Thursday, April 11, 2019
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Minnesota's Somali Representative to the US Congress Ilhan Omar describes 9/11 as "some people did something"
Ilhan Omar Trivializes 9/11 Terrorist Attacks: 'Some People Did Something':
"CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people
did something, and that all of us were starting to lose access to our
civil liberties," Omar said.
I stand corrected: "Buttigieg" does NOT rhyme with "Buttkrieg"
It's worse than that.
It's pronounced something like "booty judge".
Uh huh.
Bernie renews his immigration restrictionist views from 2015: The world's full of poor people, we can't let them all in here
Bernie Sanders Says U.S. Can't Have 'Open Borders' Because Poor People Will Come 'From All Over the World':
“Oh my god, there’s a lot of poverty in this world, and you’re going
to have people from all over the world. And I don’t think that’s
something that we can do at this point. Can’t do it,” the senator added.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Rush Limbaugh wonders how people can call a Jewish person a white nationalist
Good point, El Rushbo!
They are innoculated against everything.
Monday, April 8, 2019
Loser in Georgia gubernatorial contest Stacey Abrams says her vote was suppressed while taking credit for turnout surge
Ding dong.
Abrams Complains Race Was Stolen Through Voter Suppression, Boasts of Huge Turnout Increases in Same Interview:
"I ran a race where … we tripled Latino turnout, Asian-Pacific
Islander turnout, increased youth participation rates by 138 percent,
increased black turnout by 40 percent, and I got the highest share of
white voters in a generation," she said. "It is not a zero-sum game, and
we have to remember that winning elections is about building the
largest coalition possible." ...
"I'm not saying I absolutely know I would have won, but we know that
thousands of Georgians had their voices stolen because they were not
able to cast ballots and they cannot be guaranteed that their votes will
be counted in 2020 if we don't do this right," she said.
Georgia voter turnout surged from 43 percent in 2014, the last governor's race year in the state, to 57 percent in 2018. ... Abrams lost by less than 55,000 votes but failed to force a runoff as Kemp continued a Republican state-wide winning streak.
However, Abrams has refused to officially concede
she lost, saying "we won," accusing Kemp of systemic voter suppression
tactics, and saying the race was "stolen" from the voters of Georgia.
Trump was going to overturn Obama's illegal DACA executive order on day one, instead he's renewed 373,610 under it since January 2018
A whopping 373,610 illegal aliens have received DACA renewal just since January 2018:
During the presidential campaign, Trump promised
to “immediately terminate President Obama’s two illegal executive
amnesties in which he defied federal law and the Constitution.”
Fast-forward almost three years later, and we see that this very amnesty
created a global incentive to come here with children and obtain
immediate amnesty. The campaign promise is long overdue, and the
consequences of keeping the amnesty culture are intensifying by the day.
Sunday, April 7, 2019
I don't care if post-Boomers don't want to hear it, we are living in a country whose real rate of economic growth has shrunk by 47% since the Great Recession
We are in deep kimchi.
And please note that Trump hasn't fixed it. The year 2015 was better than 2018.
Saturday, April 6, 2019
CNN's Amanpour thinks it's the duty of journalists to keep certain things secret, like Hillary's health
CNN’s Christiane Amanpour Formally Comes Out as Pro-Hillary, Anti-Journalism:
Where it was their job to be adversarial, journalists instead [occasionally] chose collusion and the democratic process suffered.
Now Amanpour would have us do the same, but with
“sexism” as the excuse instead of privacy concerns. It’s not sexist or
wrong or intrusive for journalists to inquire about a presidential
candidate’s health after they’ve obviously fallen ill in a public
setting, or to demand transparency from public officials. It’s just
called journalism.
Suddenly Trump is channeling Bart Simpson on immigrants: Our country is full so turn around
Trump to Illegal Immigrants: The Country Is Full, So Turn Around:
I say, and this is our new statement, the system is full. We can't take you anymore. Whether it is asylum or anything you want, illegal immigration, we can't take you anymore. Our country is full. Our area is full. The sector is full. We can't take you anymore. Sorry, can't happen. So turn around, that's the way it is.
The context of the full remarks appears to be making the case that Border Patrol can and should stop following procedures under these new, extraordinary circumstances, but without real presidential backup apart from these words I think it highly unlikely that anyone will take the risk of acting independently. The president needs to intervene in an unconventional, convincing manner, and so far this looks like just more talk with no action of that kind likely to follow.
Bart Simpson,
border patrol,
Donald Trump 2019,
illegal aliens
Friday, April 5, 2019
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