Thursday, December 19, 2019

It's more complicated than Mark Levin says: Sean Davis points out Senate rules require articles of impeachment to be delivered by House managers to the Senate, and changing those rules is too heavy a lift

Nancy Pelosi is a wily devil. She already knows how to use the rules against the Senate.

Seems like quite a vulnerability in the balance of powers which she is exploiting to grab the power for the House over the Senate and the presidency.

Ask yourself who benefits from the 22nd Amendment? And the 16th?

We have the tyranny of the legislative, despite the founders' many warnings.

McConnell must go nuclear to fix this, but probably will not. The gravity of the situation certainly calls for it, but the political toxicity would be just horrific.

McConnell to Pelosi: You have no power here

Mark Levin views Pelosi's obstruction of the Senate as constitutionally overcomeable by McConnell

Nancy Pelosi was apparently advised by leftwing Harvard law professor Lawrence Tribe to delay sending the impeachment to the Senate. So she’s unilaterally sitting on the impeachment. This is another brazen unconstitutional act.

Here’s what Mitch McConnell and the Senate Republicans must do in response: The Senate has the sole power under the Constitution to adjudicate an impeachment. Therefore, Pelosi is attempting to obstruct the Senate’s power to act on its constitutional authority. McConnell should immediacy [sic] put an end to this and declare the impeachment null and void as the speaker has failed to complete the impeachment process by timely sending it to the Senate for adjudication. McConnell has no less authority to unilaterally make such a decision than Pelosi does to withhold the administrative notification of an impeachment to the Senate either indefinitely or with conditions. Her effort to cripple the presidency and blackmail the Senate must be defeated.

Democrat Julian Castro: Iowa too white to be first in Democrat nomination process

Prediction: Nancy Pelosi will hold the articles of impeachment through the November 2020 election in order to get the Senate back in Democrat hands

After which she'll send the articles up to the Senate and get Trump convicted and expelled.

Her justification will be McConnell refusing to give Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland a hearing in 2016.

It's a gamble because the articles will have to be reauthorized in the next Congress, and presumes a Democrat sweep of both chambers. But what have they got to lose, except failure now or failure later?

Better to fail later and try to make political hay now while the sun shines. 

The FISA system, invented in 1978, should be dismantled, along with just about every other 20th Century legal and constitutional innovation

Jobless claims through 12/14/19 were higher than year ago levels, in all three categories

Every day Nancy Pelosi fails to distract Mitch McConnell with something else to do, you know, like articles of impeachment, is another day closer to achieving his goal of filling every judicial vacancy with a Trump appointee

When life hands you lemons . . ..

The best way to piss off Democrats this morning is to start ringing their phones off the hook since they all have celebration hangovers

Repeal the 22nd Amendment

If Nancy Pelosi can serve 17 terms, so can Trump.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

When I was a kid I was a complete idiot, but then I grew up and became a nuanced idiot

Pelosi rushed into impeachment because it was urgent and grave, now plans to take Laurence Tribe's advice and delay by not sending articles of impeachment to the US Senate

Complete frauds these people are.

Nah, we didn't choose THIS impeachment, we chose the other three

Jesse Kelly finally replaced the batteries in his pussy detector

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em

One warhead could fix that

Tulsi Gabbard upstages Justin Amash by being the only House member to vote Present on articles of impeachment

Amash voted Yea on both articles of impeachment as the sole independent.

Gabbard was late to favor an impeachment inquiry, supporting it only after Trump's Ukraine phone call in July.

Trump impeached by House, moves on to sponsor important globohomo event tomorrow at UN in historic first

Senator Bernie Unfarts must be in the House

FBI omitted from FISA application from the start that Carter Page helped the CIA for years, but this liberal lefty lying lawyer calls that a process issue