Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The shrunken Trump economy is still over 5 million full-time jobs behind the Great Recession average

The 2-point average percentage difference applied to current population amounts to nearly 5.2 million full-time jobs behind what used to be normal for more than two decades.

Trump's do-nothing government: More than 1 million illegal aliens have deportation orders but remain in country

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is threatening to remove millions of people living in the country illegally on the eve of formally announcing his re-election bid. ...

An administration official said the effort would focus on the more than 1 million people who have been issued final deportation orders by federal judges but remain at large in the country. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to explain the president’s tweets.

"I really mean it this time, Johnny, boy are you going to get it when your father gets home."

"Publicizing a future law enforcement operation is unheard of at ICE"

Large-scale ICE enforcement operations are typically kept secret to avoid tipping off targets. In 2018, Trump and other senior officials threatened the mayor of Oakland, California, with criminal prosecution for alerting city residents that immigration raids were in the works. ...

Publicizing a future law enforcement operation is unheard of at ICE. Trump administration officials blasted Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf last year for warning immigrants about an impending raid, saying she endangered agents’ safety.

“The Oakland mayor’s decision to publicize her suspicions about ICE operations further increased that risk for my officers and alerted criminal aliens - making clear that this reckless decision was based on her political agenda with the very federal laws that ICE is sworn to uphold,” then-ICE deputy director Thomas Homan said at the time.

Not a serious president to millions of illegal aliens: Hey! We're coming to deport you! Next week! Get ready! We really mean it this time!

Sunday, June 16, 2019

And if you won't git out Bret Stephens will be happy to use you as cannon fodder against Iran

Just a reminder that Bret Stephens of the NYT wants all the white, brown, black and yellow trash of America to get out

They really do believe that we should be replaced, because they really do believe that they are superior.

And we saved them from the camps why?

Bottom line: So-called real Americans are screwing up America. Maybe they should leave, so that we can replace them with new and better ones: newcomers who are more appreciative of what the United States has to offer, more ambitious for themselves and their children, and more willing to sacrifice for the future. In other words, just the kind of people we used to be — when “we” had just come off the boat.

We're not demanding he stay even the full first term

The Trump restaurant food isn't what we ordered, and all of it is overdone.

Note to Hillary Democrats: Boston Bruins won the popular vote, but still lost Stanley Cup to St. Louis Blues

Boston scored 22 goals to St. Louis' 18, still lost the contest 3 games to 4.

Cathy Young interrupts her visit to the heart of Christianity in Rome to vent her hatred for the entire religion of the empty tomb over some nut in Tennessee who's an ex-detective

See how sneeky they are? Had she said "Who moved the stone?" it would have been a dead giveaway. Better to use language in such a way that you think you can plausibly deny.

The point of going on vacation is to go to some place you love, not to some place you hate. And they say the self-hating Jew is a myth, a calumny of the goyim.

Meanwhile in France the yellow vests appear to be running out of gas

The yellow vests achieved some of their modest objectives already before Christmas and should have packed it in then instead of continuing all the destructive protests into 2019.

Macron was chastened, and he made concessions.

And then the Notre Dame Cathedral fire helped unify what the yellow vests were still trying to divide. Game over, but they were clueless.

Protests continue for a 31st week, but the numbers are way down. Time to hang it up.

Obama did nothing to support Iranian democracy in 2009, and Trump is doing nothing to support democracy in Hong Kong in 2019

Once upon a time we were the leaders of the free world, and of the world which wanted to be free.

No more.

Jonah Goldberg, Charles Cooke and NATIONAL REVIEW have it all wrong: The Founders' modest goal was to keep CHRISTIANS from killing each other

The post-liberals think that Enlightenment-based liberalism is the disease afflicting society because it has no answer for how people should live. They have a point: It is not a religion or moral philosophy. But it wasn’t meant to be. Instead, as National Review’s Charles Cooke rightly put it, classical liberalism was a system designed to keep people of different religions from killing each other.

This is hubris, but not American hubris. America wasn't about people of different religions, broadly conceived. To say otherwise remains the Big Lie of contemporary liberalism.

The Founders sought to create a unique home for mostly English Christian diversity, which meant Protestantism in relation to Catholicism, where its citizens would "assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them". 

Classical liberalism in America was as much a creature of Protestant Christianity as it was of the Enlightenment. It wouldn't have existed without the unique history and interaction of the two phenomena. By importing non-Christian religion into the Founders' equation as liberals do today, however, private hostility among Christians has been all but replaced by public hostility toward Christians. Some parties actually want to kill Christians just as much as some Protestants and Catholics once upon a time wanted to kill each other. Some think that's actually their plan.

It's been a recipe for disaster, and we're living it more and more.

It was a difficult enough game of chess before non-Christianity got introduced. The history of Protestant-Catholic relations in America proves that. But now it's 3-D chess, and very few can play that game, or want to.

But the last person who is going to reset this game board, touted by Goldberg, is the atheist George Will, an open borders libertarian who wants any and every immigrant who can get here to come here. Nor, frankly, will the Catholic enthusiasts at First Things Magazine be of much help. They are not inspired by American sensibilities, by definition, and represent Protestantism's fiercest theological opponents and are at the same time Catholic illegal immigrants' most practical defenders. Their loyalty is plain. All the ills of America and the West they blame on both the Enlightenment and Protestantism.

Both of these parties, ostensibly opposed to each other, seem to agree on one thing: reducing the Protestants to minority status.  

The hatred for what we were and what we are, coming from our supposed allies on the right, should astonish more Republican voters.

Jews now have Israel, thanks to the West. They should move there. Muslims have Arabia, and much more. We don't need them here. Catholics have Rome.

America is the once and future home of Protestantism. Everyone deserves a home.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Same as when a government which fails to spend enough to end a recession didn't spend enough

All ideologies are non-falsifiable.

MIT's living wage calculator is a joke

For my location and our family size we have been getting by on at least 1/3 less than the calculator says we need, and we have been doing it FOR YEARS on end.

The reality is about 65% of individual wage earners in this country make less than the calculator says our family must make in order to get by, which must mean a lot of people are in the same boat as we are.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Bill de Blasio getting zero votes from Iowa Democrats is almost as good as Obama creating zero jobs in August 2011

Employers advertize for extreme candidates who are ninjas, gurus and rock stars for jobs which don't pay accordingly

When everything's awesome, nothing is.

It's Friday, and five o'clock can't come soon enough.

In other words, few people seem to want to do the duties of a rock star if they’re not going to get paid like one.