Monday, June 10, 2019

USA Today op-ed calls Biden "perfect tool of the oligarchy", might as well be referring to Trump

The best among us may get elected to high office in D.C. with high minded ideals and goals but eventually get co-opted by an insidious system, and gradually become an out-of-touch, often-duplicitous, platitude-mouthing D.C. elite. 

Trump signed everything a Republican controlled Congress sent him without getting anything on immigration in return, the basis for his candidacy. Now he's running for reelection on immigration again.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice . . ..

The fact is, these two guys could run together on the same ticket.

Meanwhile 744 candidates have filed to run for president as of June 3, 2019, including Communist Michael Tyler Shortshit.

You have choice!