Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The storm builds: K-12 employee sexual misconduct against minors produced $1.2 billion in settlements for school districts over the last decade


A review of insurance industry reports, legal blogs and media accounts by RealClearInvestigations turned up $1.2 billion in settlements for school districts in the last decade. And there are clear indications that the pace and amount of legal liability has been rising, along with the impact that has for taxpayers and schools. ...

“I think we’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg,” Oregon attorney Peter Janci told RealClear-Investigations. “There has been a lot of abuse that happened in schools, and there are more coming forward every day as public education and the sentiment to support victims has grown.” ...

The Boy Scouts are insolvent after a $2.4 billion settlement on more than 80,000 lawsuits, while the Catholic Church is still wrestling with the fallout from its long-term harboring of predatory priests, with their current legal bill standing at $3 billion. The totals for K-12 public school districts could potentially exceed those, given there are nearly 17,000 such districts in the U.S. with close to 50 million students today. ...

“In Washington, there’s been a series of laws that created a thriving industry of lawsuits,” Chamberlin told RCI. “Generally, there’s just a real fear of jury verdicts. They are awarding astronomical settlements and sooner or later it will be the taxpayer who is paying these.”

“You have to understand the fiscal landscape of all this,” he said. “So far, our [insurance] policy has been sufficient, but I do worry that at some point in the future we’ll be unable to get insurance. The lawsuits now cover a range of behaviors, and this has spiraled out of control nationally.”


These are the costs of The Sexual Revolution. The final bill is still being tabulated.