Thursday, July 4, 2019

On July 4th, 2019 MI-3 is finally free, Justin Amash leaves the GOP

Justin Amash is so partisan he is literally a party of one.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

So did Abraham Lincoln

The US representatives for sex fiend Bill Clinton and the garish hat industry, both from Florida, want us thrown in jail for mocking them

Come and get me you dried up ugly frauds.

Tanks a lot (could be solved by)

Grand Rapids, Michigan, Climate Update for June 2019

Grand Rapids, Michigan, Climate Update for June 2019:

Max temp 89, Mean Max 91
Min temp 40, Mean Min 43
Av temp 66.8, Mean 67.6 (the last week of June erased all but 0.8 degrees of the June deficit)
Precip 4.36, Mean 3.55
Precip to date 22.93 inches, Mean 16.65 inches (Annual Mean 34.60)
Snow season officially ended 81.3 inches, Mean 66.8 inches (26th snowiest on record)
Heating degree days season officially ended 6722, Mean 6705 (utterly normal)
Cooling degree days season to date 117, Mean to date 184 (36% cooler to date than normal)

Like much of the country, we've been soggy:

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Welcome to the 30th anniversary of the failed prediction of nations wiped from the face of the earth by global warming

Trip Advisor says I can book a round trip ticket to the Maldives today for $5,602, nineteen years after it was supposed to be underwater with no place left to land.

Trend for Oceanic Nino Index continues to show disappearance of slight Pacific Ocean warming anomaly since 1951

Sunday, June 30, 2019

LOL: Julian Castro stands up to Trump

My own what?

They wonder where they went, just as we do

The longer I live the less certain I am about the answer, and the more discomfited I am with those who presume to know.

Abnormal pride month 50% off sale ends soon

Saturday, June 29, 2019

"We are two w i l d and c r a z y guys!"

Not only will president Kamala Harris end private health insurance for every American, she'll resurrect busing

Pro tip: After forcing it on every American there is not a single Democrat left on the Obamacare bus.

As Democrats field nothing but lunatics for 2020, hopes for a one term Trump presidency are being dashed everywhere

Unfortunately there is no constitutional amendment like the 25th which provides a mechanism for the removal of insane candidates in order to level the playing field before an election and make it a fair fight.

Those who could, fled, those who couldn't got bused

Rich white liberals don't live in the ghetto, either.

Barack Obama wanted to fundamentally transform you, Marianne Williamson wants to crack your eggs

You can't make an omelette without breaking a few.