Monday, April 22, 2024

Tucker Carlson commits seppuku on the ash heap of history


Joe Biden was just fine being the VP to the president who openly embraced the anti-semite last employed by the "Best Remnant of the Liberal Media"


ADL names most anti-semitic colleges: Harvard, MIT, MSU, Princeton, SUNY, Stanford, Swarthmore, Tufts, Universities of Chicago, Massachusetts, North Carolina, and Virginia


Just two of 85 institutions met the minimum standard, meaning most institutions of higher learning in the United States are Not Safe For Jews.

The white supremacy over blacks and Jews the Democrats keep warning us lurks in the fever swamps of rural America is endemic to the most prestigious institutions Democrats control. 

The Hamas wing of the Democrat Party thrives in academia in the United States.

Reported here:

The campuses that received an "F" grade include Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Michigan State University, Princeton University, SUNY Purchase, SUNY Rockland Community College, Stanford University, Swarthmore College, Tufts University, University of Chicago, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and the University of Virginia.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

The $26.4 billion Israel/Gaza et alia Security Supplemental Appropriations Act passed yesterday 366-58-0-7, with Nay votes from 21 Republicans

 The roll call vote is here.

The 21 Republicans voting Nay:

The $60.8 billion Ukraine Security Supplemental Appropriations Act passed yesterday 311-112-1-7, all the Nay votes being Republicans

 The roll call vote is here.

Just a hypothetical here: $60.8 billion / $1.3 billion per night of Russian air assaults (compare Iran attack on Israel) = 46 nights.

The $8.1 billion Indo-Pacific Security Supplemental Appropriation for Taiwan et alia passed yesterday 385-34-1-11, all the Nays being Republicans

 The roll call vote is here.

I would have reported in real time but Blogger had a major outage yesterday afternoon lasting several hours.

When little learning is a dangerous thing


Coming to a retail store near you: The Home Depot deploys security with dogs to PARKING LOTS to protect customers from Joe Biden's illegal aliens

 A New York Home Depot has deployed a guard dog — and other stores may be close behind — to protect shoppers from aggressive migrants and thieves flooding their parking lots, The Post has learned. 

Two men wearing MSA Security caps and bulletproof vests with a German Shepherd in tow patrolled the Home Depot in New Rochelle on Tuesday.


Diversity is our strength.

Democrat media are not covering this story: If re-elected Joe Biden promises to let Trump 2017 tax cuts expire

 President Biden vowed Friday that former President Donald Trump’s 2017 tax cuts would lapse next year if he’s re-elected and “stay expired” — meaning higher taxes for middle class and low-income Americans — prompting a hasty walk-back by aides.

Biden, 81, lambasted Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), which permanently lowered corporate taxes from 35% to 21% and temporarily lowered personal income tax rates through 2025, as a giveaway to the rich in a speech to electrical union members in Washington.


Saturday, April 20, 2024

Ouch, my eyeballs just hit the back of my head again

Paragraph twelve:
More than 650,000 people are estimated to be homeless.
This is a small problem of incompetent liberalism in places like California, Oregon, and Washington state, where the drug laws are lax and the weather is good. It is pathetic that the Supreme Court has to be pestered with the consequences of liberalism's never-ending quest to turn every place into a shithole.

Mother Teresa: Abortion is a direct war, direct murder by the mother herself, the first and greatest destroyer of peace in our time


Here, 1979:

I was surprised in the West to see so many young boys and girls given into drugs, and I tried to find out why – why is it like that, and the answer was: Because there is no one in the family to receive them. Father and mother are so busy they have no time. Young parents are in some institution and the child takes back to the street and gets involved in something.

We are talking of peace. These are things that break peace, but I feel the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a direct war, a direct killing – direct murder by the mother herself. And we read in the Scripture, for God says very clearly: Even if a mother could forget her child – I will not forget you – I have carved you in the palm of my hand.

We are carved in the palm of His hand, so close to Him that unborn child has been carved in the hand of God. And that is what strikes me most, the beginning of that sentence, that even if a mother could forget something impossible – but even if she could forget – I will not forget you.

And today the greatest means – the greatest destroyer of peace is abortion. And we who are standing here – our parents wanted us. We would not be here if our parents would do that to us. Our children, we want them, we love them, but what of the millions. Many people are very, very concerned with the children in India, with the children in Africa where quite a number die, maybe of malnutrition, of hunger and so on, but millions are dying deliberately by the will of the mother. And this is what is the greatest destroyer of peace today.

Because if a mother can kill her own child – what is left for me to kill you and you kill me – there is nothing between. And this I appeal in India, I appeal everywhere: Let us bring the child back, and this year being the child’s year: What have we done for the child? At the beginning of the year I told, I spoke everywhere and I said: Let us make this year that we make every single child born, and unborn, wanted. And today is the end of the year, have we really made the children wanted? I will give you something terrifying. We are fighting abortion by adoption, we have saved thousands of lives, we have sent words to all the clinics, to the hospitals, police stations – please don’t destroy the child, we will take the child. So every hour of the day and night it is always somebody, we have quite a number of unwedded mothers – tell them come, we will take care of you, we will take the child from you, and we will get a home for the child. And we have a tremendous demand from families who have no children, that is the blessing of God for us. And also, we are doing another thing which is very beautiful – we are teaching our beggars, our leprosy patients, our slum dwellers, our people of the street, natural family planning.