It only takes a spark to get a gaslight glowing ...
Saturday, February 16, 2019
Or does he just not know what he has signed into law?
He signs two major pieces of legislation which do the opposite of what he wants?
And then there's the case of the Angel Moms . . ..
Yesterday showed us that Trump is in fact 25th Amendment material
He didn't remember he let the drug dealers out of prison by just recently signing the criminal justice reform bill when he was riffing on executing them in the Rose Garden yesterday.
That means even if he read what was in the border deal, it didn't penetrate, didn't register, and didn't matter to him. Nothing was going to get in the way of signing the bill.
This denial of reality is religious fanaticism level stuff, courtesy of Norman Vincent Peale but grown especially virulent in this unique DNA combination known as Donald Trump.
What he needs is deprogramming, but the best thing we can do is depend on the sturdiness of our institutions, the separation of powers and the ensuing gridlock to sequester him until the voters do the intervention in 2020. This is the gift of the founders and we should embrace it and thank them for it.
Unfortunately, expect Democrats to have no mercy, but to press their advantage against crazy King Ludwig. If Republicans know what's good for them, they'll refrain from any more big compromises, but they should work with Democrats to give Trump some nice shiny objects to stroke his vanity in the meantime and keep him distracted.
Friday, February 15, 2019
This is a reversal from earlier: Still possible Trump did not know even if White House did
Fact of the matter is the contents of the spending bill are counterproductive of stated Trump goals. If no one told him that directly he wouldn't know it otherwise. He didn't read the bill, neither did the Representatives who voted on it. It was too long and there wasn't enough time. But it does suggest Trump doesn't really care enough about the issue to warrant it being his signature issue.
No way to run a country, except that's how it always is with these giant bills.
Regular order ought to involve funding one department only, every month on a schedule, but fat chance.
No one wants the responsibility of the hard work required. Everyone in Washington shoves it off on whomever they can and then blames whomever they can. Same in Michigan, where all controversial issues go to referendum.
Smoking pot isn't healthy, but now it's decriminalized here.
Trump 2020 is toast: He's screwed the immigration agenda pooch and has no icky Hillary to run against
Hillary doesn't register on any of the polls, where its Biden, Sanders and Harris in the top three with Biden in front by 18 points and Harris trailing Sanders by 6 at Real Clear Politics.
Recent California poll by Change Research has Biden tied with Harris in her own state and Sanders in third.
Joe can be the affable, non-threatening candidate of a return to "normalcy" if he works at it. But it will take work, especially by refraining from taking Trump's non-stop baiting while eschewing an extreme agenda.
So far though Democrats can't seem to help themselves in the extremes department.
Mike Lee of power hungry Legislative ignores power ceded by Trump to localities and courts in border spending deal
Plus presidents are term-limited. Senators and Representatives are not. Power of Legislative over individuals only grows with growing population because representation is fixed at 435 in the House, 100 in the Senate.
Stupid president just ceded more power and Legislative complains! GTFO! The people have to hope for one Saviour to fix everything in eight years, which is impossible, especially when we get a Trump who doesn't know what the hell he is doing.
It's why we hate you!
Ann Coulter appeared just now on The Savage Nation
Savage took the Trump bait and is focused only on the Emergency Declaration and knows nothing about the spending bill.
Mr. National Disaster totally chokes like Mitt Romney, signs border bill instead of using veto POWER
I mean he’s so blatantly stupid.
He’s a punk.
He’s a dog.
He’s a pig.
He’s a con.
A bullshit artist.
A mutt who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
He doesn’t do his homework.
He doesn’t care.
He thinks he’s gaming society.
Doesn’t pay his taxes.
He’s an idiot.
Colin Powell said it best. “He’s a national disaster.”
He’s an embarrassment to this country.
It makes me so angry that this country has gotten to this point that this fool. This bozo. Has wound up where he has.
Not even Mark Levin, Mr. Constitution, can bring himself to tell the president to veto this damn bill
What the hell is political power for, photo ops?
Are you starting to see a pattern here folks?
None of these so-called conservatives have the fire in the belly.
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