Sunday, July 16, 2023

A random list of U.S. cities with above average temperature year to date coincidentally averages +1.7 degrees F

Checked yesterday:


Seattle, WA +0.2 degrees F

Baton Rouge, LA +4.3

Minneapolis, MN +1.1

DFW, TX +2.3

Grand Rapids, MI +1.7

Miami, FL +2.8

Pensacola, FL +3.3

Milwaukee, WI +2.2

Juneau, AK +0.8

Albany, NY +2.7

Tulsa, OK +0.2

Helena, MT +0.5

Omaha, NE +0.10

Concord, NH +2.2

Burlington, VT +2.7

Ft. Wayne, IN +2.1

Marquette, MI +1.5

Duluth, MN +0.2

Memphis, TN +1.5 


The anomaly for Grand Rapids, where I live, year-to-date is 3.5% above 48.2 degrees F, the mean average annual temperature going back to the 1890s.

The peak full year anomaly for Grand Rapids was in 2012: 9.5% above normal. 

So if 2023 is a climate emergency, what was 2012?

Factor in the 10 cities with below normal temperatures from the previous post and the 2023 anomaly year to date drops to +0.55 degrees F for 29 randomly chosen locations (my yellow legal pad has 28 blue lines).

Enjoy the beach.