Sunday, March 10, 2019

Using the historical average of labor participation, 2.3 million more people age 16-24 should have been in the labor force in 2018 than were

The civilian labor force level of people age 16-24 averaged almost 21 million in 2018, 55.2% of the civilian noninstitutional population age 16-24 averaging 38 million. Upping the participation rate simply to the average of 61.2% for all the years shown in the graph below would have raised their labor force level to 23.3 million, 2.3 million higher than actual. 

Too bad for them, the low paying jobs they need to get work experience and a leg up on life are being taken by immigrants imported by the millions by the two political parties.

The ones we don't kill in the womb we torture in other ways.