Friday, April 1, 2011

Fukushima Daiichi Main Gate Radiation at 3:00 PM at 144 Microsieverts Per Hour

According to this cool interactive map from The Wall Street Journal here:

As of now, there's only one data point available in Fukushima Prefecture, and that's at the main gate to Ground Zero, but it's better than nothing.

At the stated level of 144 microsieverts per hour, you'd get 3.456 millisieverts camping out there for 24 hours, 6.912 millisieverts in 48 hours (just over the average American's ANNUAL exposure), and 483.6 millisieverts (the average American's exposure in a 78 year lifetime) in just 140 days (that's 20 weeks for those of you in Rio Linda). 

Sounds safe to me!