Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Byron York: E. Jean Carroll case v. Trump was bankrolled by a billionaire when she said it wasn't, also claimed to have suffered after saying she hadn't


'Hoffman's money has made some waves in the Carroll case because, in her October 2022 deposition, Carroll denied that anyone was paying her legal fees. Here is what Carroll said: 

Q: Are you presently paying your counsel's fees?

A: This is a contingency case.

Q: So you're not paying expenses or anything out of pocket to date. Is that correct?

A: I'm not sure about expenses. I have to look that up.

Q: Is anyone else paying your legal fees, Ms. Carroll?

A: No.

'As the trial approached, Kaplan, Carroll's lawyer, wrote to the Trump legal team to admit that what Carroll said was not true. ...

'In addition, advocates for the Adult Survivors Act wanted to address the tremendous suffering that victims of sexual abuse experience. The lawsuit says Carroll endured "significant pain and suffering" and uses some form of the word "suffer" 11 times. Yet in a June 24, 2019 interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, part of the book promotion, Carroll declined to refer to what happened to her as a "rape" and offered this statement: "I just have trouble with the word. I just have trouble. I write an advice column for 25 years and women write to me with these devastating stories and they have been violently, you know, disposed of by men. And I just — I feel too much respect for their suffering. I didn't suffer, Anderson. I did not suffer. I did not lose my job. I wasn't beaten."'


Evidently the New York jury in the civil case which just found Trump liable knew neither fact.