Saturday, October 19, 2019

Tulsi Gabbard keeps her assets in shape, Hillary Clinton just sells America's to Russia

California member of the US House Katie Hill alleged to be having TWO concurrent extramarital affairs WITH STAFFERS

"[O]ur role on Oversight is to get to the truth and to follow the truth wherever it leads us and to expose that for the American people.”


Sohrab Ahmari's Catholic kookery would give us for real the JFK taking orders from the pope we only once feared

Wow, this cheered me up



Nazi Twitter has suspended the account showing the video of the guy with the backpack shutting down the protesters who were blocking traffic.

You Tube still has it here.


OK, YouTube took it down.

View it here.

I feel like Curly:

Evan McKnobbin

Nice to see Megyn Kelly, Kelly Megyn or whatever her name is zing Matthew Dowd

Friday, October 18, 2019

So-called conservative Rod Dreher says he supports Adrian Vermeule but obviously doesn't know what he stands for

Here’s the problem, though: how are we on the Right going to form the kind of warriors capable of resistance? The Left is already doing this through institutional capture. Harvard’s integralist law professor Adrian Vermeule talks about marching through the institutions from the Right, which I certainly hope will happen, but where are these troops going to come from? The churches? At this point, alas, that’s a sad joke. The ranks of homeschoolers, and other Benedict Optionistas? There aren’t enough of us, and as one Catholic homeschooling mom testified here, it is no guarantee at all. The universities? Come on.

Vermeule wants to flood the USA with third world Catholics, but as Pew has recently shown, they are increasingly less Catholic, so the genius at the law school will simply end up turning America into  just another shit-hole.

More here.

What Beto's wife won't do for him, hence the wandering

Tyler Professor of Law at Harvard calls for swamping America with third world Catholics to obliterate Anglo-Protestant liberalism

Somebody call Orkin quick and send them to 1585 Massachusetts Avenue. Also 1651 and 125 Mount Auburn Street, just to be sure.

Imagine President Hillary using the powers of government to go after Jill Stein and Tulsi Gabbard and you can be thankful for the feckless boob we did elect in her place

The trend for growth of part-time work since 1968 has been much stronger than for full-time, saving business the cost of paying benefits such as paid holidays, sick time, retirement and health insurance

Note the huge jumps in the percentage working part-time due to the Clinton tax increases after his election in 1992 and after the Great Recession in 2008.

Full-time has still not recovered to the two decade experience pre-Great Recession.

Average weekly hours for 80% of workers quarterly, post-Great Recession, has never recovered to pre-recession cyclical high of 33.9 and is as low now as when Trump was inaugurated

Pre-Body Snatchers president makes a brief appearance in Dallas

The same people pushing us to fight endless wars overseas want us to open our borders to mass migration.

Obama Director of National Intelligence who lied through his teeth to Congress says truth decay began with Trump presidency


Thursday, October 17, 2019

The coming recession is evident from the change to the index for weekly hours, which hit a new low for this cycle in 3Q2019

Jobless claims week ending 10/12/19 end 7,340 higher than the same week a year ago

Disgraceful AP obituary for Elijah Cummings deliberately misquotes Trump

Trump responded by criticizing the Democrat’s district as a “rodent-infested mess” where “no human being would want to live.” The comments came weeks after Trump drew bipartisan condemnation following his calls for Democratic congresswomen of color to get out of the U.S. “right now,” and go back to their “broken and crime-infested countries.”

Trump actually said: "go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how...."

Lying by omission, just like ABC this week editing what it knew was domestic US gun range demonstration footage and palming it off as actual video of Turkey's war in Syria.

You see, any fool can be a journalist, check a source and quote it accurately, even me. But you have to want to. AP obviously doesn't because it's down for the political cause, not for journalism.

The obit is here.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Monday, October 14, 2019

The annual October report of W-2 payrolls is out and shows NO JOBS BOOM under Trump, just mediocrity

Trump is merely Bush-league.

