Saturday, June 29, 2024

The idiots at UK Daily Mail published editorial discussions about the article in the body of the article on John Deere shipping good American jobs to Mexico lol


XX Should we have the Dubuque job losses here too - bunch them all together, at least on first mention. And can we do them in chronological order - May is before March. Also assuming this first Oct one is 2023. And/or a little fact box on them, which we could also get made up ona  little graphic of Iowa showing Factory location and town, population, jobs lost (and jobs left). Might be good to summarise that way. But can do it a fact box first and then decide on map graphic.           


I'm sure the company would respond that the 2021 strike was the greed. 

There's plenty of greed to go around, though, obviously.


Fury as one of America's oldest companies slashes jobs in the Midwest as it shifts work to Mexico: 'It's greed'

The layoffs come after 10,000 unionized John Deere workers went on strike for five weeks in October 2021.

The strikes were among the most prominent during 'Striketober', where thousands of workers from Nabisco, Kellogg's, McDonald's and others walked out for weeks or even months to protest low pay in the wake soaring company profits.

Striking John Deere employees won a 10 percent raise for hourly earners, increased retirement benefits and the maintaining of the health insurance program that workers don't have to pay premiums for.