Thursday, May 16, 2024

Biden's chairman of his Council of Economic Advisers, Jared Bernstein, doubles down on inflation being 9% when Biden took office, a statement now fact-checked to death since Biden incorrectly stated it

Jared Bernstein is emblematic of the malarkey in the Biden administration.

He's called an economist, but has no economic credentials. Bernstein took his college degrees in music and social work.

Neil Cavuto savages Bernstein here.

Separately, this short Q&A with Bernstein about printing money and lending it is just epic.

It was all inflation, running at 3.4%: Advance retail sales in April up 3% year over year, but flat from March to April

You're just shelling out more for the same stuff, not buying new stuff.

“Today’s retail sales report reflects a pullback in consumer spending that retailers have called out in recent earnings reports,” said Claire Tassin, retail and e-commerce analyst at Morning Consult.

Compared with last April, sales were up 3%, but the Census Bureau doesn’t adjust the data for inflation, which came in at 3.4% on an annual basis in April, according to the latest consumer price index report. That suggests that the sales gains from a year ago are “entirely attributable to inflation, not increased consumer demand,” Tassin said.

Barron's, reproduced here.

Two days after the May 14th primaries Democrats are way behind Republicans counting all the votes because they're counting mail-in votes

Even Maryland Republicans are ahead of Democrats.

It's a recipe for fraud in November.


Wednesday, May 15, 2024

McDonalds stages value theater, in partnership with Coca-Cola lol

 McDonald’s $5 value meal is coming in June — and staying for just a month:

Coca-Cola added marketing funds to the equation to make the deal more appealing, CNBC reported Friday. In a statement, Coca-Cola said: “We routinely partner with our customers on marketing programs to meet consumer needs. This helps us grow our businesses together.”


The continuing price gouging by US natural gas utilities is astounding

Look at all that daylight between what utilities charge and the gas actually costs.


Permanently higher food prices and still climbing at 2.2% in April 2024

 The last time we had any actual food price deflation was in late 2016 for a few months.



Core CPI inflation came in at 3.6% year over year in April 2024 in this morning's report, still 83% worse than under Trump

Core CPI inflation averaged 1.96% under Trump.



Janet Yellen: Sexual abuse of female employees at FDIC under Martin Gruenberg "totally unacceptable"

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen signaled her displeasure, telling reporters Tuesday that “the kind of abuses that were documented in the report are a totally unacceptable way to treat employees at the FDIC and not in line with the core values of the Biden administration.” She stopped short, however, of joining Republican calls for his resignation.

Well now, they've been keeping that one pretty quiet in the media haven't they?
There's a different level of scrutiny for Republican appointees, until it gets so bad for Democrat ones that they can't avoid it any longer.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

A year from now at the beach he'll be saying he won


Not only did the Joos do 9/11, they did 10/7 too, AND single-handedly kept every single country in the Middle East from becoming a democracy in the post-war

 Works for the very shady Washington Post AND Fuller Seminary. Wow.

Abandon Hope All Who Enter Here.

Have fun in college next year kiddos: Your interest rate on student loans will run from 6.53% for undergrads to 8.08% and 9.08% for grad students

 Student loans been bery bery good for Uncle Sam.


UST 10Y May 8: 4.483% ha ha ha ha ha.

Joe Biden puts peaceful pro-life protesters in jail for years but Golden Gate Hamasnik traffic blockers are released and not charged


Oh look, one big happy family of UN vehicles and UN workers in their UN compound with Hamas terrorists

 Video here.

The terrorists shot at IDF from this compound in Rafah.




AP Obama is really pissed it doesn't share an office with Hamas in Gaza anymore


Joe Biden's return to normalcy puts totally peaceful pro-life activist in jail for years


Your periodic reminder that Nancy Pelosi's hand-picked successor is an election denier


Remember when Joe Biden pledged to reverse Trump's senseless tariffs lol?












Biden Levies Sweeping Tariffs on China, Intensifying Trade Fight With Trump

Times have really changed in New York City

 Traumatized tourist stabbed in Times Square will never return to city... 

When I first visited New York City many years ago, we parked the car and as we got out a cab pulled up along side but behind us a little on an angle. 

A man jumped out of the back seat, pulled out his pecker, and peed like a race horse on the street right in front of us like it was nothing. Then he jumped back in the cab and it took off again.

Never even got wet.



Joe promised normal ha ha ha ha ha



















 Joe Promised Normal. Do Voters Want His Version of It?