Sunday, January 5, 2020

LOL: Soleimani's last vote

Rooting for Iran makes you gutter trash

I've got your alt-right right here: 0.43%

More evidence Trump doesn't give a damn about conservative priorities, just his own . . . ELECTION and RE-ELECTION

We're into year four and they still don't get it.

"Trump needs to do this. Trump needs to do that."

If Trump had been serious about immigration in 2016, we wouldn't be here now in 2020.

A philanderer uses women for his own gratification. When he becomes a politician he uses voters.

"But you said you'd call me in the morning!"

More alt-right, this time VDARE, realizing attacks on Tucker Carlson show that the people aren't with them

Canned in the US

The alt-right, party of the mullahs.

Miserable cretin.

Yeah, now if only the voters did

Friday, January 3, 2020

Alt-right hates Anglo-Saxon America so much it makes Emma Lazarus a Founding Father

I'd say the alt-right tonight feels more betrayed by Trump's droning of an Iranian in Iraq than by all Trump's failures to implement his 10-point America First immigration agenda

Tells you all you need to know about their sensibilities and priorities.

Ah, content to sit out the election after Trump betrays on immigration, but droning the enemy, that's a step too far!

Phony baloney plastic banana good time rock and rolla alt-right gonna vote Democrat.

Iran gonna need to learn how to code . . . Obama's memoirs

LOL: Uh oh, somebody do a wellness check on John Kerry, stat

LOL: Send coordinates so we can send flowers

LOL: Richard Spencer imagines 6-9% of US population is effectively alt-right, a vanguard just waiting for support from many multiples of that

Time for a Lenin haircut.

Meanwhile minimum 10% of US population directly allied with already socialist military, then add Pentagon's industrial complex and finally 79.5 million owner-occupied housing units, all just waiting for The Right Man to come along and end it all.