Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Free movement of peoples from foreign lands, a key tenet of libertarianism, is an ideology of Western suicide

Pat Buchanan, here, except he doesn't mention that's libertarianism (Pat defaults to "liberal democracy").

I can't think of a single public figure, except (maybe) Ann Coulter, to have made the explicit connection.

The real enemy is the ideological habit of mind, not the specific ideology per se. Its most characteristic failing is its inability to face reality, in all its intractability, but more than that, its revolt against reality. In its rage against the ugly facts of life which refuse to conform to its theories, libertarianism recoils and withdraws to the imagined safety of its gated communities, drawing up the bridge over the moat it has built around its citadels.

The worst ideologies until now have been armed and totalitarian. The current libertarian one, however, is just as deadly. Instead of actively killing people in the streets, it just stands by watching the video, when it's not making it.