Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Our Christians never talk this way anymore, unfortunately


Military successes, above all others, elevate the minds of a people.

-- Bishop Francis Atterbury (1662-1732)

LOL, my progressive neighbor lady was trying to set me straight on COVID-19 the other day by insisting that the case fatality rate was 3.4%

Which was true . . . way back in March 2020.

She's still using talking points from over a year ago, which she cuts and pastes into her emails.

The lights are on, but no one is home. 

I liked her better not knowing this, alas.

For the US to date the cfr is 1.6% and globally to date it's 2.05%, per Johns Hopkins this morning.

Notice, by the way, the imprecision in the popular press below, which was widespread at the time and even came out of Anthony Fauci's own mouth, mixing up case fatality rate and mortality rate. Mortality rate is usually expressed in deaths/100k/year, case fatality rate as a percentage of cases dying, which fluctuates constantly, obviously.

The cfr has been in steady decline, and consequently the mortality rate for the second year of the pandemic is going to be much lower than for the first year.

You can repeal the 19th Amendment, but you can't repeal the hysteria.


The bloodthirsty intersection of liberalism and libertarianism: "I don't care if I'm still spreading coronavirus, I'm vaccinated and won't become seriously ill"


Huge COVID-19 outbreak among fully vaccinated Texas prison inmates mirrors huge Provincetown, MA, outbreak among fully vaccinated gay revelers July 4: The vaccinated are spreading the disease

 Story BURIED by AP Obama here (Drudge also buried the story last night, shown below):

NEW YORK — A new study of Texas prison inmates provides more evidence that coronavirus can spread even in groups where most people are vaccinated.

A COVID-19 outbreak at a federal prison in July and August infected 172 male inmates in two prison housing units, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report released Tuesday.

About 80% of the inmates in the units had been vaccinated. More than 90% of the unvaccinated inmates wound up being infected, as did 70% of the fully vaccinated prisoners.

Severe illness, however, was more common among the unvaccinated. The hospitalization rate was almost 10 times higher for them compared with those who got the shots.

It echoes research into a July outbreak in Provincetown, Massachusetts, where several hundred people were infected -- about three-quarters of whom were fully vaccinated.

Such reports have prompted a renewed push by health officials for even vaccinated people to wear masks and take other precautions. They believe the delta variant, a version of coronavirus that spreads more easily, and possibly waning immunity may be playing a role.

The authors did not identify the prison, but media reports in July detailed a similar-sized outbreak at the federal prison in Texarkana.

Just look at that html:



Tuesday, September 21, 2021

You know your vaccine is in trouble when its effectiveness among its most vulnerable recipients drops by 22 points in just a couple of months

Especially when they start out not-so-hot to begin with.

CDC, Aug 18, 2021:

Two doses of mRNA vaccines were 74.7% effective against infection among nursing home residents early in the vaccination program (March–May 2021). During June–July 2021, when B.1.617.2 (Delta) variant circulation predominated, effectiveness declined significantly to 53.1%. ... This study could not differentiate the independent impact of the Delta variant from other factors, such as potential waning of vaccine-induced immunity. ... nursing home residents were among the earliest groups vaccinated in the United States; thus, if vaccine-induced immunity does wane over time, this decrease in VE might first be observed among nursing home residents.

We've added six earthquakes to this chart since the end of July


Monday, September 20, 2021

Wake me when the S&P 500 falls to 1,432

22.7314(63) = 1432

4,545.85 - 68%

LOL, on Sep 17 Jim Cramer got the buy signal from President Biden, three days later (today!) he says sell

Jim Cramer was once so poor he used to sleep in his car.

Remember that guy who said in early 2020 that the cure must not be worse than the disease?


on Feb 3

on Mar 22


4,694,251 are dead globally from C19 since then.

The laughs just keep coming: CDC recommends you report your myocarditis problems after C19 vaccination to VAERS!

You know, the same system whose importance the CDC and the entire US medical/big pharma establishment has been trying to undermine all year since it got overwhelmed by citizen reports of adverse events after getting C19 vaccines.

Talk about getting the government runaround.

But no problems, mate. It's not like we are talking about heart muscle death and degeneration here, right fans of the Dallas Criteria? 

You bunch of bloody hypocrites.


LOL, can't wait for the La Palma tsunami to ruin everyone's week on the East coast


Just to be clear, I'm pro-war

 War is the father of all and the king of all.

LOL, Drudge calls it the "pro-rioter rally", parroting Mediaite verbatim

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Ka-ching, ka-ching.


 Pro-Rioter Rally Draws 'Dozens' of Attendees, 'Hundreds' of Cameras...

WATCH: Pro-Rioter ‘Justice for J6’ Rally Draws ‘Dozens’ of Attendees, ‘Hundreds’ of Cameras


Saturday, September 18, 2021

Inbreeding is much more prevalent today, especially in Asia, North Africa, isolated and island nations, than it was in the prehistoric world

From the study:

... we analyze 1785 ancient individuals from the last 45,000 years, a substantial fraction of the published global human aDNA record. ...

