’t drink from a straw is the way your lips purse. It’s very effeminate.”

Referring to Walz, he said: “His excuse was, ‘well I was drinking a milkshake.’ Again, you shouldn’t be drinking a milkshake. Milkshakes are for kids.” 

Watters also claimed that real men “don’t wave simultaneously with two hands.”

“We wave with one hand, not both hands at the same time,” he said. ...
