Wednesday, June 19, 2024

With these people it's never enough


Brought to you by the traitors who fired Peter Brimelow, Pat Buchanan, Joe Sobran, et alia


How did Democrat women end up like this?


Pew Research details crackpot beliefs held by a certain protected group and softens report under fierce social justice warrior backlash

PEW revises 'racial conspiracy theories' report after backlash...

 In the report released June 10 titled “Most Black Americans Believe Racial Conspiracy Theories About U.S. Institutions,” Pew detailed “the suspicions that Black adults might have about the actions of U.S. institutions based on their personal and collective historical experiences with racial discrimination.” Survey respondents highlighted issues such as discrimination in the medical field, incarceration, and guns and drugs in Black communities. ... Pew released the revised report Saturday with a new title: “Most Black Americans Believe U.S. Institutions Were Designed To Hold Black People Back.” The updated report includes a new headline, additional context and direct quotes from respondents.

It must infuriate Robin DiAngelo that Pew capitalizes "white" lol.

The crackpot beliefs are still there for all to see:

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

NBC News and Biden's spokesman Andrew Bates want you to believe this video from Chris Gardner, senior staff writer for The Hollywood Reporter, is a cheap fake

 Here is Gardner's original video:




















Senior National Political Reporter for NBC News:



“Fresh off being fact checked by at least 6 mainstream outlets for lying about President Biden with cheap fakes, Rupert Murdoch’s sad little super PAC, the New York Post, is back to disrespecting its readers and itself once again,” White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said in a statement in reference to a video of Biden at a fundraiser with former President Barack Obama over the weekend that landed on the cover of the Post, a conservative tabloid.

Way to go, Brandon: The M/V Tutor is now believed to have sunk in the Red Sea after Houthi surface attack


If Rush were still here he'd say Hsu Khan Lai but not Chau and Chen, or Chen Khan Chau with Lai but not with Hsu


The truly mentally ill person in this story is the tolerant woman who was brutally attacked and raped by the same man who murdered the other one


  She's as much a danger to the rest of us as the perp.

 2 women are brutally attacked on Venice Canals, focusing debate on crime, homelessness

She feels the attacks are emblematic of an issue no one wants to address: the mental health and drug crisis among the unhoused residents of Venice.

"It's not like they're horrible people," Klein said. "It's just we need to stop being in denial about our family members and our community members who are in desperate need of mental health help — especially those who are really struggling on the streets."


Voters should oppose EVERYTHING because taxes pay for NOTHING

 You'd don't get $34 trillion in debt any other way.

Most Voters Support Prohibiting Tax Dollars from Paying for Gender Reassignment Surgery

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Platitudinous Glenn Loury thinks like a Marxist in his old age: Workers of all races have a common bond, he says

This kind of politics is universal.

The lapdogs lick it up here.

Glenn Loury last worked in a factory, when, in 1972? More than 12% of the civilian population had a manufacturing job back then. Today fewer than 5% have one. But in neither case was there anything universal about being working class.










What have miners, sailors, tailors' apprentices, metalworkers, waiters, bank officials, ploughmen, and scavengers in common with one another?

-- Oswald Spengler


Saturday, June 15, 2024

Joe Biden's restraint in the Red Sea against Yemen's Houthis is a disgrace: 77 cargo ships attacked since Oct 7, container traffic down 67%, tanker traffic down 50%, US out $1 billion so far


 Since Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, Iran-backed Houthi rebels have lobbed missiles, drones and other weapons at commercial vessels and warships nearly every day. Although most of the weapons have been shot down, at least 77 cargo ships have been hit, and one British-owned ship carrying 20,000 tons of fertilizer aboard was sunk. ...

The Biden administration has limited its military response to the Houthi attacks, hoping to avoid being drawn into a wider Middle East conflict.


As we write the coal-carrier MV Tutor has been hit and abandoned in the Red Sea with one crew member believed to be drowned after being trapped in the flooded engine room.

People who say Trump's character counts make me want to puke: JFK has to be the biggest POS to ever win the White House, and his brothers right along with him

 'I know what's going on,' she told Finnerty. 'All these reporters — and they're almost always men — think I'm strange, that I must live off in my own world not to see what he's up to. I know exactly what he's up to.'

There were so many women.

Jackie suspected that even Lee, her sister, had slept with Jack once. She knew about Jack and Pamela Turnure, her own press secretary. She knew about Jack's euphemistic 'pool parties' held almost daily in the White House — often attended by his brothers Ted and Bobby and various lackeys — and the young secretaries who'd join them. Women ran up and down the back stairs whenever Jackie was away, leaving behind blonde hairs and bobby pins.

One she didn't know about was 19-year-old Mimi Beardsley, who worked in the White House secretarial pool. Jack had invited Mimi to the White House residence, gotten her drunk, and taken Mimi's virginity on the bed he shared with his wife. In that same bed, Jackie once found a pair of women's knickers. 'Would you please shop around and find who these belong to?' she asked Jack coolly. 'They're not my size.'


Estimated-tax-penalties balloon by four times in 2023 due to higher interest rates and a greedy, lazy IRS which just got tens of billions in new funding from Joe Biden but can't get its software updated

 The average estimated-tax penalty in fiscal-year 2023 climbed to about $500 from about $150 in 2022, according to Internal Revenue Service data. Meanwhile the number of affected tax filers rose to 14 million from 12 million. Overall, the agency assessed $7 billion in estimated-tax penalties in 2023, nearly four times the $1.8 billion it assessed in 2022. ...

Filers who don’t pay in enough tax throughout the year owe a penalty in the form of an interest charge on their underpayment that’s set quarterly. In 2021, the year that prompted most of the 2022 assessments, the IRS’s rate on underpayments was a rock-bottom 3%. The penalty is based on the short-term Treasury rate plus three points, and it climbed to 6% as rates rose in 2022. That pushed up charges on underpayments assessed the next year.

In 2023 the rate rose to 8% for the fourth quarter. It’s still there–so underpayment penalties will continue to sting taxpayers who owe them. ...

The IRS’s computers can impose undeserved penalties on some estimated-tax filers, because they automatically treat income as though it’s earned equally throughout the year. So if a filer does a fourth-quarter Roth IRA conversion and pays tax on it at that time, the system will assume the income was earned all through the year but the tax was only paid in the fourth quarter.


Friday, June 14, 2024

Peggy Noonan: The Alitos did nothing wrong, and the dishonest activist is nothing but a Stalinist rat


 But there was something quite inhuman in what the left-wing activist did. She treated human beings as if they were mere means to her end. She acted out admiration to perform reputational harm. She presented herself falsely to inflict damage. That the content she produced was disseminated by honest grown-up journalists is to their discredit.

She claims to oppose polarization but fans it, further alienating those who already lack trust in institutions like the court and professionals like journalists. She presents another warning to those who hold or are adjacent to high office: You can’t assume good faith on the part of fellow citizens who seek you out.

More than that, it is deeply Stalinist. In Stalin’s time private life was dead, and private comments too. Neighbor spied on neighbor and reported back subversive comments to the Central Committee. People became spies, rooting out ideological error. 
