Friday, July 5, 2019

Nine years after bottoming at 47% of population, full-time jobs still run millions behind

In the first half of 2019, full-time has recovered to 50% of population, still well below the previous average cycle high of 51.1%.

In the past full-time has recovered to 50% of population and above after just four years. We are in the ninth year and could easily have 2.7 million more working full-time in the first half of 2019 than we do presently at 50%.

It would take an extra 100,000 full-time jobs a month for another two-plus years straight to make up that difference, which just shows how pathetic it is that people routinely consider current job additions just north of 200,000 a month "strong".

Meanwhile population growth marches on, but those people are not being put to work.

Why continue to import immigrants then?


Our country is INSANE, doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.