Monday, March 11, 2019

I remember when Trump promised a 10% spending cut in Jan 2017, now Kudlow announces a 5% cut after Republicans spend us blind: 100% politics, 0% serious

Trump to whack DC with 10% cut to discretionary spending, 20% cut to personnel

What a crock that turned out to be.

Federal employment is exactly in Feb 2019 where it was in Nov 2016: 2.799 million. 

And outlays? Look at the outlays!

Outlays in fiscal 2017 were up 3.3% from 2016, up another 4.8% in 2018, and up again in fiscal 2019 a whopping 5.6%.

Overall for fiscal 2019 spending is up 14.4% from 2016.

Just in time for the next election cycle, however, Larry Kudlow is out promising a spending cut of 5%.

Total BS.