Monday, March 29, 2010

The Hutaree: Something About This Story Does Not Smell Right

Down in the middle of the report from The Detroit News about the arrested militia members was this little narrative:

"According to federal authorities, the group had identified a Michigan law enforcement officer as a potential target. Their idea was to kill that officer and when law enforcement officials from around the country came to the area for the funeral, they would attack the procession with improvised explosive devices and 'explosively formed projectiles.' They hoped the attack would serve as a 'catalyst for a more wide-spread uprising against the government.'"

No one who's been paying attention to what's been happening in this country since 2008 believes for one minute that there has been any feeling of animosity whatsover toward law enforcement officers in any of the groups opposed to what "government" has been shoving down the throats of the American people.

Law enforcement does not represent "the government" in the minds of Tea Partiers, Republicans, militiamen and the millions of Americans who are opposed to Obama's policies. In fact, police groups such as the Oath Keepers have formed along with this groundswell of opposition, pledging their loyalty to the rule of law and the constitution.

If members of the Hutaree believed their actions would be a catalyst to incite violence against the police, I'll believe it when I hear it from their lips in testimony, and chalk it up to the deluded thinking so characteristic of religious fanatics. But right now this story is nothing more than the narrative of the Feds. On the contrary, part of what frustrates rank and file Americans so much, quite apart from the votes of Congress, is the waiting for November 2, 2010, when the target will finally be in the crosshairs.

The timing of the raid comes hot on the heels of the healthcare vote circus and weeks before a so-called recon mission planned by the Hutaree was to take place.

After Obama and the Democrats have pushed everything to the far limits of the law for over a year we're actually supposed to believe their explanation?

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!