Saturday, November 9, 2019

Donald Trump Jr. reminds Joy Behar that she once thought it OK to appear in blackface, blackbody, Afro, the whole nine yards

Scott Greer is correct: Sessions endorsed Trump in February 2016 while the pack of weasels led by Rush Limbaugh was still all-in for Ted Cruz in March

Sessions' endorsement in February meant Trump had more Senate support than either Ted Cruz or Bernie Sanders at the time. With Jeb Bush throwing in the towel also in February, the entire establishment GOP was melting down so bad over Trump that many establishment Republicans saw Cruz as the only way to stop Trump and possibly throw the nomination into a brokered convention.

No one, by the way, gaslights better than they do.  It's the secret of their success.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

While we weren't looking we just had bank failures two, three and four of 2019: Two on October 25 and one on November 1

Louisa Community Bank in Louisa, KY, failed costing the FDIC Deposit Insurance Fund $4.5 million.

Resolute Bank in Maumee, OH, failed costing the FDIC Deposit Insurance Fund $2.2 million.

City National Bank of New Jersey (“City National”) in Newark failed costing the FDIC Deposit Insurance Fund $2.5 million.

As of June 30, 2019 there were 5,303 institutions in the FDIC system.

What's stunning is this woman's lack of self awareness