Thursday, May 27, 2021

LOL, Rush Limbaugh time slot to be taken over by duo which includes political moderate Clay Travis


Rush Limbaugh’s Radio Show to Be Taken Over by Clay Travis and Buck Sexton:

The Rush Limbaugh replacements are in, as Clay Travis and Buck Sexton will take over his three-hour conservative talk radio show time slot, said distributor Premiere Networks. ...

Premiere Networks has continued to syndicate “The Rush Limbaugh Show” using archived segments on topics relevant to the day’s news, with guest hosts filling in between clips. The program was attracting about 75% to 80% of its regular audience, according to a person familiar with the matter. ...

A self-proclaimed political moderate and independent, Mr. Travis last year announced he would be voting for former President Donald Trump, saying it would be the first time he would vote for a Republican for president. He has written several books, most recently 2018’s “Republicans Buy Sneakers, Too: How the Left Is Ruining Sports With Politics.”

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

That lunatic billionaire Ronald Unz not only thinks America developed COVID-19 as a bioweapon, but released it in Wuhan


 He also believes the China data:

(6) Unfortunately for these plans, the Chinese government reacted with astonishing determination and effectiveness, and soon stamped out the disease. Meanwhile, the lackadaisical and incompetent American government largely ignored the problem, only reacting after the massive outbreak in Northern Italy had gotten media attention. Since the CDC had botched production of a testing kit, we had no means of recognizing that the disease was already spreading in our country, and the result was massive damage to America’s economy and society. In effect, America suffered exactly the fate that had originally been intended for its Chinese rival.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

The Casino is minting millionaires as we speak

When stock is high, they come between,
Making by second hand their offers;
Then cunningly retire unseen,
With each a million in his coffers.

-- Jonathan Swift

Friday, May 21, 2021

Taiwan started vaccinating against COVID-19 with AstraZeneca on Mar 21, 2021


World Health Organization chimes in supporting global excess deaths due to COVID-19 far in excess of 3.4 million official toll

Excess deaths due to pandemic much higher than reported COVID toll: WHO

Asked how many excess deaths could be attributed to the pandemic today, Asma said that "I think safely, about six to eight million deaths could be an estimate, with a cautionary note."


Joe Biden, the Puritan Catholic, is as bad as the libertarian Justin Amash ever was, making the perfect the enemy of the good, but sillier

President Biden: "Every Time We Let Hate Flourish, We Make A Lie Of Who We Are As A Nation"

"We're the United States of America. We're unique among all nations. We are uniquely a product of a document. Not an ethnicity, not a religion, not a geography, of a document," President Biden says. "Every time we're silent, every time we let hate flourish, we make a lie of who we are as a nation. I mean it literally. We can not let the very foundation of this country continue to be eaten away."

This stupid, futile hate crime business was started by George H. W. Bush.

You might as well outlaw human nature and roll out the guillotines.

Hair on fire fundamentalism about the Declaration of Independence is no different than about the Constitution. The only thing Joe Biden is proving is that the left has its own strutting American exceptionalist fool, too.

"Somebody, somewhere had a bad thought. America is finished!"

Russell Kirk's "shop and till conservatives", a bunch of cheats

"But all these are trifles, if we consider the fraud and cozenage of trading men and shopkeepers."

-- Jonathan Swift

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

LOL, this is an actual editorial headline from an American newspaper from the city which just let itself burn down, hung Chauvin out to dry, and whose crime rate is soaring off the charts


"Integrity is key after Minnesota's mask mandate is lifted

With no way to police vaccine status, individual honesty and responsibility are critical."

They must be joking. There is no integrity left in America. Every institution is shot through with liars, grifters, power-hungry lunatics and ideologues.

And they represent nothing so much as . . . us.

Lunatic Biden shuts down Keystone, rewards Russkies with pipeline waiver after Colonial hack

Not The Onion.

Not Babylon Bee.

According to Mitch Daniels, injuries from mass vaccination with experimental new technologies which do not have FDA approval are just collateral damage

"That, just as medicines have side effects, almost all actions produce collateral consequences, often collateral damage."

His remarks are a cavalcade of crazy, not the least of which is:

"We can overcome even the biggest obstacles and be the masters of our fates and our futures."

You know, just like Amelia Earhart and Gus Grissom.

Jack Cashill calls them the Pontius Pilate Republicans, which is kinda unfair to Pilate

Feeling they had to say something about the Derek Chauvin verdict, the Republicans in Congress seemed to take their cues from Pontius Pilate. “I think the jury did its job,” said Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst all too typically, “and I would – I did not follow, of course, all the parts of the trial, but I would say that given the information they received, they did their job, and I guess I’m in agreement.” The sound of hands being washed echoed throughout Capitol Hill.

I find in him no fault at all. -- John 18:38

Know that I find no fault in him. -- John 19:4

I find no fault in him. -- John 19:6

From thenceforth Pilate sought to release him. -- John 19:12