Wednesday, September 4, 2019

August 2019 climate update for Grand Rapids, Michigan

August 2019 climate update for Grand Rapids, Michigan

Max temp 89, mean 92
Min temp 49, mean 47
Av temp 70.7, mean 70.2
Precip 3.41, mean 3.07
HDD 8, mean 19
CDD 193, mean 189

Using cooling degree days, the month was about 2.1% warmer than normal, going back to the beginning of the record, failing to make even 48% of the August record, which is 404. Average temp was less than 1% warmer than normal. Max temp lagged the mean while min temp exceeded the mean. In other words, 'twere a wee bit warmer sleeping than normal.

IBD poll has Biden, Sanders, Warren and Harris all beating Trump in 2020

Elizabeth Warren Narrows Joe Biden Lead Among Democrats: IBD/TIPP Poll:

In a head-to-head 2020 election contest of Biden vs. Trump, the IBD/TIPP Poll found a 54%-42% advantage for Biden. A month earlier, Biden led Trump by 13 points. Sanders had a narrow 49%-45% edge over Trump, while Warren and Harris had slimmer 49%-46% leads.

Independents preferred Biden vs. Trump, 55%-37%. Warren edges Trump with independents, 47%-45%, while Sanders has a 51%-42% advantage.

Liberal Michigan's mentally disordered legalize marijuana, then turn around and outlaw flavored e-cigs

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Matt Taibbi spends 35 minutes talking about Trump's appeal in 2016 with Bernie leftist R. J. Eskow, never once mentioning illegal immigration

The enthusiasm for Trump from the time he announced in mid-2015 until August 2016 revolved around the illegal immigration issue, and these guys want it to be about anything but.

If Democrats had any brains they'd run on Trump's Issue Numero Uno because Trump has miserably failed to deliver on it, but Democrats have no brains.

Replacing that enthusiasm has been Trump's biggest problem, and its absence will spell the difference between victory and defeat in Election 2020.

LOL: Ed Grimley basks in the afterglow of the House of Habsburg

LOL: Storm track for lazy, shiftless, Hurricane Dorian

Left-wing support around Sanders and Warren is up 11 points since early May when they were 18.8 behind Biden: Now they are ahead of him by 4.7 because of Warren's successes over the summer


Gold looks good compared to negative-yielding bonds because its 0% yield plus the cost of holding it can still be less

The gold break-out began in May with an average price of about $1284 the ounce. Yesterday's London PM Fix was nearly $1526, to put gold up almost 19% over the last three months.

Negative-yielding bond values outstanding globally are up 183% in the last year to $17 trillion

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Hurricane forecaster who pick target get blown away

Florida right now

Sie sind die ausgesuchte Bettwanzen!

Canadian court dismisses Michael Mann's libel claim with prejudice, Mann withholds his climate data to this day

A prominent skeptical climate scientist in Canada named Tim Ball accused Mann of fraud in generating the Hockey Stick graph.  The famous quote, from a February 2011 interview of Ball, was “Michael Mann should be in the State Pen, not Penn State.”   In March 2011, Mann sued Ball for libel, focusing on that quote, in the Supreme Court of British Columbia in Vancouver.  Here is a copy of the Complaint.  (Note:  In British Columbia, the Supreme Court is not the highest appellate court, but rather the trial-level court for larger cases.)  The case then essentially disappeared into limbo for eight plus years.  But on Friday, August 23, the British Columbia court dismissed Mann’s claim with prejudice, and also awarded court costs to Ball.  As far as I can determine, this was an oral ruling, and no written judgment nor transcript of the ruling yet exists.  I have asked Ball to send them along as soon as they exist.

The story of Ball’s vindication, and of Mann’s shame, is a somewhat long one, and turns on Mann’s flat refusal to share publicly the data and methodology by which he constructed the Hockey Stick graph.  In about 2003 a very talented Canadian mathematician named Steve McIntyre began an effort to replicate the Mann/Bradley/Hughes work.  McIntyre started with a request to Mann to provide the underlying data and methodologies (computer programming) that generated the graph.  To his surprise, McIntyre was met not with prompt compliance (which would be the sine qua non of actual science) but rather with hostility and evasion.  McIntyre started a blog called Climate Audit and began writing lengthy posts about his extensive and unsuccessful efforts to reconstruct the Hockey Stick.  Although McIntyre never completely succeeded in perfectly reconstructing the Hockey Stick, over time he gradually established that Mann et al. had adopted a complex methodology that selectively emphasized certain temperature proxies over others in order to reverse-engineer the "shaft" of the stick to get a pre-determined desired outcome.

Whenever very short rates start to pay as much or more than the longest rate, recession follows in short order

The 3-month Treasury now pays more than the 30-year in the last four days of August 2019.
