The autopsies from 100 patients who died of lung cancer between 1990 and February 2011 were analyzed.
Tumor burden was judged the immediate cause of death in 30 cases. ...
Infection was the immediate cause of death for 20 patients. ...
Complications of metastatic disease were the immediate causes of death in 18 cases ... 6 cases of hemopericardium from pericardial metastases, 3 from myocardial metastases, 3 from liver metastases, and 3 from brain metastases.
Other immediate causes of death were pulmonary hemorrhage (12 cases),
pulmonary embolism (10 cases, 2 tumor emboli),
and pulmonary diffuse alveolar damage (7 cases).
From a functional (pathophysiologic) perspective, respiratory failure could be regarded as the immediate cause of death (or mechanism of death) in 38 cases, usually because of a combination of lung conditions, including emphysema, airway obstruction, pneumonia, hemorrhage, embolism, resection, and lung injury in addition to the tumor.
For 94 of the 100 patients, there were contributing causes of death, with an average of 2.5 contributing causes and up to 6 contributing causes of death.
The numerous and complex ways lung cancer kills patients pose a challenge for efforts to extend and improve their lives. Lung cancer kills in many ways.
Bronchial obstruction from lung cancer can cause pneumonia, making pneumonia the immediate cause of death.
Lung cancer can invade and disrupt blood vessels with resulting fatal hemorrhage.
The hypercoagulable state of malignancy from lung cancer can cause fatal pulmonary thromboembolism.
The burden of tumor in the lungs or the liver can cause these organs to fail, resulting in a patient's demise.
The tumor burden of extensive widespread metastases can essentially starve to death a patient with lung cancer.
These are only some of the mechanisms of death from lung cancer.
Although lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death worldwide, including more than 150 000 deaths/y in the United States, little is published identifying or quantifying the causes of death for patients with lung cancer.
there you go today, still America's biggest dummy, having learned absolutely nothing about your own, pathetic situation and what the CDC is trying to tell you:
... the CDC. “For 6% of the deaths COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19 on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes.” These are called morbidities. In other words, folks, for 94% of deaths, the virus was there but didn’t cause the deaths.
No Rush, just the opposite. You always manage somehow to get these things totally ass-backwards.
Most of the things which will kill you because of your lung cancer wouldn't kill you if not for your cancer, same as most of the things which kill COVID-19 victims wouldn't kill them, and more importantly don't kill them, if not for the virus.