Friday, September 27, 2019

When George Washington warned America in his Farewell about entangling foreign alliances, he meant Ukraine

The political divide in this country is in part characterized by those fanatics in both parties who have wanted to bring Ukraine into NATO, like Hillary Clinton and John McCain, and the cooler heads who realize NATO on the doorstep of Russia is a provocation.

That's what this is really all about.

Trump once represented the latter group, but of course he's a nincompoop who can barely string two coherent sentences together about anything. Don't expect that to change anytime soon.

The political divide is also characterized in part by those who insist America is a nation of immigrants and by those who insist on assimilation. The immigrant side unfortunately brings all the quarrels and divisions of the home countries onto American soil, which disturbs domestic tranquility.

Time for ya'll to follow our first president on this.


Reminder: Story from May claims DNC was actively working to gather dirt on Trump from Ukraine using Alexandra Chalupa

In written answers to questions, Ambassador Valeriy Chaly's office says DNC contractor Alexandra Chalupa sought information from the Ukrainian government on Paul Manafort’s dealings inside the country in hopes of forcing the issue before Congress. ...

Andrii Telizhenko, a former political officer who worked under Chaly from December 2015 through June 2016, told me he was instructed by the ambassador and his top deputy to meet with Chalupa in March 2016 and to gather whatever dirt Ukraine had in its government files about Trump and Manafort. ...

“She said the DNC wanted to collect evidence that Trump, his organization and Manafort were Russian assets, working to hurt the U.S. and working with [Russian President Vladimir] Putin against the U.S. interests. She indicated if we could find the evidence they would introduce it in Congress in September and try to build a case that Trump should be removed from the ballot, from the election,” he recalled.

After the meeting, Telizhenko said he became concerned about the legality of using his country’s assets to help an American political party win a U.S. election. But he proceeded with his assignment.

Telizhenko said that as he began his research, he discovered that Fusion GPS was nosing around Ukraine, seeking similar information, and he believed they, too, worked for the Democrats.

Read the whole thing from John Solomon, here.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

And just like that Joe Biden is finished

Expect Nancy Pelosi to slur her speech tomorrow.

Mark Levin points out one way to know the so-called whistleblower is just a political hack

There's only one whistleblower, someone who admits he or she did not hear the call or read the transcript.

Lots of people actually heard the call with Ukraine, but none of them has blown a whistle.

Most people see nothing wrong with Trump's phone call with Ukraine.

The favor Trump asked of the new Ukrainian president was help ascertaining exactly what role Ukraine played in Election 2016

Alexandra Chalupa knows all about it. She should be deposed.

Investigators are about to eat Alexandra's Chalupa

She has a spicy filling.

Jobless claims slightly ahead of a year ago again

Betcha Justin Amash rejects the natural and ordinary meaning

Tim Burchett, he gone

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Richard Spencer still operates under the delusion of a miraculous Trump victory in 2016, when it was nothing but Democrats revolted by Hillary who stayed home, mostly blacks in the Great Lakes states

Erick Erickson believes Barack Obama is responsible for everything that happened in his administration just as God is responsible for everything which happens in the universe

His truth keeps marching on.

Pattern development: CNN then MSNBC both delete what the favor was which Trump asked for

Democrats and media fear Ukraine has information about the 2016 Trump-Russia election collusion hoax because there is some. They are trying to refocus this to be about Biden, out of which they get a two-fer: Hurt Trump and shuffle Biden off stage.

Remember, there was co-ordination with Ukraine by DC Democrats like Chalupa and Kaptur as early as January 2016.

There was zero quid pro quo in the Trump-Ukraine call, but plenty of it in the Biden video at CFR

Biden 2020 is irreparably damaged goods. People are asking if that wasn't Nancy Pelosi's goal all along, in order to get Biden out of the way for Elizabeth Warren.

Remember, Pelosi threw the US House public option plan under the bus in 2009 in order to get a win for Obama with the Senate's Obamacare in 2010. She's throwing the House's reputation under again for the higher good: A better candidate than creepy Uncle Joe.

Impeach Menendez, Durbin and Leahy

CNN skips 540 words between "I would like you to do us a favor" and "there's a lot of talk ... that Biden stopped the prosecution"

Republican traitors in US Senate AGAIN help Democrats pass bill ending border emergency

Senate again votes to end Trump emergency declaration on border wall:

Senators voted 54-41 on a resolution to end the declaration, which Trump used to shift billions of dollars from the military toward wall construction. ...

GOP Sens. Lamar Alexander (Tenn.), Roy Blunt (Mo.), Susan Collins (Maine), Mike Lee (Utah), Jerry Moran (Kansas), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Rand Paul (Ky.), Rob Portman (Ohio), Mitt Romney (Utah), Pat Toomey (Pa.) and Roger Wicker (Miss.) voted to end the president's declaration. ...

The Senate previously voted to end it in February, with 12 Republicans voting with Democrats, but the House was unable to override a veto.

Ukraine whistleblower had no first hand knowledge of Trump call, has strong Democrat connections



Ukraine started filling Hunter Biden's bank tank shortly after Joe Biden's 2014 visit