Tuesday, May 28, 2024

New evidence reveals Hunter Biden WeChat messages from his iCloud account to Chinese oil giant CEFC involve his father, contradicting his sworn testimony

 Story here.

'Hunter Biden lied about the recipient of a WhatsApp message sent with the apparent intention to threaten a business associate and demand payment,' committee chairman Jason Smith claimed Wednesday.

'In the message, Hunter Biden twice mentioned he was with his father. In the deposition, Hunter Biden sought to dismiss the message, claiming that he was either 'high or drunk' when he sent it, and in that state, had sent it to the wrong Zhao, and not actually the one affiliated with the Chinese energy company, CEFC.

'Hunter claimed under oath that the recipient, 'had no understanding or even remotely knew what,...I was even...talking about,' Smith added.

'However, phone records in front of the Committee today show Hunter Biden sent the message to the correct Chinese businessman by the name of Raymond Zhao who not only was affiliated with CEFC, but knew exactly what Hunter Biden was talking about.'

Joe Biden tampers with witness in Hunter Biden trial

 Biden Pays Surprise Visit To Hunter's Ex Before She Testifies in Gun Trial

James Cueball Carville has become the same demented old man Joe Biden has become

 Carville: Democrats Should "Steal Trump's Medical Records" And Find Out If He Has "Secondary Syphilis"

In her never-ending quest to explain her 2016 loss to Donald Trump, Hillary now blames vast conspiracy of complacency among Russian women


Sunday, May 26, 2024

Even while telling the truth they lie

 Mediaite won't say "distress signal":

Justice Alito Claims His Wife Hung Coup Flag Distress Signal Because Neighbor Called Her a C***

And WaPo says "insulting language on yard signs" but won't say "cunt":

Wife of Justice Alito called upside-down flag ‘signal of distress’


This will never not be funny

Trump to Libertarian Party:   “Keep getting your 3 percent every four years.”


Those Libertarian Party ideals like "live and let live" really have come a long way

 One Libertarian Party member shouted: 'Donald Trump should have taken a bullet!'

Drudge is so frustrated with a Trump who won't die lol, he editorializes the content he links to when he links to it at all

 THE DON LOSES CONTROL actual story Trump loudly heckled at Libertarian National Convention says the only thing out of control is drugs in Colorado and Oregon, giving even some libertarians pause.


Maybe Drudge is on drugs?

Reuters: Trump was undeterred in front of Libertarians

 Undeterred, Trump poked fun at the crowd, saying if they did not back him, they would continue to garner just a tiny portion of voter support in national elections.


Trump is showing how tough he is, follows up gutsy Bronx rally appearance with raucous first ever appearance by a president at Libertarian Convention

 Trump did great in the Bronx, attracting mostly minorities, and held his own in front of the Libertarians, telling them repeatedly to stop settling for being national losers and to endorse him.

Drudge thinks Trump lost control, but the video showed no such thing. Trump did great in front of a very hostile audience deeply divided amongst themselves.

They didn't like RFK Jr either, like that's news. Libertarians hate everybody and can hardly agree about anything. 

And they would have eaten Joe Biden alive, but not Donald Trump.

See for yourself.


Friday, May 24, 2024

Critic of McDonald's food dies of cancer aged 53, Wisconsin man aged 70 still eats a Big Mac every day and has since 1972

 Documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock, who skewered fast food industry, dies at 53 

Spurlock made a splash in 2004 with his groundbreaking film “Super Size Me,” which was nominated for an Academy Award. The film chronicled the detrimental physical and psychological effects of Spurlock eating only McDonald’s food for 30 days. He gained about 25 pounds, saw a spike in his cholesterol and lost his sex drive. ... He returned in 2019 with “Super Size Me 2: Holy Chicken!”


 Wisconsin man's lifetime Big Mac consumption hits 34,128 

Gorske, who has saved the receipt and package from every Big Mac he has eaten, first tried McDonald's signature burger on May 17, 1972. ... Gorske said he hasn't suffered any ill health effects from his unusual diet, and he maintains his physique by abstaining from French fries.


CNBC finally catches on lol: Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve equivalent to just 2.65 hours of total U.S. gasoline consumption


 Biden’s gasoline sale likely won’t have a major impact on summer pump prices

Google's AI Overviews has comparable problems to Gemini lol: Use glue on pizza, OK to stare at the sun up to 30 minutes if you have dark skin, geologists recommend eating one small rock per day, 1919 was 20 years ago

 Google criticized as AI Overview makes obvious errors, saying President Obama is Muslim and that it’s safe to leave dogs in hot cars

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Why Joe Biden's release of 1 million gallons of gasoline to reduce prices is ridiculous


Americans used 376 million gallons of gasoline PER DAY last year.

The New York Times has one really stupid AND lazy Pulitizer Prize winning investigative reporter who never heard of the Pine Tree Riot of 1772


The US must stop funding the UN and kick it out of America


What this country most needs



From The Last of Menckenians here:

What interests me most is the historical example of Mencken: once, in the United States, a writer shunned dogmatic responses, pushing readers to think more shrewdly and to challenge even themselves, and readers turned to him. So I’m glad for the continued publication of Menckeniana and for the Mencken Society no matter how small its membership. The society’s work reminds me that this country and its democracy require that, in every era, a writer step up and think skeptically in the best sense, to seek favor with no one, to accept being wrong in pursuit of truth, and to do so with wit and whatever in that moment constitutes eloquence.