Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Grand Rapids, Michigan, Climate Update for June 2019

Grand Rapids, Michigan, Climate Update for June 2019:

Max temp 89, Mean Max 91
Min temp 40, Mean Min 43
Av temp 66.8, Mean 67.6 (the last week of June erased all but 0.8 degrees of the June deficit)
Precip 4.36, Mean 3.55
Precip to date 22.93 inches, Mean 16.65 inches (Annual Mean 34.60)
Snow season officially ended 81.3 inches, Mean 66.8 inches (26th snowiest on record)
Heating degree days season officially ended 6722, Mean 6705 (utterly normal)
Cooling degree days season to date 117, Mean to date 184 (36% cooler to date than normal)

Like much of the country, we've been soggy: