Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Joe Biden boasts there were NO SCANDALS during his eight years with Obama, as long as you don't count the 880,000 pounds of cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel and zinc they left in the Animas River bed in 2015 because of their incompetence

Libertarianism is America's T-1000, wears pink shorts and a white dress

Madcow's ratings were all that mattered

Freedom of the press: The press is not an "institution", it's a business, usually a business of lies. And people pay to be lied to. That's the real scandal.

James Comey skips Lent, Yom Kippur and now New Year's Eve for self-examination

Muslims groom the English girls but hide it, in France it's a Jew proudly doing both underage girls and boys: Gabriel Matzneff gives Roman Polanski a run for his money

Vanessa Springora, 47, new director of Éditions Julliard, recounts her loves, at the age of 14, with a prominent fifty-something writer, whom she names by her initials, " GM ". Gabriel Matzneff, immediately recognizable, is known for his practice of pedophilia, without exception, girls and boys, of which he makes the complacent apology in his works.


Sunday, December 29, 2019

Trump's first bimbo eruption

In 1980 and 1984 ignorant young conservatives voted for Ronald Reagan never expecting his 1986 immigration amnesty nor Bush 41's opening of the legal immigration floodgates

Peak Boomer 1957 turned 30 in 1987 and didn't have a clue about anything anymore than Gen X does now. @GodCloseMyEyes is blind. Racial anxiety today was caused by libertarian immigration policies put into place by Reagan and Bush, flooding the country with foreigners. We were ignorant as ignorant could be when we voted for these fools. The '60s riots were already ancient history.

It's only a cohencidence that thousands of journalists are out of jobs in 2019 but not Bret Stephens

Anthony Weiner was so smart he tweeted a penis pic

Jeffrey Epstein was so smart he killed himself

Cocaine Mitch has the power to drag Joe Biden kicking and screaming and compel his appearance before the US Senate, which would be highly entertaining

LOL: WaPo's Karen Tumulty thought blackface in 1942's "Holiday Inn" was OK on Dec. 23, bad on Dec. 24, and then excusable on Dec. 28

Make up your mind, you stupid bitch!

"Conservatives" at WaPo never get the memo: It's part of the remuneration