Saturday, June 29, 2019

Not only will president Kamala Harris end private health insurance for every American, she'll resurrect busing

Pro tip: After forcing it on every American there is not a single Democrat left on the Obamacare bus.

As Democrats field nothing but lunatics for 2020, hopes for a one term Trump presidency are being dashed everywhere

Unfortunately there is no constitutional amendment like the 25th which provides a mechanism for the removal of insane candidates in order to level the playing field before an election and make it a fair fight.

Those who could, fled, those who couldn't got bused

Rich white liberals don't live in the ghetto, either.

Barack Obama wanted to fundamentally transform you, Marianne Williamson wants to crack your eggs

You can't make an omelette without breaking a few. 

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Joe Biden reacts poorly when Bernie Sanders gets a little too touchy feely

Joe's make-up looks wonderful, don't you think?

In the end Justin Raimondo eschewed utilitarianism, concluding that beauty was an end in itself

And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good, including you, Justin Raimondo. Someone will see to it and mow your grass for you.

Rest in peace.

I wonder if Tulsi Gabbard will take her daily swim nekid like Joe Biden did when he was VP

So what if Beto flubbed his Spanish, most of the illegal aliens are illiterate too

Long gone are the days when to impress the ladies you had to "brush up your Shakespeare".

We've been telling you since January that Tulsi Gabbard is very appealing, and last night she proved it

Warren was "it" before the debate, but Tulsi was during it:

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Harry Truman knew where the buck stopped, Trump just keeps blaming bad laws which never stopped Obama from deporting

Presidential weakness encourages more Central Americans to risk it.

No one is going to want to be hectored by this everyday for four years

Biden will be too busy swimming nekid everyday to have time for hectoring.

Dang, also in 2014 Obama orphaned lots of kids in the US by deporting their parents

Does Trump not have Obama's phone number?

Wow, Obama also built a deportation machine ready made for Trump

But Trump doesn't know how to operate the machine.

Hm, Obama warned Central Americans in 2014 that if they made it here they'd be sent back, why can't Trump warn, and send them back?

Answer: Because he's a girly man.

Trump's Supreme Court advances offensive libertarianism, not conservatism

The decision was 6-3.

"Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Stephen Breyer and Sonia Sotomayor dissented."

Elizabeth Talking Bull, drinking too much beer: Jun 2018, crisis at the border, Jun 2019, crisis at the border, Mar 2019, fake crisis at border

 This is wrong.