Thursday, April 25, 2019

Tax cuts were real despite average refund in 2019 coming in $56 lower than last year, $50K earners saved $48 a week with lower withholding under tax reform

The IRS stats are in: Here’s how tax refunds look compared to last year

Your Paycheck Could Increase Very Soon -- Here’s How Much You Can Expect


Remember when Obama and Biden scoffed at the idea that Russia was our geopolitical foe?

Good times. Good times.

Obama, October 2012.

Biden, April 2012.

Joe Biden Jan 2018: Give me a break, millennials don't have it tough

Biden on young people complaining they have it tough: 'Give me a break':

"The younger generation now tells me how tough things are. Give me a break. No, no, I have no empathy for it. Give me a break," Biden, 75, told The Los Angeles Times earlier this week.

Good news: Straight America is coming back under Joe Biden, like we used to be

Joe Biden's America like it used to be is Virginia today, where its Democrat top office holders are accused of rape or appearing in black face

Alexandria the Great is so dumb she thinks Rep. John Yarmuth of Kentucky is an older GOP member

A quick study she is not.

There's something we haven't seen much of lately: first time claims for unemployment higher than a year ago, both SA and NSA

Bernie Sanders is going to lose elections where America's 5,000 or so state, federal and local jails are located

"President Biden's campaign began colluding with foreign interests in March 2019, fully twenty months before they helped him win one of the closest contests in American history"

Yeah, with castration instead of DEATH, making him a liberal reformer in his time

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Glenn Greenwald is still gnawing on important Jan 2017 POLITICO story detailing DNC-Ukraine collusion against Trump

And there's Joe Biden today, bragging that world leaders are begging him to run.

"It's OK when WE collude."

Glenn Greenwald: Steele dossier on Trump false, fraudulent, full of fake claims, so why did CIA's John Brennan push it?

Joe Biden 2014: 11 million illegal aliens are already Americans

Biden: Illegal immigrants are 'already Americans':

"You know, 11 million people live in the shadows. I believe they're already American citizens," Biden said Thursday at a Washington gathering of the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. "These people are just waiting, waiting for a chance to contribute fully. And by that standard, 11 million undocumented aliens are already Americans, in my view."


CCTV footage shows Muslim bomber who murdered approximately 100 Christians in one Sri Lankan church on Easter

Analysts believe the coordinated attacks at multiple locations were in the planning before the New Zealand mosque shooting took place.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Rush Limbaugh can't remember shit about shit, says impeaching Clinton reelected him when Clinton was impeached on 12/19/98, two years after his 1996 reelection

Impeachment Will Be Different for Trump Than It Was for Clinton:

A lot of people on our side — I just quoted Lindsey Grahamnesty 2.0 — are saying, “Go ahead. Go ahead, House Democrats, impeach Trump. You’ll just end up reelecting him, just like impeaching Bill Clinton reelected him.”

'Cause Democrats are poofters, Stephen

It's becoming obvious that Cher is way beyond woke, it's the rest of you who keep vacillating (including you, Bernie)

Men charged with having sex with animals sentenced to having sex with animals for 20-41 years

Forgiving student loans makes chumps of all borrowers who dutifully paid theirs off, screws lenders and does nothing to stop the unholy alliance between The Academy and The State

This fake Indian theocrat should be sent packing. Forgiveness has become the American disease.

Death wish: Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris both stake out voting rights position which makes them unelectable

Unless of course you flood the country with illegal alien criminals who will be more than happy to vote for these lunatics.