Sunday, October 27, 2019

Aw, he was only 48: What did he die of, heart disease?

WaPo. The Enemy of the People.

Note their idea of a correction.

original headline
corrected headline

California's fire problems are its own fault, not the climate's

For decades, environmental protection schemes have usurped common sense. For example, most fire ecologists say that the surest way of preventing massive forest fires is to use prescribed burns. ... Prescribed burns keep forests healthy by burning up the underbrush that accumulates on the forest floor and by thinning trees. ... Despite scientific evidence, the federal government continues spending more money on fire suppression than prescribed burns. The Forest Service has performed prescribed burns on an average of 2,187,64 2 acres a year for the past ten years, according to the National Interagency Fire Center. This means the Forest Service has only performed prescribed burns on 11.3 percent of the land they manage. ...

President Bill Clinton introduced a rule that restricted the construction of new roads on 49 million acres of national forest. This limited the ability of the Forest Service from thinning trees. In 1993, 1,797,574 acres of wildlands burned, but in 2017 this number jumped to 10,026,086 acres. From 1960 to 1990, 10.3 billion board feet of timber were removed from federal forest land each year. From 1991 to 2000 that numbered dropped to 2.1 billion board feet of timber per year. ...

When trees are too close together, they fight for resources. Many of the trees are weakened and become more susceptible to disease and insect infestation. These conditions turn entire forests into tinder boxes.

 More at the link.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Thursday, October 24, 2019

AG Barr's inquiry into Russia collusion story origin officially becomes a criminal inquiry

Because witnesses won't cooperate and answer questions from Barr and Durham.

Now testimony will be compelled.

CNN, fixated on Trump-Russian collusion hoax for three years, says AG Barr is fixated on Joseph Mifsud

Can't make this shit up.

Where is Joseph Mifsud anyway?

Journalists and Democrats, but I repeat myself, sure seem uninterested in the mystery man.

There they are again: 47% say the Democrat Party has moved too far to the left

That's all? Why isn't that 74%?

Not a good sign. Not a good sign at all.

I'm guessin' Katie Hill shuts this thing down sooner rather than later


Ilhan Omar is Hank Johnson level stupid

Democrat House member Katie Hill of California may have bigger problem than multiple sexual partners both male and female while married to man: She might be a Nazi

Shocking photographs of Democrat Katie Hill posing naked with a tattoo of what appears to be a Nazi-era Iron Cross on her bikini line while smoking a bong and making out with her young female aide have been obtained exclusively by ...

In a letter to her constituents on Wednesday, Hill admitted the relationship with her 24-year-old female aide but she did not name Desjardins. ... 

'Allegations that I have been involved in a relationship with Mr. Kelly are absolutely false,' Hill said in a statement to website Politico. Hill continued: 'I am saddened that the deeply personal matter of my divorce has been brought into public view and the vindictive claims of my ex have now involved the lives and reputations of unrelated parties.'



What is she, like 106? Escaped the Night of the Long Knives?

Ann Coulter: If Trump had really cared, he would have hired the right people


At the end of the video, here.

Ann is magnificent. The interviewer not.

He was sent by Skynet

English translation: "It's the one issued to his model."

In 2018 68% of Americans couldn't afford a vacation, a concert, a ball game or even dinner out and a movie

Here at home, we see the ever-widening gap in our wealthiest cities — New York, San Francisco, LA — which are suffering from homeless crises of epic proportions. Forty percent of Americans don’t have $400 saved in case of emergency. Last year, 68 percent couldn’t afford a ­recreational activity — from a vacation to concerts to a professional sporting event to even dinner or a movie — for lack of funds.

This year, the Census Bureau reported that the gap between the rich and poor has hit its highest level in the 50-plus years since they began marking it. Adjusting for inflation, the average household income is the same as it was 20 years ago. The average American can’t afford to buy a house in 70 percent of the country.

More here.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Trump puts Limbaugh Theorem into action: It's a scandal he's not in charge of personnel in his own administration, but somehow NeverTrumpers keep getting hired to serve in it and Trump has nothing to do with it

This incompetence is the most embarrassing thing about Trump, and the most disappointing.

He still hasn't fixed this, and he never will, even if reelected.

You can't fix stupid.