Sunday, December 6, 2015

Real Clear Politics poll average updated to show Trump ahead by 14.3, Bush and six others share just 16.3 points

Sigmar Gabriel of Germany is tracking to the right as anti-Islam sentiment grows

Sigmar Gabriel, Vice Chancellor of Germany, who appears to be coming around to Thilo Sarrazin's point of view ("If I want to hear the muezzin's call to prayer, then I'll go to the Orient"), quoted here:

"Wahhabi mosques are financed all over the world by Saudi Arabia. In Germany, many dangerous Islamists come from these communities."

Friday, December 4, 2015

Tashfeen Malik, like lying American liberals, lied about the smallest detail, her home address

notice the poorly plucked eyebrows
Reported here:

'Malik came to the U.S. on what is known as a “fiancĂ©” visa, which allows an American fiancĂ© to petition for his or her partner’s temporary entry before marriage. For the visa application, the address she listed in her Pakistani hometown, ABC News discovered today, does not exist. Malik received a [sic] her Green Card this summer, U.S. officials said.'

"Racist" isn't working against Trump, so now they'll try "fascist"

Ross Douthat, here, where else?, in The New York Times, attempting to lay the groundwork from the right:

'Whether or not we want to call Trump a fascist outright, then, it seems fair to say that he’s closer to the “proto-fascist” zone on the political spectrum than either the average American conservative or his recent predecessors in right-wing populism.'

The critique is almost entirely non-economic and preoccupied with Trump's style, tone and passions, which makes sense since Americans of all political stripes are blind to the essential character of America as a form of state capitalism. Our politics left and right has stewed in that soup from the very beginning when the colonies were formed as corporate instrumentalities of the British Crown, financed by the Bank of England. We can hardly imagine any other economic arrangement. It only comes up momentarily in our politics when our/their cronies get exposed, and then quickly fizzles away when the truth becomes too difficult to face, restoring business as usual.

Just ask the bankers.

Trump isn't going to get Hillary elected, Obama is going to get Trump elected

Trump surges to +20 in CNN poll, now +13.3 in Real Clear Politics poll average

The West will eventually need Russia as an ally

Natalia Solzhenitsyn, quoted here.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Insane SECDEF to open all combat jobs to women: So when will 18-year old girls be required to register for the draft?

After all, fair is fair. Women will never be equal to men until they are liable to the draft just like men.

Story here:

"Defense Secretary Ash Carter will order the military to open all combat jobs to women, and is giving the armed services until Jan. 1 to submit plans to make the historic change, the Associated Press has learned."

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Trump says libertarians don't get it that we need big government to protect us from big weapons

In an interview with Alex Jones (yikes), here.

Jones called Trump a "statesman" during the interview, and Trump said Jones has an "amazing" reputation.

Well, I guess one true statement out of three ain't bad.

Trump: Kill the terrorists and their families

"The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families. They care about their lives, don't kid yourself. When they say they don't care about their lives, you have to take out their families," Trump said.

Trump to +9.5 in Real Clear Politics poll average, Marco "The Rube" Rubio takes second in Quinnipiac poll

What's the difference between a stupid liberal and smart liberal?

The smart liberal always uses a clean needle.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

So far the El Nino has wiped out 48% of the Grands Rapids Michigan 2015 cumulative average negative temperature anomaly

The Grand Rapids Michigan November average temperature anomaly was a whopping +5.4 degrees F.

The cumulative anomaly for 2015 thus declines from -17.1 to -11.7 degrees F.

The El Nino so far has wiped out 10.9 degrees F of negative anomaly in September, October and November alone after seven of eight months of below normal temperatures which had taken the cumulative anomaly to -22.6 degrees F through August.

Snowfall in November was 51% of normal at just 3.5 inches.

Precipitation was 74% of normal at 2.61 inches.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Conservatism revealed as libertarians finally agree on SOMETHING: They hate Trump to a man

From here:

'The closest the Koch network comes to a consensus is a distaste for billionaire front-runner Donald Trump, who accused Republicans attending the Kochs’ summer donor retreat of being “puppets” of their wealthy masters. ... Not a single contribution to Trump’s campaign could be found in the donation records of the 190 attendees of Koch donor conferences.'

Lovers of American borders, language and culture vs. the money-grubbing liberal sell-outs of the libertarian consensus, that's what this election is about.

Arctic sea ice extent is at its highest level since 2004

Trump to +9 in latest Real Clear Politics poll average

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Equality means shooting a black offender and not having to say you're sorry

The only reliable form of communication with savages

Obama regime tells Turkey to seal border to stop ISIS traffic but does nothing to seal the US border even though it says it could

Reported here:

“The game has changed. Enough is enough. The border needs to be sealed,” a senior Obama administration official said of Washington’s message to Ankara. “This is an international threat, and it’s all coming out of Syria and it’s coming through Turkish territory.” ... “This is really a question of their border security,” a senior U.S. official said of Turkish authorities. “They need to step up their game when it comes to this and they can’t necessarily look to us to fortify their border for them. Paris is a wake-up call to them that this is a problem they don’t have under control.” ... Before Paris, Turkish officials often rebuffed U.S. calls for a larger border force, saying the frontier was simply too long to effectively seal, no matter how many soldiers were deployed. Turkish officials pointed to Washington’s inability to seal off the U.S.-Mexico border as an example of how difficult such operations can be. U.S. officials chafe at the comparison. “If we were at war with Mexico, we’d close that border,” a senior administration official said of Washington’s response.