Monday, August 6, 2018

Grand Rapids, Michigan, Climate Update for July 2018

Grand Rapids, Michigan, Climate Update for July 2018

Max temp 94, Mean Max temp 94
Min temp 54, Mean Min temp 49
Av temp 74.4, Mean Av temp 72.2
Av temp to date 48.3, Mean Av temp to date 46.6 (actual is elevated 3.6%)
Precip 2.30, Mean precip 3.12
Total precip to date 21.5, Mean total precip to date 19.7 (actual ahead 1.8 despite dry conditions)
Cooling Degree Days 301, Mean CDD 241, Season to date 577, Mean Season to date 425

The cooling season to date as measured by CDD has moderated to 35.76% warmer than the mean after a hot early start to the summer season.

I notice Mean Max temp for June 2018 has been altered/changed/corrected down to 91 from the 94 I reported. It's also possible I misread it.

Check, check, double check, but still discrepancies arise due to human error . . . just not sure whose.