Thursday, December 12, 2019

Instead of wearing a soup bowl on her head for the haircut, it looks like she wore a Stahlhelm

Aryan tranny?

Elise Stefanik joins 33 other Republican traitors to help Democrats pass Farm Workforce Modernization Act

The roll call is here.

Among the others joining her in the infamy were Fred Upton and Devin Nunes.

The fact is no Republican had to vote for it for it to pass, so this is most definitely on them.

The bill would give green cards to undocumented farm workers, which is amnesty.

I remember Trump's 2016 campaign rallies perfectly: "We want Jew! We want Jew!" they shouted in city after city

Michigan's version of the devil Rashida Tlaib wants you to think the Black Hebrew Israelites who killed these people are white supremacists

Consort to the Father of Lies.

Unfit attorney general calls attorney general unfit

Liberals are cheapskates

The U of C has 2859 academic staff, so that's less than $68 a head, about 0.10% of the average salary. 

Scold of the Year

Needs a good spanking.