Sunday, October 2, 2016

September 2016 climate summary for Grand Rapids, Michigan: 10th warmest since 1892 by average temperature

September 2016 climate summary for Grand Rapids, Michigan

Average temperature was 66.4 degrees F. Normal is 62.7. The month ranked 10th warmest September since 1892. The hottest September by average temperature was in 1931 at 69.0. September 2016 was 3.8% cooler than that.

The normal 9-month average temperature is 51.0. Year to date the average temperature is 54.1, about 6.1% warmer than normal due to the El Nino, which ended this summer. The warmest full year on record by average temperature was 2012, at 52.8. The 9-month year to date average temperature in 2012 was 56.4, about 4.25% warmer than in 2016.

Here is 2016 average temperature 9-months year to date in perspective:

1921: 56.44
2012: 56.40
2010: 54.55
1998: 54.47 (VS El Nino year)
1894: 54.36
1931: 54.18 (El Nino year)
2016: 54.11 (VS El Nino year).

September 2016 was drier than normal with 2.4 inches of rain. Normal is 3.57. Year to date 33.94 inches of rain have fallen. Normal year to date is 26.31. Still cuttin' grass.

Cooling degree days totaled 95 in September, 28% above the normal 74. The warmest September by CDD occurred also in 1931 with 185 CDD. September 2016 was 49% lower than that.

Year to date CDD totals 926, 35% higher than the normal 686 for the year to date. The record for highest annual CDD was set in 1921 at 1200, for lowest annual CDD in 1992 at 316. Normal annual CDD is 694. Year to date CDD is 33% above the normal annual level, but still 23% below the record annual level set in 1921.