... we find that matings among first-cousins or closer relatives, though widely practiced today in numerous societies, are generally infrequently observed in aDNA data. ...

In contrast to the high abundance of long ROH typical of close kin unions in the present-day individuals, long ROH was uncommon in the ancient individuals, including up to the Middle Ages. Additional data from these regions and others with high levels of long ROH today, such as North Africa as well as Central, South, and West Asia, will help resolve with more precision the origin and spread of these well-studied kinship-based mating systems. Overall, our results show how an ROH-based method can be used to inform understanding of shifts in cultural marriage/mating practices. 

From the story

... a new genetic study finds only three percent of prehistoric people were the offspring of cousins. For comparison, researchers say that number is actually ten percent today. 



Clinton flunky Judge Emmet Sullivan plays the stooge to let Biden appear to be an immigration hawk as record numbers of illegals flood across the southern border with Mexico


A federal judge Thursday blocked the Biden administration from exercising a Trump-era policy that allows the U.S. to quickly expel migrants without giving them the chance to apply for asylum.


And, like clockwork, the Biden administration has appealed the order! See! He's not a total loser!

The Biden administration’s decision to maintain Title 42 was a blow to many immigration advocates and progressive Democrats who had hoped the federal government would choose to put an end to the policy after Thursday’s ruling. 


Friday, September 17, 2021

FDA committee votes 16-2 AGAINST giving C19 booster shots to the general population at this time

 But the FDA could still decide to pull the trigger anyway.


After Biden's disgraceful withdrawal from Afghanistan, General Milley's disgraceful check on President Trump, now we learn of the appearance of Federal Reserve corruption

The reputation of major US institutions is headed to hell in a handbasket.

Fed Chief Powell, other officials owned securities central bank bought during Covid pandemic

Dennis Kelleher, CEO of the nonprofit Better Markets, said if some of these Fed actions are not against the rules, the rules need to change.

“To think that such trading is acceptable because it is supposedly allowed by Fed’s current policies only highlights that the Fed’s policies are woefully deficient,” Kelleher told CNBC.


Milley's a POS, but so is Trump

 Trump later said he picked Milley to spite Mattis, who has since criticized his former boss. 


Wednesday, September 15, 2021

I've gotta ask it

Did the CDC release the Sep 10 study the day before the 9/11 anniversary hoping everyone would ignore it?

The 10th was also a Friday, the usual day for the government to publish the bad news while everyone is getting ready for the weekend.

The study is also noteworthy for its "Look! Over there! A deer!" quality, repeatedly framing how  everything "is higher in unvaccinated than vaccinated persons".

And look how that title assiduously avoids using the word "breakthrough", too. 

It's like a whole package of screams shouting "Nothing to see here!"


On Sep 10 the CDC admitted that breakthrough cases have more than tripled in June-July compared to April-June, breakthrough hospitalizations and deaths doubled

None dare call it vaccine failure. CDC just calls it lower VE, vaccine effectiveness.

It's buried in paragraph 10:

During April 4–June 19, fully vaccinated persons accounted for 5% of cases, 7% of hospitalizations, and 8% of deaths overall; these percentages were higher during June 20–July 17 (18%, 14%, and 16%, respectively).

Using the reported 37% vaccination coverage for the 13 jurisdictions during April 4–June 19 and an assumption of 90% VE, vaccinated persons would have been expected to account for 6% of cases (close to the 5% observed). With 53% coverage reported during June 20–July 17, vaccinated persons were expected to account for 10% of cases at a constant VE of 90%; the observed 18% would have been expected at a lower VE of 80%.

So as the vaccines wear off, even though you have increased vaccine coverage in the interim, meaning the percentage of the population vaccinated has increased, you get more breakthrough cases, more hospitalizations, and more deaths than you would earlier with less "coverage" because vaccine effectiveness was previously stronger.

In other words, the absence of breakthrough cases early in the mass vaccination effort was simply an illusion, an artifact of not enough time having passed for the VE to decay.

CNN reports the sad story of a 66 year old immunocompromised mother who died of COVID-19 in early September even though she was fully vaccinated in March. She had traveled to Mississippi in July. In her obituary her family blames the unvaccinated in Mississippi for her death.

That's appalling, because waning vaccine effectiveness is to blame, along with her misplaced faith in the vaccines, derived from the 24/7 propaganda sales campaign of the CDC, the federal government and the medical establishment, which have whipped up an hysteria about getting vacccinated to avoid a serious outcome, an outcome which it is increasingly clear this vaccine cannot provide over the long haul.

That's why the booster shot is being teed up.

But the way this is going, you are going to need a booster every few months for the damn thing to do you any good.

And at this point no one knows whether that will be dangerous or not.

But know this. The Powers That Be have heard the objections at the FDA that the most serious side effects to the vaccines come after the second shot. What will happen after a third? A fourth? A fifth? 

They do NOT KNOW.

The vaccines do not make you bullet-proof. The vaccines wear off. And your misplaced faith in them means you can spread the virus asymptomatically, as the July 4 study in Provincetown showed, and eventually you can become more vulnerable to getting COVID-19 yourself.