Saturday, August 24, 2019

Friday, August 23, 2019

Correct take: Exuberance about retail (AP) leaves out that consumers are borrowing big to finance it

Michael Anton rightly rejects birthright citizenship

Rick Scott's hat is too small

Clueless AP article calls US economy resilient when it's been in the rut they fear is coming since 2007

The compound annual growth rate of real GDP since 2007 has been WORSE than for the same time frame of the Great Depression, yet AP is completely oblivious. The upside is when things really go to hell they'll still be.

Barely a year after most of the world’s major countries were enjoying an unusual moment of shared prosperity, the global economy may be at risk of returning to the rut it tumbled into after the financial crisis of 2007-2009. ...

The U.S. economy, now enjoying a record-breaking 10-year expansion, still shows resilience. American consumers, whose spending accounts for 70% of U.S. economic activity, have driven the growth.

Retail sales have risen sharply so far this year, with people shopping online and spending more at restaurants. Their savings rates are also the highest since 2012, which suggests that consumers aren’t necessarily stretching themselves too thin, according to the Commerce Department.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Get off me!, she yelled at Boris in the wee hours: New UK PM seems to like to get on things in Paris, too

If this were a booming economy this wouldn't be happening to housing starts

Current allocations to retail and institutional money funds are up 22.2% vs. the 2012-2018 average

Current allocations come to $3 trillion vs. $2.454 trillion on average 2012-2018.

Cash in institutional money funds is up big, too, to March 2010 levels

Chicken or egg: Does going to cash cause recessions?!

Foreign holdings of US Treasury securities hit $6.636 trillion in June 2019, driving down yields

Nobody asks why US debt securities are so popular.

People like Jeffrey Snider of Alhambra know why, but nobody listens to him.

The logic of thorough-going materialism: Since humans are nothing but animals, we might as well eat each other

Now that all objections to organ transplantation as a form of cannibalism have been effectively silenced, we're going all the way.

As Ann Coulter likes to say, Our new country's going to be great! 

Meanwhile benchmark revisions to the quick and dirty monthly Establishment Survey indicate 501,000 jobs have to be SUBTRACTED through March 2019

That is expected to bring down 2018 job creation to roughly 181,000 monthly instead of 223,000.

I say, so what? 223,000 monthly wasn't indicative of a jobs boom anyway.

Jobs numbers under Trump are like Trump Steaks, overcooked.