Friday, May 31, 2024

We must make these miscreants pay for what they have done

 Josh Hammer, here:

The imperative of this late hour of the American republic, in order to even attempt to rebalance our wildly off-balance pendulum, is to respond to the Left as it has acted toward us: by wielding political and prosecutorial power to reward friends and punish enemies -- to reward our side's forces of civilizational sanity and punish their side's forces of civilizational arson -- within the broad confines of the rule of law.

If we want to get back to "neutrality," at this perilous point, it's going to first take bloodying up some noses. That is unfortunate for those Americans who actually do value and cherish neutral enforcement of the rule of law. But yet again, here we are.

Above all, it is imperative that the Right not bat an eyelash. Do not be intimidated by this blatant show of crass thuggery masquerading as a legal proceeding. It's now full steam ahead through November. We must make these miscreants pay for what they have done.

Frankly, sympathetic as I am, I don't see how that will change anything. It will simply validate lawfare, the weaponizing of the legal system for political ends.

Democrats have crossed the Rubicon.

Escalation seems inevitable, but then there will be more escalation after that, and more after that.

That's what this means.

There has to be a better way.