Payroll creation in this cycle peaked under Obama in 2016 at 227,159 per month.

Deserter Bowe Bergdahl is alive and well somewhere while this man is not

Matt Taibbi: "The people pushing hardest for Trump’s early removal are more dangerous than Trump"

My discomfort in the last few years, first with Russiagate and now with Ukrainegate and impeachment, stems from the belief that the people pushing hardest for Trump’s early removal are more dangerous than Trump. Many Americans don’t see this because they’re not used to waking up in a country where you’re not sure who the president will be by nightfall. They don’t understand that this predicament is worse than having a bad president.

Read it all here.

Carbon whore Jane Fonda flies private all the way from California to DC to get arrested at climate protest

Whistleblower is connected to Joe Biden

The 2020 Democratic candidate with whom the CIA whistleblower had a "professional" tie is Joe Biden, according to intelligence officers and former White House officials.

More here.

Whistleblower bs: Despite admitting his info came secondhand through a phone call, claimed source was "visibly shaken"

Hypocrite lawyer for Ukraine whistleblower threatened to dox Trump supporter in May 2018: "Reveal your identity instead of attacking while hiding"

What's good for the goose ain't good for the gander. One law for thee but another for me.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Hello, maybe bank reserves are the problem, not the solution?

I don't think I've ever seen Jeff Snider shake his damn head: Tbills are the very best collateral in repo and the Fed has decided to lock them up

This is going to be highly . . . educational, but the Fed will still flunk out in the end.

When aiming your gun at the ground, make sure your foot is not in the way when you pull the trigger.

Welcome back to the same stupid shit: Quantitative Easing, Round IV, with a half twist back flip

The long-promised balance sheet unwind stopped in early September, never getting it even remotely close to pre-Great Financial Crisis levels. Maturing securities then began to be used to purchase more of the same again, increasing the balance sheet, as plainly shown in the graph.

Now that will get even worse as the Fed begins buying $60 billion a month outright in new Treasury securities on top of this reinvesting of maturing securities. The Fed claims this is not QE because they're only going to buy Treasury Bills, not longer dated Notes. Money market rates, where many investors had parked lots of cash to take advantage of better returns than they could get on long dated securities, have already fallen. Now there will be no place left to get any decent return without tying up your money for ten years paying 1.76% and thirty years just 2.22%.

Thanks for nothing Trump! 

The FOMC voted unanimously to begin to purchase Treasury bills at an initial pace of about $60 billion per month starting Tuesday. The purchases will last at least into the second quarter of next year.

Read more here

Black coffee drinkers are more likely to have psychotic tendencies

The lawyers suck because their PROFESSORS are even worse

Claire Thomas is director of something called the Asylum Clinic at New York Law School

Smith is at DOJ, is adjunct at George Washington and George Mason Law, was a John McCain staffer

Washington Watcher II puts some lipstick on the Trump immigration pig

Trump is up against a 21st-century nullification movement. Trump does, of course, have options. As A.W. Morgan wrote recently, Trump could assert his authority as the executive, a co-equal branch of government, defy Congress and the kritarchs, and arrest sanctuary officials on federal obstruction of justice charges. He can’t enforce law, as is his duty, if judges and state and localities block him at every turn. ... Because of inexplicable staffing decisions, Trump’s foes now often work for him, with the inevitable result. The most recent Homeland Security chiefs—Kirstjen Nielsen and Kevin McAleenan— both privately oppose immigration patriotism. Both have proven inadequate. In other words, it’s Trump vs. the entire  Ruling Class.

No. In other words we have a president who is not serious. Just like the rest of the country.

Read it all here.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

1992 NATURE rejection letter to current Nobel winner ended with an incomplete sentence

The same journal which went on to publish Michael Mann's climate hockey stick paper in 1998, which made past warming and cooling both disappear.

The world will end with neither a bang nor a whimper, but with gibberish.



Why you can't say "Good morning" to a liberal

He ain't up yet.