Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Club for Growth and Freedom Works both stop funding Justin Amash, so he'll just have to tap the family Chinese tool company fortune made on the backs of America's downward-spiraling middle class

Story here, whose author has probably never once in his life seriously thought about trimming legislative power overreach.

All you really need to know about Hillary

Hillary, smartest woman ever, argues for more impeachment trial delays in order to help Joe Biden

The way this word is spelled offends me in a way no other word does

Matt Taibbi: Bernie Sanders "poised to receive the same kind of bump Trump got in 2016 from media stupidity"

Here in Rolling Stone.

I don't think so.

Biden's lead today over Sanders is 8 points, higher than it was in March 2019 when Sanders peaked at 24.0 in the polls. Sanders is at 20.4 now.

No one has been able to dirty up Biden enough to bring him down. Meanwhile both Bernie and Warren have brought themselves down by their own radicalism.

And now the revenge of Nancy Pelosi's impeachment will sideline the radicals for a while, just as Iowa prepares to vote.

The radicals' only hope is a quick trial from Cocaine Mitch.

Everyone on the Democrat side who wants to drag out this impeachment is on the side of sidelining the radicals.

Frequently heard on the street: Two dong me love you long time

This man, thankfully, is wise beyond his years and a comfort to all disappointed Green Bay Packers fans

Saturday, January 18, 2020

World's second best kept secret: Joe Biden once had a big problem with stuttering

Could partly explain some of his verbal gaffes, but honestly, nobody but a nincompoop says "JOBS" is a three letter word.

World's best kept secret: Democrat Joe Biden would consider CUTS to Social Security and Medicare, Trump notably won't

CNN Business is stupid: "Women now hold more jobs than men"

Here's the lede:

Women held slightly more jobs than men in December — the first time that's happened in nearly a decade. 

That's based on the Establishment Survey, which undercounts civilian employment by the millions.

The Household Survey shows 84 million men employed in December 2019, 74.8 million women. Employed women have never outnumbered employed men in the entire post-war history of the data.